What Does Low Unemployment Rate Mean When Most Jobs Created Are Low Wage?

What Does Low Unemployment Rate Mean When Most Jobs Created Are Low Wage?

3.9% Unemployment rate with almost half of new jobs low wage no benefits. And how many stopped looking for work? Saurav Sarkar of the Institute for Policy Studies discusses what’s behind the numbers

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48 thoughts on “What Does Low Unemployment Rate Mean When Most Jobs Created Are Low Wage?

  1. Our fake pm and its right wing gobshite control freak lying toxic team in the UK are peddling the same guff.. ''best employment figures since the mid 70.s''.. TOTAL BULL💩💩💩..

  2. If you can not find a job, they take you off unemployment and off the unemployed list. I can not work due to health issues, have been denied disability, and am not counted as unemployed.

  3. I worked as a bus-boy in some very nice restaurants in the late 80's into the 90's. The minimum wage has NOT changed 30 fucking years for service work

  4. The Unemployment rate is grossly fictitious at this point and is a measure of nothing meaningful whatsoever, add a Zero to this purported fiction then we can talk.
    Slaves on the Plantations had lower unemployment rates so hardly a measure of things going well lol.
    A true measure of unemployment/underemployment would need to reflect the other 30+% in the actual figures who still needed to claim some form of government assistance while working or work for an employer who is claiming government assistance in the form of subsidies.

  5. These comments make me despair that young people will ever get a backbone, rise up to fight for their rights as Americans – so many are apathetic, too many others are simply sheep.

  6. This is why I have a huge problem with celebrities going around and telling people to register to vote (ofc, they mean vote democrat) I don't mind people voting. But a lot of celebrities live in a bubble and doesn't realize what kind of lives a lot of ordinary people live. And it's difficult for some people to go and vote for "just the other guy", without any promise of improvement in their lives.

  7. When the Unemployment Rate consistently dropped under Obama, Trump & the right-wing media said this was only the case because so many people were getting low-wage jobs & many weren't in the job market. Now the same trend has continued & nobody is using that reasoning for Trump 🤔

  8. I was just talking about this today. I'm old enough to know what a good economy feels like. This ain't it. Nobody is making any real money. Most don't have money to save.

  9. BUT – I do web marketing for small business’s and I have close to 125 clients in 4 states. They can’t get help and some of them are willing to pay 50k a year (pest control). No degree needed and willing to train. People aren’t showing up for interviews! Anyone have a thought on this?

  10. As one of those people. My personal reason not to find employment is because capitalism has failed to provide enough reason and incentive to work for such a low wage in such a horrible environment. I'll just be spending a bunch of the limited time I have left on earth doing something soul crushing just so that I can scrape by, living on scraps, to later die miserable and unappreciated for all the hard work I've done. I'd rather die hungry than live a hollow life, working in a dystopia for a capitalist that steals the fruits of my labor.

  11. It means the suffering and misery stay the same but the "unemployment statistics" look better so the rich old white men we're presented with to "represent our interests" by other even richer white men, can claim they're doing a good job.

    Obama was technically (or in fact literally) more of a browny colour, but little if anything of the underlying dynamic changed. He was utterly charming that one, and I liked him a lot. Still. Here we are.

  12. You can see it within your families, neighborhood, or state how many poor exist. The only thing growing are Food Banks and Good Wills. Even the so-called wealthy are in credit well into their 90's. So hopefully people are paying attention here.

  13. People hate paying taxes yet I don't see them questioning the reality of tipping. When you think about it, it amounts to a tax because ultimately, you are subsidizing the poverty wages paid by the employer. Same goes for charity.

  14. Before internet, a lot of us felt like something was wrong with us individually, for not being able to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps…. now we're able to communicate better with each other and realize that the #Majority of us are in a similar boat and there's more sinister things going on behind the scenes that's keeping us a bunch of poor disillusioned worker bees.

  15. Fed Gov policy DELIBERATELY creates unemployment. What they call "full employment" is actually 5% unemployment. That is millions of people. The #MMT community proposes a #Fedjobguarantee. They create the problem, they provide the solution. Please check YouTube videos on the subject from Deficit Owls & Real Progressives.

  16. ©™ TMALX Transnational 🌏 Militant💥 Armed🔫Liberation⛓ Xecutive🕶 Observation ✍ ✍

    Unemployment figures are bogus only count people collecting unemployment or having filed.
    There are millions unemployed not counted.

  17. Remember when you called out Obama and the Dems for giving the same false statistics on jobs and the economy? Oh wait you didn't… You stopped being "independent" media when the Dems got voted out.

    Remember this "new" unemployment statistic he keeps referring as to underreporting the real unemployment rate was adopted in the 1990's.

  18. The Democratic Party does not represent working people: it is a pro-business party. Additionally, it is positioning itself with the Military/Intelligence Nexus as THE pro-war party. This is in part, to turn away from social issues which they are desperate to ignore. "Occupy Wall-Street" scared the HELL out of them!

  19. The Democrats have to focus on Trump's many unorthodox ways, or Russia, or Supreme Court. I think the reason the media and the Democrats aren't making an issue of how this economic boom is false is because they use the same narrative. Like military spending it's a shared objective for both parties

  20. Americans have so much hate in their hearts. They lack empathy and are indifferent to the point they’ll side with people against their own interest because they hate other poor people. Why do many Americans feel the need to defend rich people at all cost. We side with rich politicians when it comes to bombing poor people in other countries, poor people who are more like us then our rich American counterparts. We side with rich politicians when they say health care for all is untrainable while explaining why it’s important to subsidizing the rich.

  21. It means Capitalism is failing and the Establishment is trying desperately to shore it up. Eventually the labor class of the world will wake up to this massive rip-off that's been going on.

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