Vijay Prashad challenges the media reality that Iran attacked the oil tankers, calling for a real investigation to uncover the truth.

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By elboriyorker


38 thoughts on “Where Are the Skeptics as the Drums Roll for War with Iran?”
  1. Can someone please photoshop in an oil slick to make this a little more believable? Also, was this tanker on it’s way into or out of The Gulf? If going out, why would Iran hit it on the side furthest away from them? All seems a bit odd US government arseholes.

  2. I think the four bombed vessels of a month ago were bound for Saudi ports or had recently left. It is not clear where the recent four vessels had loaded or were bound.

  3. No asshole Pomparo, it's the you US and Israel trying to start a war. You don't see Iran warships off the US coastline. Who wants this war, and who benefits ? Israel?

  4. Trump is fighting for Israel , the chosen people. Israel will win with the sacrifice of American soldiers blood. MAGA – we are proud of you Trump

  5. After centuries black flag operations are starting to be more difficult to be believable. And I cannot stop loving it.

  6. This director has no clue that we are talking about a band of terrorist who occupied Iran for over 40 years that the majority of the nation are against such a monsters and blood sucker regime. America has given all sort of opportunity to Iran during Obama time, but Ayatollah never stop saying death to America, support of terrorist, and being bully to America. Even recently the head of Japan and Germany tried as a mediator to open the way of the negotiation with Ayatollah but both they been brushed off. President Trump and Pompeo who set up such sanction and send troops to Persian golf are aware that Iranian regime is not for negotiation while they try by terorrist acts to have victory over the world.

  7. Iranian motivation is trying to force America by these sort of terrorists action to remove the sanctions from Iran, if you don’t you will face such such troubles as the head of the the IRGC advised American will not have a convinient life in the region.

  8. "Have not provided any evidence at all"? Hello Night vision HD video of Iranian soldiers and boats going directly up to a Magnet deployed mine that Malfunctioned tg

  9. Seriously? Lol Was Not Political, bahaha, No the hashish sanctions on a nation ,Not Political ? Where did you get this guy ?

  10. Shut the F up! Look, U.S, should REALLY STOP assessing shit, because they always blame some other country for bullshit, then 40 years later we find out WE were behind it straight from the gate! Government always bullshitting!!!

  11. This line of argumentation that "at least during the run up to the war with Iraq the US government provided FALSE evidence, is a non-starter. What should be pointed out is that the prevailing power structure doesn't even care about any evidence period, no matter how flimsy, it is about shaping public opinion via omission of dissenting views throughout the entire western mainstream media spectrum. The US and its Middle Eastern allies, which includes Israel, Saudi Arabia the UAE and others, have a vested interest in crushing the Iranian nation: either via economic pressure (crushing sanctions) meant to bring about internal unrest, in combination with military threats. This has been the objective for a very long time – and the unilateral withdrawal by the US from the nuclear agreement with Iran, is designed to provoke a reaction from Iran, while at the same time putting pressure on reluctant European nations to fall in line, with threats against their own economic interests.

     This pressure is likely to work until the US Dollar is no longer the world's reserve currency. Until then, these pressures will continue to be ramped up, including the threat of war or actual war. The entire project of globalization has always been about resources. For the elites of the developing world, this means catching up to the industrial/technological worldview of the so-called Enlightenment of the Western nations. The problem is that this world view is based on unlimited growth via a consumption model which is completely unsustainable on this planet in the long run. The current discussions regarding GREEN revolutions etc, based on carbon trading schemes, do NOTHING to actually save the environment. What they DO achieve however, are new financial schemes for the destruction to continue. It will not work long term.

    We cannot continue to live on a planet based purely on competition and convenience. The entire model of planned obsolecence is suicidal not only for the human species, but many other species as well. While the elite faction of dreamers plan their colonies in outer space, they may want to consider that their brains, based in virtual reality, are the ultimate hubris. Technocrats playing gods…no, thanks.

  12. They have become stale with their lies, and when they are not believed they create, concoct and enforce their lying hegemony for others to bow to it. When they are not believed, they roll around like kindergartens who were not given their toys, screaming

  13. There is no nothing like a war, threat of war, confrontation with another nation, to encourage a surge of patriotism and to get the nation in behind the president. With the 2020 elections in sight, the trio Trump, Bolton and Pompeo are lining things up just nicely.

  14. Yeah just like the lies over iraq. Haven't these neocons and the ones pulling trumps strings causes enough wars like in Iraq. Which then lead to this and war in Syria. It seems like all these conspiracy theories are real

  15. So just like H. Clinton pressuring Anan against brokering a settlement with Syria, Japan gets a hole in an oil tanker for talking to Iran ? Why are the people of the U.S. letting such clowns run their and I repeat run their country?

