News about humanitarian aid shipments to Venezuela almost never compare how tiny a fraction this aid is relative to the devastating damage that US sanctions against Venezuela have caused, which is now at least as draconian as the pre-Iraq war sanctions were, says CEPR’s Mark Weisbrot

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By elboriyorker


32 thoughts on “US Sanctions on Venezuela Possibly Worse than Iraq Sanctions Before War”
  1. When did we just start excepting lies? Guy literally just said Trump has openly questioned why we haven’t attacked Venezuela. TDS is alive and well!

  2. Maduro wouldn't have won a fair election since 2014. And the U.S sanctions target the government officials, not the people. And its not like there were problems before them.

  3. Hi Venezuelan here.

    • The "sanctions" started in 2015 (Obama) and Venezuela has been in crisis for many years. Back in 2010 Venezuela was already experiencing shortages of food and medicine, yes before any sanctions.

    • "Sanctions" or Executive Order 13808 prohibits US Citizens from buying bonds and securities issued by the government of Venezuela or PDVSA. Executive Order 13835 prohibits transactions of any debt owed by the government of Venezuela. There is another Order about transactions with Venezuelan cripto currency. THAT"S IT!!!!

    • This does not prohibit PDVSA of doing their business which is producing and selling oil. including PDVSA. None of this "sanctions" affect PDVSA’s oil operations, the company has been doing business as USUAL for all these years;

    • There are many other "sanctions" and they target government officials, individual from the illegitimate constituent assembly, violators of Human Rights, maduro and other persons close to him.

    • The only sanctions affecting PDVSA capabilities to do business in the USA were just announced 1/28/2019… Not enough time for any consequences… don't you think?

    • None of these "sanctions" stop the Venezuelan government or PDVSA from doing business with other countries.

    • None of the “sanctions” prohibits the government of Venezuela from buying food or medicines

    Link to sanctions:

  4. The anti-war people in my country have become increasingly proactive. I wonder if they had been this proactive and widespread in the ‘60s if things would be different in Vietnam.

  5. Estoy usando el traductor de Google, por lo que la versión en español de este comentario puede no ser muy precisa, pero sé que la oposición es una minoría del 20%, por lo que puedo esperar que la mayoría de las respuestas sean de personas que no son de la oposición. Dígame, y cualquiera que lea esto: ¿disfruta de un nivel de vida aceptable? ¿Te opones a la invasión por parte del imperio estadounidense? ¿Conoce la ayuda que se permite en los países que no se oponen al gobierno de Maduro?

  6. I’m using google translate so the Spanish version of this comment may not be very accurate, but I know the opposition over there is a 20% minority so I can expect a majority of replies to be from non-opposition people. Tell me, and anybody reading this: do you enjoy an acceptable standard of living? Are you opposed to invasion by the US Empire? Are you aware of the aid being allowed in from countries which aren’t opposed to the Maduro government?

  7. “For evil to succeed, all it needs is for good men to do nothing" . Mesmerizing case of left-wing blindness in regards to Venezuela. This narrative is actually hurting left-wing worldwide if lefties position themselves to defend what’s indefensible. Thank god that some people are more nuanced and offer a bit more of a perspective that maps to real life here: |
    just to elaborate a little on this (but each of these items may be entire topics of themselves):

