According to Trump, the crisis in a small country with an oil based economy, facing onerous sanctions, discredits the progressive socialist movement in the United States – Paul Jay joins host Jacqueline Luqman

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By elboriyorker


29 thoughts on “What Does Venezuela Tell Us About Socialism in the USA? – with Paul Jay”
  1. Nowhere near as much as the Scandinavian countries tell us about socialism. Venezuela tells us a lot more about US backed criminal cartels, US sanctions, greed for oil, political racism and plain US bullying.

  2. America definitely believes in socialism! But just for the rich! Everyone else has to pull themselves up by the bootstraps.

  3. not worth saying much here. same old same old garbage. "…socialism does not work in non industrial countries…" to paraphrase. amazing words from global socialists… but it will work in industrialized capitalist country like USA? yet these nazis, socialist zonists. liberal, progressives fascists and Islamists have imposed socialism on working democracies on 90% the world and created suffering. more importantly people dying in their thousands and in some cases millions…in other words the "death culture". pick your continent, region or country,,, so why do they continue this mass murder of people in so called non industrialized countries with socialism as per their argument. are they stupid or what? NO they are PURE EVIL LUCIFERIAN CULTS…kill kiil kill…of course they never have to suffer the same fate as the people. wow..but wait they are not finished yet…it will work for the USA?. fake news does not even begin to address this master slave culture..,they the masters you the slave…GO IN PEACE WITH JESUS CHRIST.

  4. what Jay is saying, that you have to be an advanced, industrial country, to have socialism isn't true. Many countries in Africa have forms of socialism, their traditional societies are socialistic.

  5. Bernie Sanders seems to think his “socialism” in the US would work whereas Maduro’s socialism in Venezuela definitely would not. Well look at the truth. Venezuela under Maduro are facing crippling economic blockades by US who spent billions in attempts to make sure Venezuelans are suffering economically and socially in order to justify for their staged regime change for oil. Bernie acts as if his “socialistic policies” would fall far from the tree where Venezuela and Cuba fall. Unfortunately he’s either up to something or not entirely being honest with his constituents. If Bernie were put in the same spot in the US assuming he won the presidency in 2020, how well could his “socialist-like” policies go smooth sailing before getting sabotaged by the capitalists who see him as the enemy of the rich? Sorry Bernie, your apple does not fall far from the tree. If you truly believes you are a socialist and your policies are indeed benefiting the majority of the ppl rather than very few, you are one and the same as Maduro. I highly doubt Bernie could succeed because he’s weak in foreign policies. Under his presidency, US would continue to spend taxpayers money on regime change and wars that not benefit the US citizens rather than the few billionaires.

  6. And Paul, you have an oligarchy running the country that is not to be trusted under any circumstances. If we could trust our leaders…, but we can't. The next step after socialism is communism — teach our. brainwashed youth something about Communism. Explain to them exactly what happened in Russia post 1917… Horrors. That's what happened.

  7. There hasn't been a revolution in Venezuela; neither is there much socialism. Moreover, Bernie Sanders is not a socialist either.

    The lesson to take from Venezuela is to stop misappropriating the word socialism.

  8. I feel bad for people in Venezuela but they are the fools who chose the socialist "revolution" and I dont think America should be involved EXCEPT on a limited basis to protect our own economic interests and national security.

    To be involved politically or providing humanitarian aid just further ensures American interest in "policing the world" to prevent these foolish socialist "revolutions" from happening in the first place! And no American likes that.

    America will be fine whether Venezuela decides to continue to embrace socialism and remain dirt poor or chose freedom instead (which includes economic freedom, free markets, private property, private enterprise….)

    Either way, what happens in Venezuela is meaningless to America, the only thing Americans need to do is continue to protect our own freedoms from the dangers of these kind of socialist "reforms."

    Good luck Venezuela.

  9. When rampaging ''Capitalists'' like Trump attack Socialist governments, they neatly avoid acknowledging that France, for example, is a Socialist country.

  10. They failed to overthrow Chavez because Chavez's social programmes made him incredibly popular with the masses.

    The new strategy was to get Saudi Arabia to overproduce oil. Since Chavez didn't diversify the economy enough it is still heavily dependent on oil.

