In an exclusive interview with TRNN, Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza says Guaido has not accepted the Pope’s offer to negotiate since he is being directed by Washington

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By elboriyorker


25 thoughts on “Venezuela’s Foreign Minister: “Washington Hijacked Guaidó””
  1. Señor Jorge Arreaza: you should had taught about bombing attacks before your army attacked the pemon tribe and the youngsters in both border lines (Colombia and Brazil) you speak for your supporters only

  2. The country of Venezuela need our help and our solidarity+ support from all of us. The Falcons and there bunches of Venderores de patria/sarapatrosos trying to take control of the petroleum. Latinamerica open your eyes!

  3. Excellent interview to Jorge Arreaza. I was there as an observer of the May 20th 2018 election. Indeed, of the 15 people I had the opportunity to interview, 10 stated they voted for President Maduro. I could witness the infallibility of the Venezuelan electoral system which has been also confirmed on several occasions by the Jimmy Carter Foundation. The hypocrisy of the USA ultra-right wing and the Consensus of Washington who claim they are concerned about the "violation" of human rights allegedly perpetrated by the Bolivarian government is outrageous and absurd! If they were truly worried they would stop the war that on several fronts they have unleashed against the Venezuelan government; they should solve the extreme poverty existing in their own territory, where hundreds of homeless survive on the streets; where millions of North American people can not receive medical attention; where millions of students have to incur in huge debts to pay for their education. All these rights have been guaranteed by the Bolivarian Revolution. What the greedy plutocrats within and outside USA want is to get control over the enormous resources that Venezuela possesses and that since President Chavez took over government, have been used for the wellbeing of the majorities until then ignored by the neoliberal regimes under the grip of USA imperialism. #USAHandsOffVenezuela

  4. In LA people are hypnotized by the media. Truth has to be told somehow, as a Chilean person who knows how our country end up being after the coup in 73, in afraid what can be done to Venezuela. Trutu has to be told, for the future of this continent

  5. Senyor Arreaza, por enesima vez, me saco el sombrero en un saludo a usted, a su Senyor Presidente Don Nicolas Maduro Moro, a su noble causa realizada por El Comandante Don Hugo Chavez, que en paz descance, y genialmente instituida por todos los Venezolanos en ley que hoy respalda al pueblo Venezolano contra este bruto asalto del hegemon del Norte.
    Ese grandazo abusivo, super-crecido por las papas fritas, las hamburgesas, y los baldes de pollo frito que tan avidamente consume, prepontente y vanidoso, tan ignorante que solo conoce la guerra y la invasion por golpe de estado a paises en America, desde hace mas de cien anyos, y que siempre pretende enganyar que esta del lado de la justicia, que es el defensor de los derechos humanos, el promotor de democracia y libertad en todo el mundo, y pronto en todo el universo con la creacion de Space Force, y quien ahora pretende invadir la Republica Bolivariana, la patria del Libertador de America, Don Simon Bolivar, esta deludido y siempre lo ha estado. La vida al estilo "American" que el hegemon mantiene solo es posible si el hegemon sigue creciendo, como Heliogabalo tragando todo y a todos a su alrededor, sin darse cuenta en su ignorancia que pronto no podra moverse y sera captivo de su propio peso, y si no cae por su propio peso, los Liliputianos vamos a lazarlo, atarlo, y amordazarlo, desde adentro y desde afuera la resistencia esta creciendo y tenemos la autoridad moral que otorga estar de lado de la verdad y la justicia.

  6. This foreign minister is a good men candidate for Venezuela after Maduro finished his term. He is eloquent well educated good speaker in any interview. Guaido is a fool doesn't know about foreign affairs. Also belongs to a neo nazi movement of the extreme right of Venezuela.

  7. Stand tall Venezuela. America is always attacking countries of color. I feel great shame as an American at what Trump and his cronies are doing to Venezuela. It’s a disgrace.

  8. But the sanctions have just been put in place a month ago. The people of Venezuela have been starving and fleeing for years now. What was going on with the money before?

  9. 100 por 100 comparto su mensaje señor cansiller desde nuestro territorio americano compartemos las mismas desiciones somo pueblo somos humanos y nunca estaremos afavor de una invacion militar a nuestros hermanos venozolanos viva la paz viva la Democracia manos fuera de Venezuela venesuela se respeta y los problemas de Venezuela el gobierno venezolano los solucionara y carcel para ese impostor ridiculo de loco mediocre que se pronuncia presidente interino Venezuela tiene ya su presidente y no está enfermo mucho menos loco y el no a renunciado a su cargo y si no lo saven pues sepanlo se llama Nicolás maduro viva la Democracia viva la libertad viva el respecto alo ajeno viva la paz.