    1. In order to consider this a coup on a DEMOCRATICALLY elected president, we first need to consider Venezuela a democracy, which it clearly is NOT, and hasn’t been for more than a decade now, since the destruction of all institutional independence ( ) and partisan indoctrination of people (like children in public schools, for instance: ).
    2. In order to consider it a coup altogether, we must first assume there’s a legitimate president, which is NOT the case. There’s an authoritarian with at least 70-80% of disapproval ratings, that just “happened” to get 60-70% of the votes. Who right before lost the parlament and substituted it with his own puppets ( ) and also stacked the Supreme Court with his own guys as well. He also arbitrarily invoked a Constitutional assembly without consulting people (which should be the case constitutionally) beforehand, and changed the rules of who can be presented and how they’re chosen. this is just the tip of the iceberg.
    3. Juan Guaido ARBITRARILY declared himself president illegally. Considering 1. And 2., it should be clear that if a government is deemed illegitimate, and there are legal mechanisms in place to deal with such situations, then those mechanisms should apply. Juan Guaidó is employing the Constitution articles 233, 333 and 350 that in the circumstance of an absence of a legitimate president by January of the new governing cycle allow the President of the Parliament (AN) to assume charge to call for elections within the 30 days of assuming charge. This is a key point. The guy is not just assuming power arbitrarily in the hopes of remaining in power, but to call for free and fair (or at least less unfair) elections, NOT to just stay there
    4. Other governments or nations should NEVER interfere with “internal matters” of another sovereign country. This should only ever be the case, if the sovereign nation is not attempting against basic principles, such as Human Rights, or is not acting a criminal way. Venezuela nowadays is a NARCO-STATE ( ). Involved in moving about 25% of the drug movement with top politicians, army officials and close-circle friends, this government is composed of corrupt criminals, and should therefore never be treated as a “normal” sovereign nation because of this (example: first lady’s nephews sentenced for trying to smuggle 800Kg of cocaine using diplomatic passports: ).
    5. The US’s sanctions created all/most of the economic problems: complete BS. the economic problems first started even before the price of oil dropped in 2014 (they were already super sharp throughout 2013 ) and WAAAAY BEFORE any sanctions were set. also the sanctions set by the US government were initially targeted to specific sets of people (anyone linked with drug, corruption or human right violations), and most recently they have blocked financial assets of the government in response to the illegitimacy they earned themselves in the sham “elections” from Maduro. removing assets from those who don’t have the legitimacy from using them is not unreasonable, particularly more so if they’re criminals part of a narco-state authoritarian regime. Also the sanctions have made exceptions for things like medicines and food imports, which makes them even more reasonable.
    6. it’s all about the oil. We’re not stupid, it’s clear the US (especially a government so self-centered as the one lead by Trump) clearly has alternative motives. BUT this does not mean it’s not the right thing to do, putting any motivations aside. Criminal governments need to feel the pressure that only a united international community is able to achieve, and Venezuelans have no means or power to exert over them. Hitting them personally, and disabling their financial means of corruption and crime is the only way to really hurt them and set a statement of: being a criminal, has consequences. Being this said, I believe it’s s combination of motivations behind the US: Oil & business access, reducing geopolitical influence of China and Russia (which basically OWN current government and are paid in resources).

    Like a said, I’m barely skimming the top of the iceberg, and each point is an entire topic that can be analysed for hours, but it all leads to one Giant conclusion. Venezuela is messed up by a dictatorial regime where people “happen to vote”, where the government and military is composed of a mafia-like criminal organisation, and even though this criminal organisation happens to have a seat at the UN, does not mean they’re not still a criminal organisation, and it should be treated as such, not as a normal, sound, legitimate, democratic, sovereign nation.

  8. How long before the world has had enough of being bullied? Bullies eventually get clocked, it always happens. Think there isn't a significant portion of this planet that's not planning on getting even? Keep it up and our people won't have to turn on the news to see war, it'll be in our streets. I get no joy in making that prediction. As a matter of fact I fear for my family's future because of this nonsense.

  9. The same thing Bush did to Iraq and over time the impoverishment became so great that the Iraqis started turning rebels ie. ISIS which the US/NATO used for their gain but failed in Syria. I pray that they will fall in Venezuela too !

  10. Bernie would be a fair choice for president but his stance on global warming tells me that he is been bought by the green energy industry or he is too ignorant to look at the evidence clearly. That's a deal breaker!!

    Actually, his stance on keeping people dependent on government is another reason why you shouldn't vote for him.

