Trump says socialism has proven a failure – Paul Jay joins Taya Graham to discuss viewer comments and questions

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By elboriyorker


30 thoughts on “Venezuela and Socialism – mailbag with Paul Jay”
  1. Editor in chief is a moron who has a position and can't adequately explain it. That's how most of the left make their points; vague and with very little substance. Socialism has failed literally everywhere it has been tried.and we've become the wealthiest and most powerful country in a few hundred years. That's Capitalism for you. Capitalism makes you rich and free while Socialism makes you poor and enslaved.

  2. Socialism has not been achieved and still is yet to be developed in Venezuela, both the US and Venezuela are capitalist societies.

    China and Russia are capitalist societies which means societies evolve into class societies. The point of socialism is to develop into a classless society, and therefore, bring class struggle to a close, end competition with cooperation. Whenever social classes make up the whole social order there is class conflict, tension, always present in these societies though at times subtle, handled, and other times blatant, mishandled by the ruling classes in power. Only fools bamboozled by indoctrination deny the presence of social class as a source perpetual conflict even when its form of appearance is a racist one party rule state or as a social democracy with parliamentary procedures. There are societies still in this world with one foot in the 18th century, societies with peasant social classes, slaves, loyalty to family, chief, tribe, communal lands and the other foot in the 21st century with kids loyal to the Almighty Dollar and America's car culture. Get a grip on reality of the state of the world, its a starkly contrasted place where socialism has not even taken root to make a difference. The class struggle has been and still is the engine of human history. 

    Its time people realize that fact, deniers have amplified social conflict into an international struggle and competition for survival. We can talk about socialism's mistakes and opportunities when class conflict is no longer driving societies either forward or backward until then Trump will aways remain a demagogue likely to end as America's King Lear. 

    Venezuela and the US are a competition for oil markets that consume the most oil. The larger the quantity of oil consumed the bigger the profits. 
    Any vacuum that is created in this competition is immediately filled by a rival and this is the Achilles Heal of Trump as an individual who uses people and then leaves them flat.
    As the US and Venezuela are rivals in the oil market, the use of sanctions by the larger capitalist nation is a weapon in that war of competition. 
    In competition the main aim of each rival is to destroy the other, both have the same goal, when one dies its market share is absorbed by the winner. Winner takes all making the winner a monopoly capitalist organization controlling a greater share of the oil market. All this drama rests on the American consumer demand for oil, that the wars of competition start out as economic and end up as political wars carried on to meet a particular class interest.

    In the 1970's oil-bearing nations were a threat to the American oil industry. Expansion was held back by OPEC rivals. Never again said the American oil executives. Venezuela is in that position to supply the largest oil consumer with the lowest price. America is addicted to oil said GW Bush. America's car culture is the reason for the addiction. Auto, aviation, fabrications industries is where all high-end technology developed by these industries goes into vehicles than it goes into homes, buildings, infrastructure. Oil will always be still the biggest import commodity of the US to support its car culture. Survival depends on the car because jobs are not dispersed out from the cities and into the rural.

    Behind the distraction campaigns the Trump administration deregulates oil drilling permits off the Atlantic Coast. 
    What has radically changed from the 1970's is the 'free world'. The world today looks more like what the world was in WWI with a smattering of 8 rival capitalist nations with colonial ambitions. Its everyman for himself, all nations on their own, as it were, divide the world by means of war, winner takes all, brings us closer to a situation of a world of empire and revolution with more dictatorships than empires and revolutions bursting at the seams and the earth bleeding. CIA is playing Whack-A-Mole, trying to quell terrorist organizations. Since terrorism and the state are bonded as rivals, they need each other to survive, terrorism cannot exist in a world of cooperation but only in the context of competition as an instrument of the institutional violence.

    This is my answer to Trump claim socialism failed.

  3. Too short of a video for a topic like this. I’m not saying that it should be like a college lecture, but 12 minutes is just too short.

  4. Btw, we don’t have oil in Finland. We have oil companys, but not the oil. Even tho one company is making diesel out of crease(fat).

  5. Off topic but relevant. This woman is about my complexion and well presented and pretty. The topic is of course important. I chose to watch this video because the picture drew me. She sounds great to me and I think she's talking truth. As well as I understood the topics prior we agree. Is this the effect that Megan Kelly and Laura Ingram have on white men. Her expert looks like a relative. My basic hairline. Not quite white. Smart articulate. I believe him and his statement matches my preconceived notions. Is this how white people feel watching Fox or oan. I like this program. Is this what white people feel watching TV all of the time?

  6. You can try to twist government programs by saying they are "Socialistic" and "Socializes" but, in the end it is not socialism at all.
    Medicare for All, is not Socialism
    Postal Service, is not Socialism
    No government program, even Social Security, is Socialism.

    This conflation to try and sell actual Socialism has to stop. Luckily the super majority of Americans haven't fallen for this trick.

  7. A completely unprepared Paul Jay makes a total mess out of two simple questions. To begin with, it is foolish to compare the economy of a small country, which depends on one single source of income, with the multi-diverse economy of a giant country.
    The crisis in Venezuela begun with the sudden fall of the price of oil, to which followed the illegal boycotts and sanctions imposed by the US regime. It is all related to the US interests and it has nothing to do with the socialist system of Venezuela.

  8. Paul is an honest thinker in my opinion. I rarely hear this type of nuanced analysis on Youtube (many tend to define things in very binary or absolute definitions). I appreciate.

  9. I will be very irrelevant : but it was funny to see his foot at the beginning (NOT funny lack of empathy, just funny the camera was set that way at first). Yes, sorry, I am very off topic: back to the video.

  10. Too many people are too lazy to research the definitions of Social Democracy, Democratic Socialism, Socialism, and Communism.
    Doesn't help when Bernie and AOC call themselves Democratic Socialists when their policies are actually Social Democratic.

  11. Is not socialism in Venezuela. Venezuela has latifundistas and busonessmen that in fact were sabotaging the attempts of the Government to create socialistic programs. Venezuelan central bank is still in private hands. The United States is an Empire. Sanders is not talking about the Need to desmatle the Empire.

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