  10. You're such a liar everything happining in Venesuala is terrible because the people suffer no money, no food and they have to eat from the rubbish bins and what about the children dying with no medicine and no food. You're government is such selfish.

  11. Mr.Minister Jorge Arreaza,receive my admiration and respect.I’m impressed with you knowledge and way to respond to the questions,as well as the way you conduct your self.all this reflects the sincerity and plain truth of you statement.

  12. These people are thieves, he is a criminal with no conscience, I call for an intervention, he is liar as all of them are these are criminals, all the countries right and left. Maduro stole the lections this was a fraud.

  13. He is not telling the truth because he perfectly know that an interim president of Venezuela is legitimate by the National Assembly. He is taking advantage of you because you don’t know how our constitution works. In reality you are interview an not legitimate member of the UNO . But as a radical left member he has to repeat a lie in order to converter it to a truth, which is not going to happen. He is defending the power of the criminal gangs operating right now in Venezuela. He is a liar! He as a maduros gang member, needs to protect where their money come from but he lie about it saying that the one who are interested in the oil and Venezuela treasures are others. You miss need to interview the legitimate people of Venezuela

  14. Presentation of the theme:
    "Finally, the answer to why the world is so bad!" After 96 years, the best-kept secret in history was discovered: since December 23. " – Presentation transcript:

    2 finally

    Finally, the answer to why the world is so bad: after 96 years, the best kept secret in history was discovered: since December 23, 1913, the Federal Reserve Bank seized the United States and the great Most of the world does not know it. By their will wars are declared, bombings are financed (twin towers, bombing in London, bombing in Madrid), presidents are murdered (Jaime Roldos, Omar Torrijos, Kennedy, Warren Harding, McKinley, James Garfield, etc.), massive destruction weapons. (Carlyle, Bechtel, Lookheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, McDonnell Douglas, Boeing, Northrop Grumman). These bankers own the media (FOX, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, BBC, New York Times, Washington Post, etc. .) Use the strategy of distracting the population with shallow TV programs, short-term technology products, reality shows and cartoons that ridicule family values. News of murders and crimes with the purpose of destroying little by little our trust in our neighbor, avoiding the union of people and the revolted popul world

    3 The Federal Reserve owns the NSA, the CIA (school of terrorists), the Pentagon, the BIS, the IMF and the World Bank, as well as having a vote in the United Nations and NATO. Powerful of the powerful: the main mafia familiesthatown the Federal Reserve: 1. Rothschild family (London, Berlin and Israel) 2. Rockefeller family (USA and Israel) 3. Morgan family (England) 4. Warburg family (Germany) 5. Family Risk (Paris, France) 6.Moses Family Israel Seif (Italy, Israel) 7. Family Kuhn, Loeb (Germany and the USA) 8. Family Lehman Brothers (USA) 9. Family Goldman Sachs (USA) These mega-rich families and their descendants are untouchable by justice and exempt from taxes for Life. Every time they do an economic rescue, they are really BUYING the banks and financiers of the world, slowly taking over the country they are saving. Forbes magazine is a farce that shows only second-tier popular millionaires like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet. managing to divert attention from illicit activities com mitigated by the true mega rich within the Federal Reserve.

    4 There is no government, president or army that is above them, we present them to the Chiefs of the President of the United States. UU Working together with the powerful Bilderberg group, the CFR, the Tavistok Institute and the CIA, they form the Elitethatdecides which country to attack, what president to kill, what terrorist attack to finance, what economic crisis to plan, what pandemic to invent. If the fortune of these two people were distributed to the 6 billion people who inhabit our planet, each one would touch three million dollars. … Yes! … I hear it well: 3 million dollars! Look at them well: They are the President's bosses!

    5 The masterpiece of the Federal Reserve was the auto-attack of the Twin Towers. Using the power of the conviction of the television channels, a false video was shown in which an actor posing as Bin Laden proclaimed himself as the author of the attack. explosives placed by CIA agents and planes prepared by the US Army. Tests: 1) Collapse in the style of controlled demolition of both towers, it is seen with the naked eye.2) Disappearance of videos showing explosions well below which the plane is collided and where molten metal is seen to fall (airplane fuel) never melts the metal.) 3) Collapse at 5 pm of a THIRD TOWER (WTC 7) without any aircraft having touched it. 4) Remains of Thermite (powerful explosive used in the demolition industry) found on the site of the towers.5) Al Qaeda is the name that the CIA gave to the movement of the mujahideen who fought against the Soviet Union in the 1980s. The most hypocritical accusation in history! of oil and planned the attack to loot Iraq's oil fields, trade with human organs and the appropriate fields of Poppy / Opium drugs from Afghanistan, which they export to countries like China and their cheap labor7. What impact on the pentagon was not an airplane, witnesses silenced saw a missile tele-directed to an area under construction of the pentagon where there were almost no offices. That's why you saw only one hole and not the wing markings of the supposed plane Continue.