  11. My 2 cents on this fiasco

    1- Richard Branson needs to take his albino ass out of others conflict .
    2- Karva and Guiado self proclaimed American stooge needs to jailed for treason .
    4- kudos to the Red cross for not participating and being truthful.
    5- China and Russia needs to save Venenzuela before it turns like Iraq, Libya & Syria .
    6- Venenzuelan's should not allow the Robbers in their country or else there will be chaos , destruction & death only.

  12. The more I watch the more I realize how little information the mainstream media outlets provide. Thank you to the Real News Network.

  13. You people are clueless. This latest push against Madruo started the day after Putin landed two nuclear bombers in Caracas.
    Putin is playing the US and Madruo is the pawn.

  14. I'm a Venezuelan and I feel offended by communists, living in a developed, fairly capitalist and democratic country, trying to defend a dictatorship that has been purposefully making people's lives miserable.

  15. Very interesting and good interview, and Democrats in Florida are insane, as well as treasonous, for they're clearly acting against the US Constitution. They also clearly are insane in more general terms, but either they know they're acting unconstitutionally, or they're extremely and incredibly ignorant about it. May Senator Bernie Sanders win the 2020 presidential election with a "sweeping victory", and I hope that most Americans are against what Trump et al are doing towards Venezuela.

  16. I've read through the comments and I can see some very good points about a portion of Venezuela's problems being purposefully imposed by the US and allies. But I'm having a hard time with people glorifying Chavez and Maduro making it's citizens completely reliant on the government. As a parent you want your children to be self earners and self-reliant. Wouldn't you want to set up a free market so people at least have a chance?

  17. The Corruption in Venezuelan is what broke the nation. Blaming Sanctions after years and years of corruption is nothing more than bullshit excuse to continue to steal the resources of Venezuela by the Politicians in The Maduro Government

  18. Part of the problem is that all the news in the US on Venezuela has come from opposition propoganda that wants regime change. I've even heard Bernie Sanders repeating BS opposition talking points. Even the UN investigator's report has been completely ignored because it states quite clearly that this whole thing is nonsense and there is no humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. Do you really think that Bolton and Abrams, two of the most evil ghouls of recent history are interested in helping Venezuela?

  19. This US coup against a Venezuelan "dictator" (popularly elected at the same level as Obama in 2008 via highly praised and consistent democratic system) is so Vietnam. Only there is no civil war like there was in Vietnam, but still the US effort is destructive salvation for the people through violent ideological purification–for money and power. We live in fascist nation and have for a long time now. It's getting more brazen. What's that word they always use? Emboldened? Terrorist networks are emboldened. I should say, especially when they have the backing their hegemon. USA, USA, USA.

  20. What about 2014, Aruba, Hugo Cavajal caught running cocaine through the Island with the US its destination. A rescue by Maduro using intimidation tactics instead of Cavajal's extradition to the US ?? Now the pot calls the kettle black and turns his coat or ….? Is it all just a part of the espionage game the US EU has played against Venezuela? Does anyone have anything further to add?

  21. Wake up Venezuelans,America’s Bolton already said his country only interested in the oil and smuggling arms for Venezuelans to kill its own people, America wouldn’t care as long as she has her hands on the huge oil reserves.

  22. Maduro must check those stuffs that US sent, one by one then open the packages and wrap them with his own packaging and give it to his own supporters… Problem solved….
    Believe me, many of those packages r filled by bullets and explosion stuffs

  23. Venezuela lost 30 billions because of trump sanctions then now they send toilet paper for them?!!!
    Trump threatened Venezuela, Nicaragua & cuba and this will backfire… U will see…
    How??!!!! Because Not much Yemenis or Syrian living here in US but lots of Hispanics living here…. Trump digging his own grave by these regime changes….
    Gorilla fights don't let any invasion happens anymore and globalist vampires aware of it

  24. The only latinamericans that support Maduro is the extreme left, left wing moderates don't, same goes for the us, hispanics that are mostly democrats don't support Maduro and Bernie already had trouble getting them to their side, defending Maduro will just make him more unpopular among hispanic democrats.

  25. I am very grateful for the coverage provided by the Real News. Without your objective medium, many would be none the wiser to the real situation.

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