Gerald Horne and Paul Jay discuss Donald Trump’s address to the nation on the wall and border security

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By elboriyorker


43 thoughts on “What Donald Trump, Chuck Schumer, and Tony Soprano Have in Common – Comment on Trumps Speech”
  1. An astonishing co-incidence that the implementation of the weaponised new "5G" wireless networks was on the agenda of 90% of municipal, town and city agendas that night as well. Are Ya getting it yet???????

  2. So if I understand the left correctly, we should just open our borders and let anyone and everyone in no questions asked? Hmm…and how do you suppose we take care of them when we can barely take care of our selves? Just admit it, the left NEEDS the illegals to keep the party afloat,,,especially since the black vote is dwindling. After all, Hispanics (including myself) will soon be a majority in America. I can think of a lot of things we need here besides having to care for the illegals, such as universal health care, jobs, free education, address infrastructure issues, address poverty, homelessness, wage issues, and much more.
    What ever happened to the left? They were once the anti-war party, freedom of speech party, protection of journalism party, free healthcare and education party…those days are long gone. they're now the kill 'em, take no prisoners party, jail Assange and throw away the key party.. Sad, so very sad. From a former Democrat political dissident.

  3. Lost Highway is the current issue with South America, and, when the real world is okay with Robert Blake roaming the streets, honestly! 😀

    AMLO has his tail between his legs for the myriad assassins taken to the bank these past holidays and, does so under the rightful watch of the wall, or, rather, the right arm involved.

    AMLO, as such, has sided with a coupe detat over the entire western hemisphere, a schism presently and obviously in the works, from bibi to Bolton's ass, the retarded maintained can tell this battle between Bolivar and Washington, the pinball machine is on tilt.

    The sexton's masterminding of the letter S, Washington'$, or, Vega$ for Venu$ for that matter, and NATO's state-sponsored power over censorship on the internet, HONR for example, this will exercised over networking, itself an encapsulation, IT is anyone's guess. Terror takes up residence. ICANN and IANNA are sold downstream. The nation-state cannot be maintained, or, so it seems.

    Skyscraping will be involved.

  4. CIA overthrowing social-democratic governments in South America. FBI tracking and harassing progressive "dissidents" (like MLK) at home. I knew progressive would face an uphill battle against establishment Dems, media, big business, and the Republican party. But to think shadowy governmental forces may join the fray? The next two years may be more scary and depressing than the last two.

  5. Very good interview.
    The consequences of years of US external political and economic control in Central America have now produced this desperate situation. Donald Trump fails to mention the human and moral consequences of the 'Wall' in Jerusalem which separates Palestinians and Israelis, prolonging the agony of years of impasse.
    Equally Donald Trump does not mention the fall of the Berlin Wall, although more thought should have been given to the very different economic realities between the old East and West German population after the reunification.
    Of course the US and the United Nations should now understand that the way to stop people leaving their countries is to offer financial help to improve local living conditions.
     The lessons are obvious. Until now the US has mostly backed the wrong people in Central America. The results are plain to see.

  6. Repararetion won't worked since the United States will not allowed Good governments to be ELECTED! You forget who jas being training our military forces, who was against the Sandinistas and created the Contras. Who is in cohoots with our Oligarchs? Who wants milutary bases to enforce its Imperialistic Policies. As for you speaker? He wax pretty good, but needs to be clear about the dimensions of imperial military piwer of Empire, Corlorate United States and European Union! Lest Discuss Operation Gladio and Operation Condor!

  7. The U.S. government have only one mission: to make certain wealth distribution only goes one way: from the poor to the extremely wealthy. This is the reason why they crush any attempt to bring Socialism to any country that could influence the minds of the American people. It's also the reason the CIA was created after WWII. They know if they can keep Russia as a deadly enemy, they can keep Americans fighting against wealth redistribution going the other way.

  8. Elizabeth Taylor PJ thanks for all you do I'm grateful for your existence. Re. Trump and fellows there is something I think gets overlooked by everybody: you can take a LIST of the ten or so characteristics of psychopaths/sociopaths(the ones who don't actually cut their victims into pieces in their cellar) and one of those characteristics, simply, absolutely they way their brains work, is ENJOYMENT AND PLEASURE IN HURTING/HARMING/MAKING MISERABLE OF OTHER PEOPLE. Treatment of immigrants, racism etc of Trump is spoken of as intentional division of american people, making his base people happy etc==but isn't making himself feel pleasure and happiness, even more fundamental??? Could this be looked at.