    The price of oil through Saudi Arabia deliberate overproduction at the requeste of it's best freind the USA, the price of oil was brought down from $100 a barrel to $28 a barrel.

    This and aggressive US sanctions are the main reasons for the fall of the Venezuelan economy.

    It has little to do with socialism!

    The best thing is for Russia and China to double down and help Venezuela to diversify it's economy however many billions it may cost!

    Otherwise Venezuela will not be able to resist the relentless never ending US aggression!

    The US is committed to owning Venezuela and it will not stop.

    Venezuela must learn from China how to build a strong economy. And if China and Russia do not double down and fully and unequivocally support Venezuela with hundreds of billions as well as insist ING that Venezuela immediately diversify its economy then for sure the US will win sooner or later!

  11. The rise in the popularity of progressive 'socialist' policies in US politics, has lead to stepping up the economic war against any Nations that has progressive'socialist' policies.

    Venezuela has been in the frontline of this anti progressive economic war since 2002.

    You are quick to point out the failures of Venezuela's policies . You provide no specific examples or provide evidence of corruption.
    Corruption , if indeed there were any, would lie with the elite white Venezuela class.

    Which were surprisly allowed under Chavas and Mandro to undermine and disrupt the economy of Venezuela.

    Instead Look at what was achieved in Venezuela since 2002

    Taken together, all Venezuela polies since 2002 had lifted five million Venezuelans out of poverty by 2011 and transformed the lives of many more. Help realise a vision that “another world is possible,” not just for Venezuela

    Transformations in healthcare and education, funded by a massive programme of wealth redistribution that redirected Venezuela’s oil revenues to collective social purposes.

    A Free heathcare and free education together with wealth redistribution strikes fear in the hearts of the american elites that must must be nipped in the bud.

    Its worth pointing out that Gaddafi's Libya had similiar progressive policies.

    Of course the almost exclusive reliance oil revenues was naive and Venezuela’s Achilles heel.

    It was a weakness that the US full exploited , with the help of Sudia Arabia, manipulated the world price of oil by creating a an oil surplus. This was to bring down the bellergerent Oil producers particularly Venezuela’, Lybia, and Russia.

    Oil prices at $100 pb these countries were economic bears. Below $50 pb they become tame puppy dogs, or so it was thought.

    It succeeded in Lybia , perhaps now finally in Venezuela , but has not in the case of Russia.

  12. climate change ramping up again as new unificating factor of the degerate trading left… I grew up with this crap… was educated to a postindustriell postkapitalistic informationsagent… They crossed all the red lines… its big oil agenda,, and you carry the water for the sell out josef stiglitz, agenda 2030 nightmare and the end of civilisation. you will learn hungergames – and the depopuolationagenda…. Lyer…

  13. This reminds me of the white leftist sage who never supports the revolutions that actually exists. Only the perfect non corrupt ones that in their heads

  14. In regards this mans views on the chances of socialism succeeding in the U. S., at 3:10 he begins making a powerful statement about states getting involved. Watch that part again and then visit and learn about public banking and how it can help grow a states economy.

  15. Someone rightly said that one ought to take the best in Socialism and the best in Capitalism and merge them into a new system.

  16. If the US which is capitalist fought wars and spent trillions of dollars fighting against communism and now owns a communist country over $1.18 trillion right there says capitalism is a failure. I've said for over two decades that there has to be a fourth economic system that combines the best of all three economic systems.

  17. To Paul Jay. America don’t have a true president since Kennedy, and it won’t be for a long time. Since Kennedy all America presidents are puppets, a dog with a lease by back door government. Do what we say or be alike Kennedy.

  18. I have always respected Paul Jay’s opinion, but I believe he is being naïve in his current analysis (What Does Venezuela Tell Us About Socialism in the USA?). I believe the current plutocratic threats to Venezuelan can teach us much about their future intent for the US. The message the plutocrats are sending to the American people is very similar to the message Rubio sent to Maduro. When Rubio posted the before-and-after pictures of Gaddafi being sodomized and then killed, he was implicitly saying to Maduro; abandon your post or this will happen to you. Similarly, when you watch the idiot puppet Trump mouthing the words of the plutocrats who hired him; when the plutocrats are telling the American people there will never be socialism in the US, the plutocrats appear to be sending a similar message.

