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Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who vows to tax the rich to pay for social programs, says New Hampshire isn’t ‘do or die’ for her campaign.

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By elboriyorker


41 thoughts on “Warren Makes Final Pitch in New Hampshire”
  1. If Warren really cared about Americans, she'd drop out of the race and put whatever little her support is worth behind Bernie.

  2. Please drop out and stop making a mockery of yourself. You lack the wit or imagination of Bernie. You’re better off being a republican.

  3. Ayanna Preseley: from dissident progressive outsider to card-carrying member of the Dimocratic war party in just over a year. "Big structural change," says Warren. Shades of Obama. "I'm going to slash military spending, tame the United States' military adventurism, and redirect those resources to the direly underfunded social programs at home." Oh wait, Warren didn't say that.

  4. Warren should do a milli vanilli Barney fife and have ayana Pressley off stage doing the talking into a over the PA system while Warren stands at the podium and moves her lips.

  5. And sadly to say I live in Orange County California and it's really sad to see that once again we elected yet another Republican instead of a actual progressive🤦‍♂️

  6. Anybody Native American and supporting Elizabeth Warren you should be ashamed of yourself for selling out your own people😡👎👎

  7. It's such a shame what Liz did to herself. She had so much promise to be a progressive until she backpedaled on Medicare For All and then in her desperation to regain in the polls smeared Bernie as a sexist in the most disingenuous way. And now this claim that Bernie takes dirty money. Despite her good work with the consumer financial protection bureau, I believe she will be remembered more for lying, political cowardice and attempt to derail the working class movement.

  8. Have to give this a Dislike. There's something about E. Warren that irks me. I don't trust her "cute" words, and she blatantly lied in this video, beginning at roughly 10:00, or " CNN Attacks Sanders in Iowa Dem Debate " (35:43), TRNN, 15 Jan 2020, She lied about, as she put it, no men in top US politics having ever supported women for US Presidential races, for Bernie had just explained that he had done that and it seems that he also suggested to E. Warren to run for the 2016 elections, as well. Might be better to start the video at about 9:30 to 9:40. Initially said more, but this is being edited and just cut out the rest. The main point for me is that Warren blatantly lied. May sound funny with her expressionism, but charlatans also can. Etc. Her meager 2 cents of taxation to or for the richest is laughable, imo, for it's NOTHING. 2 cents for how many millions or billions? She didn't say 2%, she said 2 cents. Huh ; wortheless. She seems to be just another clown trying to fool the population, and if that's not her aim, then she must clean up her act. Even if these rich people who would be taxed such a meager amount paid, then how many of these rich people are there? It'd take 1,000 of them for a MERE $20. Why would they care about this, for they'd likely be glad to pay this pitiful amount!

  9. why go to the press conference and then, uncritically, report back to us what was said there? isn't that what corporate/main stream media is for?

  10. Who ever is losing between Sanders and Warren after Super Tuesday should drop out and support the other.

  11. This feels more like an advertisement by the Real News for a conservative candidate. I thought the title implied that she is about to drop out of the race if New Hampshire doesn't work out.

  12. Is Ayana not going to talk about how Warren's campaign is being abandoned by her black staffers because they feel she has just been using them as tokens?

  13. She is a pathological liar! She lied about being an Indian so she can get free education! She lied about being an Indian so she could get a job at Harvard or whatever Ivy school it was?
    No she is lying to all of us once again!

  14. Come on guys, you have historically done a lot better than this. Not sure what's up at TRNN, but you're drifting toward irrelevancy. Why don't we ever see Paul Jay anymore?

  15. No Democrat candidate will win the nomination, the writing is on the wall, it will be just as planned….a brokered convention…Kerry and the "Gingerbread Hag" coming to the "rescue"! Democrats are the greatest bunch of losers! Even worse, they are also the worst kind of petty sore losers, and President Trump is now cleaning out the very "SWAMP" he's been draining, shrinking government to boot.
    President Trump hinted that we'd get tired of winning. Nah, we the people are now having a great time and
    lov'n it! #Trump2020 – "ALL ABOARD", now taking out the"DEMS" one million miles an hour with the TRUMPTRAIN logo all over it!

  16. Elizabeth Warren got caught coming off private plane, trying to hide behind her staff. Green new deal my a**

  17. It's too late. She's exposed her progressive limitations. Bernie put the value of human life over continuity of capitalism.

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