There’s reason to be skeptical of the NYPD’s claim it disbanded its notorious plainclothes units, says Brandon Soderberg, author of the upcoming book I Got A Monster: The Rise and Fall of America’s Most Corrupt Police Squad.

Director/Video Editor: Will Arenas
Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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By elboriyorker


20 thoughts on “Why Disbanding Plainclothes Police Units Isn’t Enough”
  1. Thank you for the story. I was born in N.Y. but left as soon as I was able and I have never had live like I had to when I was there. I am not dirt poor nor am I wealthy. I never had to live like I did then. When I left. and wN.Y. I went to California. My ex husband took me to the Watts area. I was shocked that the neighborhood was considered a poverty stricken and crime ridden area. It looked like a middle class neighborhood to me. I guess poverty looks different in different areas.

  2. DEFUND THE POLICE EVERYWHERE. FIX UP THE SYSTEM. THEN WE CAN GO BACK TO FUNDING THE POLICE. The police are not logical, they are a pack of psychopaths and narcissistic people.

  3. I am so glad they made that move on the news however, what are they going to do with all those plainclothes guys. They said they are notoriously corrupt. So did they fire them all? After listening to the rest of the report it is just as I thought. It is in the headlines of the New York news but not in reality. Those guys are back on the streets only in uniform and continuing to create havoc amongst the community. They want people to fear them.

  4. white man saying we want a reform. no. we want revolution. we dont wa nt policing. it NEVER was theirjob to protect working class! i dont like this episode

  5. It's becoming increasingly impossible to differentiate plainclothes police from police impersonators and common thugs! At least back in the day they wore office clothes

  6. Sounds like gang stalker in Florida. Like the weird neighbor that moves into your neighborhood six their dogs on you and then start stalking and harassing you everywhere you go following you around to antagonize you. I'm a 61 year old disabled woman do most of the time walks with a walker had a little what's the 9 pound Yorkie that was old never even bark but yet they would do these things to us. And there were different people everywhere I would go but the most part was just one neighbor was very obvious. I found it odd that they could come on our property and harass me and then go to the judge with some nefarious witness saying I was doing this how crazy is this. But I knew it was the cop the ex Lieutenant at the local sheriff's office that started the whole thing because they were pedophiles and I was there when they got caught they swept it under the carpet and I was that loose thread talkin. They just credited me so bad that I'm still finding stuff that they have written and talked about. Even their last perp that they sent in to befriend me he spilled the beans even more

  7. They say high crime area but they mean low income area… for proof of that just ask them what crime they are investigating when they bug you.. they are not investigating any crime… they are investigating the people in a low wage area

  8. Instead of having a uniformed officer there so people don’t jump over… they have a plainclothes officer there to beat people who do jump over

  9. And yet over 95% of all crimes go unsolved and that is not even taking into account that 50% of crimes go unreported because people are scared to talk to cops

  10. There are many of the "Hawk" types in the high-ranks of police agencies and their unions that resemble the hawks in Washington, who views all countries as either an enemy or a possible enemy in the future. In fact, America always have a perceived bad-guy nation that needs our "attention" and possibly worthy to engage in war. Same with the police. They are trained to look at "civilians" as the enemy. They are well funded and operate "under the color of authority" and granted "justified immunity." And, the massive funding in all areas of "criminal justice" i.e., police predatory policing and investigative services, the court system, and the "corrections" industry have been employed. This is a direct affront to society with the "war on crime" of the early eighties. It was also heavily endorsed by the GOP that wanted stronger control on the public. It started with the ROICO Act and state legislators conceived mandatory sentence guidelines for all judges to comply with. After all, Nancy said to say no. And those who failed to listen to Nancy have seen the rough edges of government overreach. But, the point is, the police exist with a sense of siege mentality, and this "us vs them" mentality has a strong psychological impact in their lives.

