The IPCC report concludes that unfettered climate change will cause glaciers to melt, destroy oceanic ecosystems, accelerate sea level rise, and wreak havoc on the earth. Despite all this, our guests say there still is hope.

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By elboriyorker


33 thoughts on “Warming Oceans Are Rising at Alarming Rate, Says New UN Report”
  1. Why aren't coastal property prices falling? So you are saying the smartest and richest people in the world don't see what is happening (if they thought rising oceans were a danger they would be dumping their coastal properties). Obama has a mansion (one of three) right on the water. When the smartest and richest people sell I will know this is a thing.

  2. What about the sea level rise by the year 2000.cape cod was gonna wash away. Then how come there still given loans out for Costa bulding.? You just want to stop India from buying cars.

  3. False information, to see what is really going on read this-July 2019, 2 Norwegian ice breakers were attempting to enter the Arctic Bering sea near Greenland (for science experiments). They had to turn back because the new 1st year ice was too thick! The first one encountered 2 meter ice (approx 6 feet), the second in a different area encountered 3 meter ice (approx 9-10 feet). This is summer time in the arctic. (Grand Solar Minimum channel 7-31-2019). They also reported that NOAA data from the first 6 months of 2019 show a below normal temperature average. The last actual high temperatures were in 2016 (at the peak of the last Solar Maximum). The NOAA recorded data shows a steady reduction in temperatures ever since. Colorado had the first ever snow fall in July at higher elevations, approx 4-8 inches. 31 million acres of crops in the USA were not planted in 2019 due to massive snows and flooding, easily breaking many 100 year records.

    The rate of volcanic eruptions is increasing dramatically. California has recently had tar oozing from the ground under city sidewalks (probably near LaBrea tar pits). The Global warming models do not even attempt to say why this is happening. Their models predictions have always failed miserably. They are simply an effort to tax us into poverty! Al Gore infamously said our children would never see snow again, WRONG. Massive cold and snows all over the world, as well as massive rain events (due to record high Cosmic rays hitting the earth). The Grand Solar Minimum theory accounts for all of the climate events we are now seeing, using science. It is NOT high CO2 levels. 90 Prominent Italian scientists recently wrote a letter opposing the Global warming myth. Weather in the Midwest has been much cooler than average this year, with much more rain and flooding. We are already seeing canned food shortages (such as green beans and corn) in stores due to cold weather events ruining crops.

    I think it was the year 1816 (another Grand Solar Minimum) that was called the year without a summer due to the Tambora volcanic eruption. Dr Roy Spencer climatologist from the University of Huntsville Alabama constantly posts satellite climate data. The Grand Solar Minimum You Tube Chanel also posts satellite data. The assertions you made in this video are sloppy reporting. You are presenting all climate events as human caused when they are not. Solar cycles are the main climate change influence per a number of respected scientists, such as Dr Spencer and Dr Valentina Zharkova (she is a very respected Astrophysicist). The massive snow storms with following flooding (winter of 2018) were caused by low solar sunspot activity. The Greenland glacier area increased by over 1 mile and 100 feet increased ice thickness in the winter of 2018. The arctic ice is a lot thicker than it was last winter (5 meters thick). Antarctic ice melting in one area is caused by the 90 formerly dormant volcanoes that are now active under the ice. NASA article also states it is the sun. Please check out my assertions.

    Carbon capture technology is an extremely expensive joke. Planting trees or letting them grow naturally is a much better carbon capture option. In most of the eastern ½ of the US you have to mow down trees to keep them from taking over. I am NOT a fan of Oil companies, and will be glad to see them go, but wind and Solar are intermittent. At best 30% wind usage rate. Solar requires a $30-50K system to even hope to get enough energy in the winter, and is again very intermittent. Batteries are still very expensive. I really like electric cars and look forward to getting one, but can’t afford it now. Plants STOP growing when CO2 levels fall to 150ppm, and grow twice as fast at 1,000ppm with no problems (see below)

    FYI Greta Thunbergs’ female handler is employed by ONE which is funded by George Sorros. The Communists and Socialists have brainwashed and weaponized children in the past. It appears they are doing it again. If it is actually such a climate emergency (it is not, see why below) why did Greta and her friends NOT accuse China, which emits the most CO2 by far of any 3 other countries. China's air is so bad that people can’t breathe and are dying in large numbers. France and Germany have been working on reducing greenhouse gasses for years. The Germans are paying through the nose for green energy. The French are doing well on CO2 but only because they get most of their (cheap) energy from nuclear plants, which Germany is shutting down. Greta decided to accuse both of these countries! Why? The USA already has the largest reduction in CO2 of ANY country in the world! (the current teapot nuclear reactors are the safest form of energy (by far) despite having major built in problems, (Generation IV molten salt liquid fueled thorium nuclear plants appear to be our best option for zero carbon energy. They resolve ALL of the nuclear problems).

