The international proxy war on Syria destroyed more than $388 billion in physical capital, according to a UN commission. But political economist Ali Kadri says this conservative figure underestimates the damage imperialism does to humans, and how such destruction is inherent in capitalism. Ben Norton reports.

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By elboriyorker


34 thoughts on “War Bled Syria of c. $400 Billion – and Human Cost of Imperialism Is Even Higher”
  1. ราคาแค่นี้เหรอชีวิตทั้งหมดรึเปล่า🤭การเริ่มจากหิน🤭ยืนเฉยกันเลย เถื่อนรึเปล่า🤭🤣🤭ต้องประมูลรึเปล่า🤭

  2. I thought the UN was unreliable because the UN has spent 6 years reporting on war crimes perpetrated by the Syrian government? Funny how tankies pick and choose when the UN, SaveTheChildren, Amnesty International, Doctors Without Borders are and aren't a reliable source of information.

  3. This was pushed by the psychotic illness of Israel, Israel came from the war camps then they stole the land and set down THEIR rules and became the worst country to be abusive against the people that stood on the land prior to the arrival of those from the prison camps NO country wanted an influx of this type of people. Put psychotic people filled with hatred and revenge and you get ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence SERVICES Mossad would be the most likely and known title to give them. When the Hareetz papers blazoned across their news article US give green light to Mossad to murder Iranian general it scared me into giving this information to whoever I could…. Israel pushed the US, ONCE AGAIN (see YouTube Netanyahu speaking with US) into taking their side, same as when the war broke out in Iraq, the MURDER of Saddam Hussein was the most evil, wicked deed the US has ever done, as Saddam knew about the religious sects and had to use the force required to keep the religious sects at bay. Using humanitarian crisis is an undercover of wanting a change of power in government official, in any country that acts against the US, the US is the aggressor in every case. SAME is happening with YEMEN, the Saudis took the AMERICAN side, since Trump showed his hand of being of hyper-intelligence given to him by Netanyahu, that is my opinion and I stick by it.

  4. It wasn’t a spontaneously erupting civil war capitalized upon by the US & others. The US & partners empowered & incited a minority bloody protest and then empowered & incited a diabolical invasion by Wahhabi/Salafi militants backed by the US & partners.

  5. The professor almost lost his mind over the destruction of his country. It's painful even to watch. The mind boggling, pathological, diabolic plan was hatched by neocons who are destroying humanity itself. We are witnessing the collapse of a civilization.

  6. "WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."

  7. i dont understand why the reporting on such an important topic has to be entangled with a rather obscure criticism of capitalism in general…

  8. Including the proper order of magnitude of the consequences of our foreign policy contributes to our understanding of the order of magnitude of how well loved we are around the world.

  9. But is not Syria a threat to the US way of life and security???
    Like Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and for that matter Vietnam…


  10. The Syrian scintists will be wellcom in the USA and Europa but the crippels and unproductiv syrian will be send back .
    The Syrian sientist will patent their invations in the USA and will make America rich again.

  11. Capitalism's need to destroy capital, as Kadri is describing, isn't a conscious political agenda, nor is it limited to US imperialism. It's a "Metabolic or organic process" of capitalism that is realized through war.. *all war*, not just that of US imperialism. Only the end of capitalism itself can stop this process. US imperialism is just the current vehicle for this process, it is not what causes it.

  12. Those international war criminals needs to be put behind bars, but no, it sounds those criminal establishments will put UN in prison if UN try to do anything good about it. Unfortunately!

  13. It is sad and I get the points raised by Ali Kadri but why would capitalism have depopulation tendencies? It needs workers to exploit and to buy the goods and services produced. Even the state wants a larger tax base. Can somebody clarify this depopulation tendency of capitalism cause it doesn't seem to cohere with the Marxist framework Kadri uses in his analysis.

  14. Looks like you kinda figured out that it all ties to the 'Arab Spring' [?] of course it was the western special interests operational plans for the Middle East and would of also benefited Israel making the 'Greater Israel' a reality plus other spoils of war…However, Iran was the last on the agenda to being the 'pocket' encirclement if Arab Spring was a full success to do so?In addition back in 2011 was also a major pipeline deal between Syria, Iraq, and Iran with business and contracted deals with Russia and China that would serve the Middle East and the majority region of the Mediterranean that is worth billions…The western powers and their co-partnerships as you probably can guess which nations are involved wanted to put a stop and kill that deal and of course each involved party had their own stakes once Assad is removed with regime change with the influence of the US to form the new Syrian government and also to establish a US/NATO base to have a dominating regional control and to further contain pressure upon Russia and China…

  15. His long speech on capital's destructive, extractive nature may be accurate and Syria's destruction obvious, but still both are moot points given an ice free arctic 2019 or 2020 will kill everyone in that entire region with scorching temps in a blink. Even wealthy Israel and Saudi Arabia are adios…in a blink.

  16. Assad was elected by 86% of his people, Israel has stolen the Golan for Rothschild creating Genie Oil. How come they own 80% of Israel?

  17. I'm glad this guy is explaining this, Everyone says Iraq and Libya were a failure and I disagree… The point was obviously to destroy these ppl and Countries!

  18. It’s even more like 10 times 400billion if you buy the idea that Syria could have built a oil and gas pipeline to Europe. Any further bombings over there are going to cause a nuclear war. Nostradamus saw it all.

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