US Unemployment Rate Hits 50-Year Low: What Does the Number Reveal and Conceal? – Everything Law and Order Blog

September’s unemployment rate dropped to a 50-year low, but what is behind this statistic, how does it affect ordinary citizens, and can Trump take credit for the drop? We discuss these questions with PERI’s Gerald Epstein

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By phillyfinest369


39 thoughts on “US Unemployment Rate Hits 50-Year Low: What Does the Number Reveal and Conceal?”
  1. Shows a disturbing lack of willing and able workers in the U.S. where I live, help wanted signs and shut down of days of businesses because of lack of workers still happens. Not as bad as Covid but still evident. How can the unemployment rate be so low yet the U.S. is so strapped for workers?

  2. The US has been sold out by the globalists, we where a road block to their control. Destroy the middle class of America and nothing will stop their control of the globe. Drumph will attempt to get us in another war soon if we don't stop the Republican control of our government.

  3. Our market doesn't' seem too stable this year and I don't understand at why they are still up. For instance: huge tariffs on our farmers by China, huge amounts of farm destruction in Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina.

    They mess with the unemployment numbers to make it look lower than it is (just like casualties from Gulf War II).

  4. It's awesome that all of the people that are working for slave wages are employed. The fast food and retail industries are thriving.

  5. Our country is dead. It exhists as a soulless zombie. We are all over regulated to the point of absurdity. Government is the largest corporation of the U.S. and it thrives by force of military against the world and taxes against us. The system exhists for itself and those who will add even more power to it. We should all fill the streets utill our chains of bondage have been released. We owe government nothing. Government owes us everything! And it better happen soon because their tricks are becoming stronger. RISE UP! WE ARE NOT PEASANTS! WE ARE NOT NUMBERS! WE ARE FLESH AND BLOOD AMERICANS!

  6. Fake BLS stats. So many + 50 workers out there who lost jobs in recession. A lot of these people wound up on SSDI.
    Real problem is no real raise in income since 2000. 5 % of the available labor pool have problems like disabilities, drug habits, past felonies, no job skills. I'm an engineer and keep getting calls from Indian IT recruiters offering me what I made back in 1990. It's like a bad joke.

  7. So unemployment rate is record low. Well, this is a great success. Meanwhile in slave societies the unemployment rate is much better – 0%. The way to go.

  8. Fake, Fake, Fake!!! Drump has lied over 5,000 times, and these numbers are just more lies. It's all just a reality show. Scripted and rewritten daily. Drump trash talk is to be completely disregarded! His chief activity is golf (code for chasing tail?), eating, and watching cable news. The government is a mere shadow of it's former self, cast afloat with people like FEMA chief Brock Long who takes his entire office home in government vehicles on Wednesday and works (?) from his home Thursday and Friday, staff in hotels. He has spent millions doing this, but comes on my TV to announce that it's the people's fault their homes get destroyed by hurricanes. He recommends buying insurance while Congress is busy ending the flood insurance program. We are a country of laws, laws that have all changed to suit the oligarch agenda. Remember, BarfK IS IN, Mueller, Sessions, and Rosenstein are out. We just got a direct text line from the President. Only the President can use this. Every smart phone in the USA. Why?

  9. The interesting thing is as a Canadian going over the border, all you see are looking for hire signs, especially for low wage work, i.e. servers, front-end, etc.. Wages in North Dakota for these jobs start at 13, meaning 17 dollars Canadian.

    The cost of living in the U.S. is so low compared to Canada, gasoline is 30% more expensive and Canada has some of the most inflated housing in the world; a comparable house is 50% more expensive by most estimates.

    Given all this, interesting enough, we don't see the same type of coverage for low wage work here in Canada, as so many people are used to what they have, you sort of take for granted how much you actually own in terms of material goods.

    We have it much harder here in Canada, as many of these entrance workers are making what 5 years of experience gets you, and the living standards get you 40% more for the same buck. But since we have such a large foreign born population, people from India and the Philippines do not complain when they move from a third world nation to a first world one. But yet in the U.S. people complain about their standard of living, no matter where they are. Because you always feels poor when you are on the bottom.

  10. Real News is going to lose its audience if if keeps putting govt apologists like Gerald Epstein on. This is a very disappointing report, though the Real News guy does try to get to the facts, but Gerald Epstein just keeps whitewashing it, obfuscating what's really going on, as most commentators to this stream can see. This report does not really get to the point of how the numbers are compiled, though it makes lip service to it. Do a better job TRNN or you'll lose your viewers.

  11. 2 masters, over ten yrs in public ed, been in and out of work in calibama for 6 yrs. I teach yoga at 100 diff places. NO GOOD jobs in calibama. Cal = military, farms, big bro and pri$ons. And the “men” here are GROSS! Paper doll, stepFord wife culture. Homeless sick people EVERYWHERE!

  12. What percent of people are on food stamps? What's the homeless population? Did these go down also?
    P.S. I don't believe anything the U.S.government tells me until I've done my own research.

  13. ©™ TMALX Transnational 🌏 Militant💥 Armed🔫Liberation⛓ Xecutive🕶 Observation ✍ ✍

    I've been posting since day one:
    Unemployment figures are bogus only count people collecting unemployment or having filed.
    This report touches on it.
    Basically goof figures.