  9. Unmentioned in America’s immigration debate is the role that both Democratic and Republican administrations have played in creating the volatile situations that force Hondurans, Guatemalans, Salvadorans and other Latino refugees to flee in the first place. They never discuss WHY there is so much mass migration going on in the world today. Here's one example:

    Hondurans were prosperous! There were many banana farmer co-ops, people made a very decent living, had nice homes, healthcare, etc. Hillary, then SoS, got a call from Dole and Chiquita saying that they wanted to take over the banana farms. That was it. They came in, confiscated the land, shot anyone who protested.

    That's the back story that is never discussed about why they make the long journey.

    Respecting borders goes both ways!!

    The libertarians experimented with their "charter city" idea in Honduras, but it failed. Privately owned charter cities are supposed to replace national borders. This is the neoliberal dream that will not happen.

  10. Neoliberalism, like the Church of Satan, claims to be all about "rugged individualism" until they actually come face to face with one in AOC. Then the mob plutocracy collapses in perplexity.

    The assault on 'the individual' was perfectly encapsulated in the film, Rollerball. 

    "In the Global Corporate-controlled world of 2018, the individual free-thinking spirit has been almost completely eradicated by the corporate bulldozer. The Caan character is a man whose individual expressive seed still stirs and under increasing psychological pressures from his corporate puppet masters, begins to recognize and resist the depth of control that is exerted on his own individual destiny and illusion of freedom."

  11. Paul – exactly what I have been thinking as I watch MSNBC and CNN etc – I know there are and have been good people in the US congress (I am Australian) but US governments of all stripes have been interfering in the politics of other countries and bringing down democratically elected governments (including my own in 1975) for the benefit of US corporations for 100+ years

  12. Charles Schumer does NOT have mob connections. Neither does Nancy Pelosi. BTW why do people build walls/fences around their homes? Privacy. All they do is slow down invaders–local teens climb them all the time.

  13. Multiply reasons for the Monroe doctrine behavior. You get cheap resources (food or minerals), prevent foreign meddling with your hemisphere (like China or Russia), keeping your neighbors week (killing the competition), cheap labor at home and abroad (cheap labor is slavery) and much more.

  14. So, here's a radical thought: Why not take the billions of dollars being wasted on ineffective reaction and implement a Peace Corps type of effort in the countries from which the immigrants come? While there would be obvious and many challenges on this path, at least it would be more likely to provide an effective remedy, so real work done would yield real benefit. Set the program goal to be to make the immigrant home country a place where Americans want to go to. Hell, it could be done within a (corrected) capitalist model. One would just have to provide limits via some kind of baseline corporate charter (cf. Mondragon Assembly from Spain's Basque region) that stops most of the stupid 'magical thinking' associated with most of the world's current implementations of economic systems. From there, we could use the money to fund socially responsible "business plans" that promote and support sustainable local values. Protect and preserve the local value; that's what drew the colonizers there in the first place, and sustainable markets will appear out of normal human behavior. Stop exporting gangs and wrong minded models based on fear and conquest, and start exporting things of real value. Is this really so hard?

    Thanks for continuing to offer such excellent work.

  15. the people coming to america are NOT immigrates. they are seeking ASYLUM because of american policies since what? reagan? carter? ike?

  16. trump has always ran a con job. this is just a bigger con on the people. read a "people's history of the united states" and "war is a racket". education is the best answer to fascism

  17. What Professor Horne said is what is needed for those Central American countries now. They need help and several countries should make an effort to help those countries' economic development. Everyone will benefit in the end.

  18. Just last year there were presidential elections in Honduras. When the leftist candidate was winning, the system shut down, electricity went out, vote counting stopped. When the system and electricity came back, the incumbent president was ahead. He was declared the winner, in spite of national protests. The scandal was so notorious, that even the puppet who now heads the OAS felt compelled to suggest that new elections be held. Of course, no new elections were held and the US remained silent, immediately recognizing the reelection of the president. While Trump, Bolton and Rubio are always calling for sanctions on Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua and saying Maduro's election was "illegitimate", they saw nothing wrong with the Honduran scandal. Governments obedient to the US are safe. They can do whatever they want and they will be defending "democracy".

  19. What is said in this video is the obvious truth!………….thanks to socio media and channels like this people are starting to get a glimpse of what the government really is, a highly organized crime syndicate and a pyramid scheme that corupts in a trickle down scam!

  20. Wealth politicians built wall around their property, because as Bush once said ""if the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts,""
    With that mindset, a wall makes them sleep better.

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