  16. Iran doesnt know what to do because the U.S. is cutting off oil to iran from sanctions and iran is a terrorist state. Israel has every right to defend itself and the united states has freedom of navigation. Yes it's going to piss off iran but, our country has the best intelligence in the world with pompeo at the helm with trump. Iran has every motive to do this. When you back an angry dog into a corner and theres nothing else to do but to attack what do you think will happen? Iran needs to be destroyed and unfornunatly the people of iran have been brainwashed by false prophets and false leaders supporting terrorist groups. It's moral for the U.S and Israel to protect ourselves and allies no matter what. Iran is an evil regime and they will soon be brought to their knees.

  17. Atacking Iran will not be the same as other countries, Iran is much more powerfull than others countries that were attacked by nato last 20 years.
    This will be real test for nato as for how far it is willing to go, since war in Iran may easily involve other much bigger countries and create union never seen before.

  18. The captain of the Japanese ship has said they were struck by a missile not a mine. Iran is where Japan gets most of it's oil. Also, Iran has a good relationship with Japan. This is US bull shit to start a war.

  19. The truth is that Pompeo and Trump are not telling the truth. Vote Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard in 2020 to stop unending American wars promoted by unpopular presidents.

  20. The truth is that Pompeo and Trump are not telling the truth. Vote Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard in 2020 to stop unending American wars promoted by unpopular presidents.

  21. The truth is that Pompeo and Trump are not telling the truth. Vote Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard in 2020 to stop unending American wars promoted by unpopular presidents.

  22. In considering possible culprits, motive is everything. Nobody has a bigger vested interest than the USA Military-Industrial Complex. Unless there are regular wars this trillion dollar enterprise has no purpose. The CIA is part of the MIC. As I understand it, the CIA have provided the evidence and analysis implicating Iran.

  23. The ruling regime of Iran has to have a war before the revolution starts in their own country. The only way the regime can keep control before being overthrown.
    The rest of the world don't want a war because we don't want anymore migrants.

  24. Japan and Iran actually have a good relationship as countries, why would Iran start attacking a Japanese oil tanker who is buying oil off Iran (helping Iran in business)?
    That's the thing, they wouldn't. Nor does Iran even have a problem with Japan, they are actually a pro-Japanese country in fact.
    No one in the world is believing this (maybe except some American citizens), because it doesn't make any sense and it reeks of a USA/CIA/Mossad/Saudi attempt at a false flag (all countries who are actively calling for war with Iran for the last 2 decades).

    They made one mistake though, they didn't totally annihilate the ship. Thus the Japanese on board survived and the Japanese contradict the claims of the USA (the USA, a country which only came to the scene quite a while after it occurred).

    I dare say not killing the Japanese was deliberate in fact, as to not piss off Japan too much. It's also quite telling though about how much the USA (who likely is behind this) actually cares so little for American peoples lives. The USA I dare say planned this attack meticulously as to not kill the men on board (since it's from a foreign nation who isn't into this kind of thing). Yet when the USA get proxy forces to attack the US ships to stage a false flag attack they literally allow the total slaughter of American people (after all, who is going to hold them accountable as the American government are behind it).
    Remember the attack on USS liberty? Where the Israeli's (under CIA planned operations I am sure) attacked the USS liberty viciously and killed 34 American men on board and injured 174 (go look at the pictures of it).
    It was a failed false flag though as the attackers failed to take out the ship and the Americans on board managed to get out a distress signal to American bases and told them the Israeli's were attacking them.
    So that was a big fail, predictably Israel came up with a BS story about mistaken identity and not knowing the ship was American. And the American government also claimed that Israel's story is legit and that they are innocent (oh how predictable).

    But the point here is that the US government doesn't give a shit about American peoples lives, the US government see American citizens as more expendable even than the citizens of other nations.
    So you Americans need to wake the fuck up, your government is literally your enemy. They won't even give you universal healthcare, which all other modern nations in the world have.

  25. Iran talks, 7 American warships show up ( not a peep ). Putin says don't bomb Syria again ( Boom ).You shit holes better get a clue. If the American military wants war with Iran, It gets war. Stop asking why. Just lube up.

  26. No skeptics needed. The Japanese owner of the boat says Trump, and Pompeo are full of shit, and that Iran is not responsible. The WH video is run in reverse frame. Reality is that Iran removed mine from ship to save lives. No harm by Iran, only humanitarian action to save lives. War with Iran push by WH is nothing more than Trump to save his ads as President at war in 2020, and his avoidance of prosecution in NYC.

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