    Per climate scientist Dr J R Christy in Congressional testimony in 2016- All of the climate change computer models drastically overestimate the temperature rise by 2 to 3 times the actual rise of .3C (that is Point 3 degrees C total rise) (see below).

    Princeton Physicist Dr William Happer rebuts myth of carbon pollution,
    You Tube video April 14 2018. Aug 1991 he was appointed President Bush’s director of energy research in the Department of energy, 2013 talk he oversaw a $3B budget including environmental science and many other areas. Current National Security Council Technology adviser under President Trump.

    He states that CO2 levels have been all over the map through geologic ages, much of the time CO2 levels have been between 1,000ppm-2,000ppm. Plants stop growing at 150ppm. Many greenhouses add CO2 up to about 1,000ppm. Submarines start removing CO2 when it reaches a level of 5,000ppm.higher CO2 levels reduces plant water usage a lot Space ships remove CO2 above 7,000ppm. Water vapor is far more important 96-99% of the greenhouse gas effect. CO2 total effect may be 3%, human caused CO2 may be .05% to .25%. Earth is not warming plant growth doubles at 1,000ppm from400ppm USA CO2 emissions peaked in the early 2000’s, and have been decreasing ever since, due to reduced coal burning and increased natural gas burning.

    Edge of Wonder You Tube 8-13-2019 The Deep State Climate Change Agenda pt1
    You Tube 9-4-2019 The Deep State Climate Change Hidden Agenda pt2
    Reviews information and data from both sides of the Global Warming controversy.

    8-19-2019 Dan Bongino show excerpt from Wall Street Journal Editorial board article dated Aug 16 2019 approx 53 minutes.
    Titled A Kamikaze Climate Suit.
    …Also note that energy-related CO2 emissions declined by 14% in the U.S. from 2005 to 2017 while increasing 21% globally. Most of the U.S. reduction was due to natural gas replacing coal. Carbon dioxide emissions fell five times more in Ohio and four times more in Pennsylvania between 2006 and 2016 than in California, which had long banished coal….

    Global Warming Fact or Fiction You Tube Aug 16-2019 By the Independent Institute.
    Presented by Dr Soon and Dr Bloom eminent scientists and physicists.
    With LOTS of satellite and scientific data sets. That show selective Global warming manipulation of data sets to match the Global warming agenda.

    For example Climate scientist Dr J.R. Christy (University of Alabama) Congressional testimony Feb 2016 shows 102 graphs of computer models of projected temperatures vs actual balloon and 3 satellite dataset measurements from 1975 to date and projected to 2025. All of the computer models drastically overestimate the temperature rise by 2 to 3 times actual of .3C (that is Point 3 degrees C total rise). The only model that is pretty close to actual is the Russian INM-CM4 model.

    Comment- Dwight The problem can be summed up this way. When you pay people to give you a predetermined result and their jobs depend on it they are all to likely to tell you what you want to hear.

    8-25-2019 Gateway Pundit news article:
    Hockey Stick Broken! “Scientist” Michael Mann Loses in Court, Forced to pay Court Costs- Global Warming Hoax hit hardest

    Back in 2009, “Climategate” was a massive scandal with leaked documents revealing the climate change scam to be what it is, the Gateway Pundit reported on this scandal extensively when the story first broke…

    Dr Mann defied the judge presiding over the case and refused to surrender his data for “open court examination”. This is routine practice for scientific study to determine if the results will stand up against examination. But Dr Mann refused to turn over his data.

    Principia Scientific noted the following: “Only possible outcome: Mann’s humiliation, defeat and likely criminal investigation in the U.S.”

    29 year old Canadian climatologist Timothy Ball is the defendant in the libel trial and told his attorneys to “trigger mandatory punitive court sanctions, including a ruling that Mann did act with criminal intent when using public funds to commit data fraud”.

    (Graphs in the article) Below Mann’s graph is Ball’s which uses much more reliable and easily attainable public data, which accurately shows a significantly warmer Medieval warm period with temperatures that are drastically hotter than the modern days.

    (Mann’s hockey stick global warming data). His graph eliminated the medieval warming period as well as the mini ice age data from his graph then added a dramatic hockey stick temperature up-curve in recent time.