    What the plutocrats appear to be telling the people is; if you persist in pushing towards socialist policies by electing certain people to represent you, don’t ever think what we are doing in Venezuela can’t be implemented inside the US; don't ever think the US can't be rapidly changed from a soft to a hard totalitarian state. What the plutocrats are just telling you is the war on terror and the "terrorist threat" was a scam, but if you haven’t realized that by now you haven’t been paying attention. The plutocrats are implicitly telling you that all the potential oppression and surveillance installed in the US justified by the “terrorist threat" has been engineered and installed for domestic oppression and control when they decide to flip the switch.

    Consider the blatant message from Rubio to Maduro; consider the current blatant threats by the plutocrats; consider the years of sanctions and financial oppression, the coup attempts on Chavez, and even the current sanctions on oil exports. We now hear Bolton clearly state the intent is to install US oil companies and control Venezuelan oil to benefit the US “economy”. So why are war criminals like Bolton, Abrams, and Pompeo now being so open in their intent for their plutocratic masters? This is a message to the American people; mess with our plans to convert the US into a Darwinian Anarcho-Capitalist system and you will regret the consequences. If you wish to learn more, maybe a review of Nancy McLean's book, "Democracy in Chains" may be of some benefit.

  19. Come on John Paul the reason for food shortages and other storages is the US embargo and 10/20 years of US sanctions on Venezuela. And even with the sanctions socialist policies in Venezuela have taken over 50% of the country out of poverty. Let's Get real and tell it like it really is!

  20. Our capitalism has many more failures than socialist societies do. We are the only ones starting wars beside Saudi Arabia and Zionist in Israel who are not Jews.

  21. According to Palast, Chavez had installed some commandos In the bowels of the palace, and when the puppets were installed and started the process of stealing the oil, the commandos came up and offered them something else – at that point they high-tailed it out.

  22. Please! It is 2019 and there is no one word that can even come close to describing a system that is used to govern a country. If that were true then the world would be saying that the USA is a socialist country. And the pressure that is put on countries by the USA is immoral and illegal. People will appear in a video showing documents that show Trump illegally moving money from one Congressionally budgeted agency to another purpose, then when he declares the fake National Emergency they appear on video saying,"Oh,no!He can't do that! It's against the constitution! Money must stay where Congress budgeted it.". Trump is just an actor, playing President. He is far too crazy and stupid to have done even a small part of the things that have been done to destroy the country. It really is all known and very clear, but the subversive propaganda makes it seem very unclear. The USA was taken over by a criminal cabal that is destroying the country. Not one thing has been done about Trump. He is not a President. He is an agent of the Plutocracy destroying the country. Trump has declared a fake national emergency, and nothing will be done about it. He has one year in which he can declare martial law any day. The Congress and the courts could stop him, but they won't because they are all in on it! Trump has taken over the country, dictator for life, and no one will do anything about it.

  23. USA has already a big amount of "socialism": minimum wage, unions, max. prices, quality demands, social security, education,  health care, and a lot more. Capitalism has lost and shows 'spasms' of passing away.

  24. The lesson of the Soviet Union shows that economic war is how Capitalism defeats Socialism and/or Communism. The combination of whole world corporations and billionaires coercly working with governments to bring down egalitarian regimes is always going to prove very hard to stop. And if you do succeed in making your country more egalitarian, it will be even harder to maintain because those aforementioned powers will not give up (They need more people to exploit in their free world).

  25. If the U.S. intervenes directly in Venezuela, in part (at least officially) as war against socialism, it will undoubtedly migrate back home, just as the war on terror did. With every thing Trump has done thus far, kids in cages, bull shit national emergencies, trying to revoke birth right citizenship, there's no telling what they have in store of domestic dissenters, socialist and non socialist alike, this is how it starts people. ***see Germany circa 1933

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