    6 8) After self-attack, the relatives of the real Bin Laden (Bush's oil partners) were given facilities to leave the US and not respond to the press. 9) TV presentation of a fraudulent list of alleged terrorists who piloted the planes, when most of them were not even in the US. 10) The announcement made to Aaron Russo (famous politician and filmmaker) at a party of Nick Rockefeller, where he confessed that an event (bombing) would help the US take the oil from Iraq, 9 months before the Self-attack occurred! The Banker-Oil Mafia of the Federal Reserve is the origin of the evils of our current world, All wars, attacks, provocations (against North Korea / Iran), the story of the Flu A (business of the company Gilead Sciences of Donald Rumsfeld, Bush's defense secretary), the global crisis anticipated by the co-located Wall Street high-frequency supercomputer. All this and many other things that we will never know, have their origin in the decisions made by the mafia banker-oil families of the Federal Reserve. Now you know it: It's not the devil, not the aliens, not the sects, not the reptilians that cause evil in the world, it's just a Private Bank that thanks to a secret coup d'état happened in 1913, now leads the nation most powerful on the planet.
    7 What can I do? Simply forward this message, because if the Federal Reserve is still in power, it is thanks to Total ignorance of the world population. Benefits for all if the Federal Reserve does not govern: 1) End of the wars: because the Federal Reserve would stop handing over money to the congress and would prevent companies (Harriburton) from making a profit with death. 2) There would be no global crises, they would only affect the countries that generate them. 3) The terrorist attacks financed by the CIA would end as an excuse to steal natural resources and intervene in the governments of the world. 4) Free access to the Cure of Cancer and AIDS, which are jealously guarded at the Rockefeller Institute. 5) It would begin the era of the Ecological Electric Car, appeared in 1996 (EV1-GM) and destroyed 6 years after its launch by the banker-oilmen. 6) Drop in inflation worldwide because they would stop printing trillions of dollars by the Federal Reserve 7) cheaper food for all due to the end of monopolies controlled by the Federal Reserve that prohibit countries to import and not.

    8 Another proof of this is the perverse persecution and false charges created by the Federal Reserve against citizen Julian Assange (owner of, only for spreading the truth about tortures and murders of innocent civilians and children in the war of oil looting. in Iraq. Watch video on Youtube collateral murder subtitled (before it is erased) where it shows an American helicopter machine gunning mercilessly a truck with two children on board, after mowing down a group of civilians who quietly walked down the street. Julian Assange represents what can happen to us as free citizens, if we continue to let people ignore what the Federal Reserve does to the world. We have returned to the time of the inquisition and no one notices! Before to torture an innocent person was accused of Heretic or Atheist, now he is accused of Terrorist. And instead of walking the victim before the crowd, they destroy it by exposing it on TV worldwide, so everyone believes the story. For those who do not believe:

    9 For those who do not believe and want to investigate on their own * Books (most available on the internet): Secrets of Daniel Estulin's Bilderberg club Hitler won Walter Graziano's war Nobody saw Walter Graziano's Matrix Confessions of an economic Ganster by John Perkins * Documentaries (most on youtube): Zeitgeist Addendum by Peter Joseph End Game by Alex Jones ZERO inchiesta sull' 11 settembre by Giulietto Chiesa America Freedom to fascism by Aaron Russo Farenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore Power of the Nightmares BBC * Forbidden Movies in the US: Valley of the Wolves, Iraq by Kurtlar Vadisi Redacted by Brian de Palma South of the Frontier of Oliver Stone The International by Tom Tykwer
    10 The cruel Federal Reserve can continue to reign in the world 100 years more if you keep your secret or … Hurry your fall, if more people like you find out about this. Forward this message, Now If We Need You! Let's avoid the upcoming wars planned by the Federal Reserve within the next 25 years: Against: Iran, Palestine, Libya, Ivory Coast, Yemen, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela, Pakistan, Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia (when oil is exhaust) China and Russia

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