Journalist Chris Hedges says both Republican and Democratic elites are happy to discuss race, gender, religion, and any politics of identity—as long as you don’t connect it to class divisions.

Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget:

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Audio Engineer: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju
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By elboriyorker


20 thoughts on “Want to Build Class Solidarity? Learn to Talk About Race”
  1. Chris Hedges: We can't build an effective political opposition in one election. We can't reform the Democratic Party or the System from within. We need to attack it from the outside by build a strong Independent Coalition & Party.

  2. Chris Hedges: The #Oligarchs don't want #ClassSolidarity and they quite effectively through many mechanisms including destroying Labor Unions. Only about 11% of workers in the U.S. are Uninoinzed, only 7% of public employees are Uninoinzed. Many cannot strike which is the only effective tool that Union workers have. So the #Oligarchs have created the greatest wealth & income inequality in history.

  3. Chris Hedges: The Democratic Party has betrayed #WorkingClass men & women:
    1994 Omnibus Crime Bill, which doubled the prison population
    Deregulation of FCC which consolidated the Media Industry into 6 corporations
    Repeal of Glass-Stegall which removed the wall between Commercial Banks & Investment Banks
    Destruction of welfare (70% of recipients were children)
    Mass Surveillance
    Imperial Wars

  4. I have been saying this same thing for a decade. The media tries to spin discourse to be about race, but it is economic. Everything is about money. The goal is to get the masses to forget that.

  5. Chris Hedges, on point, as always. That – by American establishment standards – 'four letter' phrase, class solidarity.
    White supremacy cut it's teeth on an 'Upstairs, Downstairs', 'Downton Abbey' vision of the world. As James Baldwin pointed out decades ago, that vision is obsolete.
    Zombie like – it's dead, but wont lay down, and is trying to devour us all.

  6. It is about class with Black voters. Those that vote are middle-class or aspire to get there. They vote their economic interest. Don't let the rhetoric fool you. We are not that concerned with housing, mass incarceration, certainly not the environment. How could we, when we are not concerned about the violence and drug addiction that has existed in our communities for a half century. The Left if they want Blacks as allies need to stop not being unwilling to criticize us. Hedges is absolutely correct about Sanders tone deafness. He as been a terrible campaigner. He should have presented an in debt argument against addressing the issue of reparations. That would have shone leadership. He relied on the same talking points when, more nuances and elaboration was needed. It is almost like he has been sabotaging his own campaign. The Left moving forward would do well to hash out this unresolved issue of the color-line and establish on a consensus of where we stand on it and how we are to proceed on it. We have to establish, if in fact, we all can agree, that it is undoubtedly tied to the issues of class and wealth.

    W.E.B Dubois said the question of the 20th century would be the question of the color-line. The question of the 21 century is, what is a fair amount of compensation for a person's labor/efforts or contribution? Another question inside of that one is, given we live in a competitive society, naturally there will be winners and those that don't, how then should the individuals who don't win, view themselves, and how should society view those that don't win? The answer to the color-line question may very well be contained in how we as a society answer this question of the 21st century.

  7. What does one do under an oppressive tyrannical system (labor camps, political imprisonments and torture, murders) ? Sexual preference riots with a rainbow flag of course. Because the West is oppressive folks.

  8. Class trumps all the systemic injustices? I thought one’s choice of sexual organ use was at the core of all injustice. Or being a woman reaching for a multimillion dollar position. The rest derives from those.

  9. 7:12 Keep avoiding the elephant in the room. Sanders policy will destroy black communities across the country. Latinos don't care because they are "passing" and white folks tolerate them. Who has the most college debt? Who has the most college degrees in America?

  10. 3:36 Great question. Poor white people are Okay as long as poor black people are below them. They like that system and thus will never do anything to change it.

  11. This is like the last time I ever follow this network.

    Class solidarity is impossible in this country given the conditioning that's happen for decades.

    Let's just go back to talking identity politics…go back to sleep.

  12. 10:20 "I've always felt bernie was racially tone deaf… fully understand why he might not connect to African Americans. He's moved since 2016. He knows very little about the reality and they sense that."
    What a load of cr*p. There are pics of him protesting segregation alongside black women in the 60s. He marched with MLK back then. So how do u get "moved since 2016"? He's the only one who speaks up against police brutality. He's one of the poorest senators, grew up in a modest family. Then how do u get "racially tone deaf…inability to connect"? If u fully understand why – can u explain it? Instead u end ur analysis with "dont wanna speak for them. I'm only guessing." It cant be both: "I fully understand…" on one hand and "I'm only guessing." "He knows little about the reality…" Can u be more specific? Poor pushback from the reporter.

  13. I agree with Chris Hedges. If Bernie Sanders doesn't get the Democratic nomination, then he should run as an independent.
    That would mean that we'd have to deal with trump for four years, but one of the two corporate parties would be destroyed, completely…
    Incidentally, if the Democratic party nominates Biden, we'd still have to deal with Trump for four more years anyway!

  14. I don't think they voted for Biden….these places have been purged out for black and brown people. I don't trust it. He didn't even visit those states. Symone didn't cost those states. I think the same people who where registering others changed the voting party on paperwork. I don't trust the WP as far as I can see them

  15. Perfectly sumerized. The ruling Economic Elite (Upper class) are never going to willingly allow informed debate pertaining to class, as that is how they rig the system globally. The sellout leaders in the developing world are also from the same ruling order or thugs put in place to maintain that order. This issue needs to be covered more within the alternative media… Respect to you Real News Network!!!

  16. I disagree. Talking about race is a distraction, it manufactures consent so we blame each other and the political parties. All working people of all races need to unite and reject both political parties. Talking about race holds us back. Class does Trump all, and class is how we fix it.

  17. Race solidarity is absolutely vital to release the death grip of these wealthy elites. The weeping, dripping, oozing pus that is Trump is a symptom, and Biden is the same cancerous tumor as the Clintons, Bush and Obama.
    We will need to eliminate both the Rethuglicans and Dumocrats.

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