What Bernie Should Do – Voices From Sanders Brooklyn Rally

What Bernie Should Do – Voices From Sanders Brooklyn Rally

Bernie Sanders held his first official 2020 campaign rally in Brooklyn, NY on Saturday, in front of an enthusiastic crowd. Supporters spoke to TRNN about what they hope from him this time around

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32 thoughts on “What Bernie Should Do – Voices From Sanders Brooklyn Rally

  1. He is war monger by his records. I don't trust him unless proven pro peace. Just have him explain to me how he quietly left the country in the hands of two of the most corrupt families. He is one of them. More entertainment. More promises. No true conduct no merits so far

  2. Most of those interviewees must not have followed Bernie's campaign in 2015-16. His speech was pretty much the same – little more refined though – except he swallowed a little of his humility and talked about his humble beginnings.

  3. All the support in the world isn't going to help Sanders in a rigged primary if his votes aren't even going to be counted. This is the issue that for some reason NO ONE except Lee Camp has acknowledged. In addition to all the ways normally discussed within progressive circles the 2016 Dem primary ALSO had clear evidence of vote flipping if you believe in recognizing the discrepancies between the exit polling and the vote tallies as evidence of election fraud. Exit polling is the international standard for measuring election integrity and as of now the DNC has done away with exit polling since 2016. How Sanders and his supporters can hope to magically wish this issue of paramount importance away is beyond stupid.

  4. Bernie had all the support he needed to win in 2016. The primary was stolen and a losing HRC was propped up. The only thing he needed was for voter suppression to have been less successful. It's the only reason he wasn't in the general election which polls proved he would have won in a landslide against Trump. #berniewon2016

  5. Where is your coverage of Tulsi Gabbard? Looks like Real News Network is promoting "Bernie" again. Didn't you learn in 2016. You're promoting a fantasy and thus enabling the status quo.

  6. Before you ask what Bernie needs to do more, educate yourself about what the real democracy is. So many Americans don’t even know the principle of democracy (thanks to dumbed down education). For one, Electoral College violates it. That is why you don’t live in a democratic country. That is why we have the jester in the White Circus House. Let’s start talking about it before expecting someone spoonfeeds you the values you’re seeking.

  7. Being Brooklyn, there were more African Americans standing behind Bernie than in the front of or on the sides of him or being interviewed. Bernie should hit less gentrified areas.

  8. Establishment Dem's will try and sabotage him with the super delegate BS because they didn't actually get rid of it like they claim. They and MSM will do all they can to crush him but we won't let them this time. Yellow vest's if necessary.

  9. Sorry, you A-holes, Bernie has been FIGHTING & SUPPORTING People of Color since his YOUNG YEARS in COLLEGE! So STOP saying he needs to DO MORE than he has done over 40 years ago, when it was NOT popular!

  10. Bernie should get behind Tulsi Gabbard denounce this imperialism around the world, jail the fraudulent banksters, end wars, medicare for all, end drug war and wars for oil, and the most importantly end all fossil fuel extraction.

  11. Absolutely has to explain the definition of a socialist, he has to ITS THEIR MISSION STATEMENT. He needs to be very very specific about that. Tell people how there are, what I will call rent takers, in the healthcare industry. Kay, these entries really have no purpose to benefit the people . Thousands of dollars to massive amount of ppl that don't do anything but take. Insurance, lobbyists,a and many that work for them. Ppl don't understand that if they didn't exist or deductibles. We would have actually extra money?

  12. Bernie is an empty suit. He is a distraction for a system that is corrupt beyond redemption. The core values of this system are embodied in the Constitution (which we don't use… at all). He was bought by the Dems and used to support the WORST candidate to ever stand for President, Hillary Clinton. Even in this, he failed. We are on our own and in denial.

  13. On the subject of "reparations" and his need to reach out more to communities of "color"- if you can't think of more jobs at better pay, ecologic justice, and criminal justice reform as progress because your individual name or identity isn't attached… then why do you care about anything at all?

  14. Both parties have catered to one class for 30+ years. That's the problem. Bernie wants to give representation to the workers. All workers.

    The rich have had two parties for TOO LONG!

    Time for the democratic party to return to its roots and do its job!

    Bernie 2020

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