    In fact, they have the highest divorce rate in the nation. They most likely socialize with only fellow police personnel, and many have alcohol and drug problems. Plus, many are known for their sexual appetite with female officers or females they interact while on duty. However, what is more, alarming is the fact "bad actors" are cowards. They bask within the system that has given them a supreme position over the citizen and is quite obvious to all who witness their behavior. For example, and I think this says it all when looking at it from a psychological perspective, a police officer can enter your property looking for a relative they are seeking with a warrant. And, once they enter your fence gate and they see a dog tethered are barking at him or them, he can and often shoot the dog and later claim the dog posed a threat to his well being. And, this happens more than most want to admit. Once they leave without an arrest you are left with a dead dog. Now, let's change the scenario. You have a dog that is either sick or destructive with your property and can be threatening to anyone that takes the dog and you shoot the dog. Your neighbor sees it and calls the police and soon you are in jail charged with illegally discharging a firearm within city limits and the willful harming and cruelty of an animal.

    This happened here recently and the man involved shot his dog because he was dying from cancer. He was charged with a felony and faced seven to fourteen years in the state's prison. Sitting next to the prosecutor in court was a member oF PITA. My sister-in-law sat with the jury. And after a two-day court proceeding, the jury came back with only a misdemeanor conviction. The judge ordered that his time in jail was sufficient and he was ordered to pay a fine. However, the officer who shot your dog in your yard and tethered is dead and the officer is immune to pay any damages. And, it is for that fact alone I refuse to donate to PITA regardless of their heart-breaking commercials that presents a poor and mistreated dog or cat. They wanted that man to do seven to fourteen years in the lock-up! Then 9-11 became the mother of all suspicions! Not only did we have the "war on crime," but also the Patriot Act and Homeland Security! The various state legislatures invoked "special" laws giving authority on all law enforcement personnel and agencies and now we have cowards with badges and firearms wanting to "execute" anyone they deem worthy! Many are, or were, unarmed yet dead. The case of the police officer filmed shooting an unarmed black youth comes to mind. He shot that boy sixteen times in front of all onlookers and God himself!

    The disgusting part is, the boy was unarmed and had no weapons of any kind. The officer saw a cell phone in his hand and although walking away from the officer he shot him like a rabid dog! There were other officers there so he had back-up and he had a Taser, club, pepper-spray, and his training to take down a man with little effort. But, he used his weapon of choice, the firearm. And, we've seen this too often and for too many years. It has caused the public, who are enraged, hostile, and often violent with people involved or not. In fact, we've seen over the past few years of sanctioned regional Martial Law applied in recent events. During hurricane Katrina, police officers were driving new Corvettes off new car dealership lots. Some were shooting fleeing people from flooded areas walking on a bridge for target practice. Waco is the Hell hole where children were executed by Janet Reno under Clinton's authority when simply starving them to surrender was the logical choice! Therefore, all of this over-policing over the public has created this bloodshed on innocent people and unruly citizens where good cops know how to handle these situations. But, the coward cops want to go home safe to their families and fail to realize that is a shared concern for everybody. So no, there are areas of major reforms and cutting much of the funding to plainclothed officers and their corrupt behavior is in order. This is the same system threatening the second amendment and it wasn't long ago when the Mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, justified the laws that restrict the ownership of firearms to his city's citizens.

    So, there it is. We have the GOP hawks wanting more control over the public and the DNC who is working to disarm citizens regardless of the threats they incur. Sounds like the Stassi to me. That, and the special tricks to monitor anyone they choose at any time with highly advanced surveillance technology. Yet too many people rationalize the "need" for these attacks on the common folk. The point is, there are ways to reclaim our dignity, freedoms, and liberties without bloodshed and stop all this micro-managing of selective mentalities that rob you of your sovereignty for some obscure measure of safety, and reclaim your dignity. Because, right now, we are facing the barrel of naked aggression if the chips fall that way. The nanny-police-state is working hard to nullify all efforts to demand reforms but they are not the rulers when things get too bad. You are. And, its time you to stand and dictate the will of the people and punish those who force their agenda on society and make not only your concerns to manifest, but also the path our local, state, and federal government "will" pursue. And, believe me, when I say there are true and qualified watch-dogs viewing your resolve. The tools are available just as the framers of the constitution intended. Therefore, it's a simple question of whether the public has the will to impose their will. Also, I highly recommend you leave your political party at the door and do what is necessary.

  11. The anti- crime unit is still active they just in uniform. They still doing the same thing just to COPWATCH PATROL UNIT channel and they have video of the anti crime unit still active just in plain clothes.

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