    Ice Age Farmer You tube- 9-4-2019 The Heat is Gone. Alert: US “Growing Degrees plummet” Farmers go offline.
    Chart of US crop growing days by zip code, compares 2018 nearly normal to 2019 much cooler temperatures. 2019 may have early frosts, preventing crop ripening. For example Many Indiana counties already have 15-20% fewer heating days in 2019 than in 2018.

  4. This is all too tame. Sea level is going higher faster. Even this data is 10 years out of date. The time between when a graduate student logs a measurement, accumulates a data set, analyzes it, makes assessments, writes up a paper, works with the advisor to get it published, goes through reviewers, deals with their issues, resubmits the paper for another round of reviews, then finally gets to proofs, which must be approved with all authors signing off and is then ready to be published. Then the Journal comes out, in a few months. About 5 years later, give or take a year or two. Then one of these panels pick up the peered reviewed paper and combine its findings with many other papers. Then they studies all these results for a few years, with 100 people working together, conferring back and forth. Eventually, sometime about 10 years after that initial data point was recorded, we get a conservative, timid, grievously out of date "new' picture of climate change, that is instantly behind the real pace of what is actually going on.

  5. The computer models the IPCC use have never been right once. The climate science used to dictate policy are all theoretical studies, none of which have been peer reviewed.
    They don't explain how it is accelerating or show any evidence linking it to mane made CO2, we just need to take their word for it


  7. You can’t use UN bought off scientists for REAL NEWS. 30 yrs ago they told us we were going to be in an ice age soon. 2 weeks ago obummer bought a house at sea level. Lmao. I thought you were better than the MSM. Guess not. All the data and statistics have been manipulated for an agenda. Wake the hell up.

  8. Not true! I've watched for 65 years and the ocean is in the same place. This is just too create fear.. Look to the actual beaches. Don't believe this!

  9. The land is dropping due to sand removal. Please look at the truth. The Great Barrier Reef is getting bigger at an un presented rate. The ice is growing nothing we do is damaging the weather. The only damage we see is government controlled. Look at haarp.

  10. i live on the shore of the highest tides in the world, the bay of fundy, east atlantic ocean… no noticable change in my 63 years here…. this is actual true data not modeling

  11. While there is uncertainty there is hope. So, I think it;s right to present hope on the basis of uncertainty but it's critical to explain that's what you are doing. At the same time, it's critical to discuss the full range of possible projections, their probability and risk. So, for example, if we think the science suggests there is a 10-20% probability of sea level rise of 3 metres or greater by 2100, we ought to say so. Or a 1-2% probability or whatever. Or if we can't give a probability range we ought to discuss all scenarios that we think have probabilities greater than some threshold and all low probability high impact ones. Discussing known unknowns is one thing. Then there's the unknown unknowns.

  12. As grim as it is, this IPPC report (and reporting on it like this video) is giving people false security by not emphasizing the full range of risk and its associated probabilities. Given the uncertainty in scientific understanding and projections, the risk associated with the worse case scenarios may be much higher than is being conveyed. For example, at the presently committed global temperatures, it's still not possible to rule out very rapid disintegration of most of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet resulting in 3 metres of sea level rise. The last time global average temperatures equaled today's, sea level was 6 to 9 m higher. The last time atmospheric CO2 concentrations were at today''s values, sea level was twenty metres higher. Framing the reporting in terms of projections to 2100 is also tending to play down the risk being discussed. It's only 80 years hence and committed change past that date has to be of grave concern.

  13. You should not reduce emissions until you are prepared to offset the loss of global dimming. To ignore this fact is to put us all at risk of frying like a hamburger or boiling like a lobster.

  14. Sea level rise may be the least of our concerns. Lack of food production, mass migration and war are more dangerous. The IPCC reports are "paid-for and very conservative". It's worse than they state in their reports.

  15. The oceans have absorbed well over 90% of the global heating. Anyone with a brain can realize that humans are screwed – and apparently we deserve it. Politicians and corporations are truly disgusting, un-evolved creatures. Regular people are clueless, or so ego-dominated and materialistic that they refuse to look at reality. Live your best self now people!

  16. We have been enumerating the problems of climate change for years, and I think at least on an intuitive level people know something is not right. But now is not the time to tell how bad things are going to get year after year. Now is the time to organize and sustain a movement of global disruption by any means necessary.

  17. Nature retracted the Journal article on the Oceans, they are not heating, CO2 is not being absorbed, the IPCC is bad science. All data show the o eans are rising at .2mm a year, steady (Tony Heller) this is the end of my subscription

  18. Those that are most concerned stop using fossil fuel. Show us how it can be done. Lead and others will follow. It's like stopping an avalanche by holding your arms out. The momentum and scale is unstoppable.

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