  14. The term 'prosperity' is used in a narrow technical sense to describe an upward swing of the recurrent business cycle.
    I would use the word in the general sense, cyclical swings and mild recessions affecting capital accumulation and unemployment.
    In reality the US has fewer customers abroad. A big chunk of our current balance of payments in the red comes from not cutting down on our imports, Oil being the biggest US purchase.
    Remember when GW Bush said America is addicted to oil? That financial obligation would have to be paid eventually came almost 15 years later when Trump sold military equipment to the Saudi Prince. Some billions balanced the ledger better. Was it an effort to break this addiction to oil? Definitely not, Congress would have had to order the Pentagon to cease being the largest consumer for oil and carbon emitter if that were the case.

    The need to continue this highly privileged position depends on the US using a certain amount of restraint in resorting to the printing press giving money to other countries more than they need as additional reserves after settling their own international obligations was violated. The US was shoveling out dollars at a faster rate spelling trouble that came in 2007.
    But as the leading producer of agricultural and industrial products the US enjoyed an excess of exports over imports, a favorable trade balance from 1899 to 1970. This is no longer the world we live in today. The US is not the only leading producer of agricultural and industrial commodities and its main source of inflows and outflows US trade has been cut off and diminished with sanctions and trade tariffs the normal cycle of capital accumulation and unemployment are disrupted. Prosperity is over. Cutting back on government spending abroad, cut back on providing shipping and insurance to money owners abroad, on foreign investment and foreign diplomacy, cutting back on economic subsidies to client states, eliminates the foreign exchange costs of controlling a world wide empire of the last half of the 20th century.

    America will lose the status of the leading world currency, and America will no longer provide the US working class a middle class standard of living by means of extracting the wealth of other nations by force.
    If the material resources cannot be had from other nations because of a loss of client nations than America must turn to its own resources to maintain its military costs. That cost is borne to the society in two ways for the average working person, unemployment and a longer working day. To other social classes in society it curtails their purchasing power and property value but to the average worker, the majority of the American public, it entails longer periods of economic stagnation and unemployment and a working day exceeding human tolerance.
    This is why the GOP is big on Right to Work laws that break Unions or make absolutely impossible for workers to organize not only on the job but off it as well. They anticipate a discontented majority and the backlash occurring at the polls from this backlash push gerrymandering voting districts as a necessity to maintain political control.

    As in Brazil and other places, particularly England, the backlash from workers against the austerity and attrition to rectify the end of prosperity is expressed by rude and crass, vulgar and bigoted right wing conservatives, are causing a sweep of new worker demands. Demands that object GDP fall into the hands of arrogant rulers undeserving of the economic surplus they want to use to close budget gaps crippling accumulation for an elite and festering unemployment for the mass of working people as a consequence. In Poland 15,000 Polish workers marched in Warsaw demanding the government give the workers title to GDP, the prosperity of the last decade is their's not the government's. A remarkable working class development is certain to spread. The Argentinian mistake was to take more than it needed in IMF loans and now must cut back government spending by a minimum of 25% and lower to secure the reserves built into the loan are not depleted by inflation running rampant. America working people are next on the chopping block and should be observing what other working class movements are doing to follow suit.

    The statistics need to be recomputed at the 1950s specs not todays as THEY changed how the numbers are derived.

  16. Side note:
    If your Nation is broke and your unemployment rate is low that is a very very bad thing.
    Means everybody is working to survive.
    Even Nana and Tata.
    That is not how you run a stable economy.

  17. This is totally BS. The reason why it’s low is because the people who are no longer in the system either not working or not able to get an extension. This is a fact that if you receive the benefits it lasts for less than a year. Also if you’re still unemployed money that you paid into over the years only allows you to draw on that money. If you’re still unemployed you have to wait to reapply. This can take 3-6 months. So the reason why it’s seems to be low. Is that the round for the 2nd time one needs to reapply is months away. So it is not getting calculated and basically this is as fake as it gets. We all know the POTUS wants to take credit for this. It’s BS. People are still unemployed and there will be more as the year ends. So if he wants to speak about fake. Look in the mirror. Mr POTUS

  18. What is missing that does not account about the numbers of homeless individuals nation wide who are jobless including among those who are working but are still homeless… these people are not part of the consensus report that is mailed directly to Americans that is in their system beside the other point being a mandatory compliance to fill out and return to the reporting government agency…There are also a number of minors who are working at the legal age of 15, 16, and 17 year olds that varies from state to state having a 'work permit' with permission from their parent(s) or legal guardian(s)… Question is? Are they not included or are included in the numbers?Surely the numbers do reflect being both who are employed are Americans and legal permanent residents that has been issued their Green Card with a state government issued ID card/ Drivers Lic., or those that are here in the US on permitted work visas issued by DHS/USCIS are included in the numbers who are of legal age of 18 and above.The numbers must be broken down in categories and not lumped altogether?

  19. "US Unemployment Rate Hits 50-Year Low: What Does the Number Reveal and Conceal?"
    It reveals that the government are consistantly lying to you.
    It conceals that USA is in very deep trouble and about to go t1ts up.

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