Most people know capitalism is unjust. Jacobin founder Bhaskar Sunkara says he wrote The Socialist Manifesto to lay out an alternative.

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By elboriyorker


26 thoughts on “Why Socialism? With Bhaskar Sunkara”
  1. Bhaskar Sunkara, I just read your article in the Guardian dated 10 Nov 2020. The Guardian does not allow us to reply (either at all, or after a day or so), so I will put my comments here. Firstly, the left is a lie. It’s policies are fictional in that they are never implemented. When the left captures power, it either devolves into an explicit horror story (Stalin’s USSR, Mao’s China), or it makes deals with the globalist plutocracy, presents propaganda to the liberal middle class to make them think that they are on the virtuous side of the political spectrum, and then goes about its business of exerting control over every aspect of human life. The truth of the matter is that those that we now describe as “the globalist elites” were behind both Lenin and Mao’s experiments, also Hitler’s, they are behind the UN and the EU, and they control the media, tech companies, intelligence agencies and large corporations. This is now heading towards a technocratic dictatorship, complete with likely rigged elections in the US.

    The biggest challenge in history to this plutocracy is the rising populist movement. Through the movement to drain the swamp,  the public has become more aware than ever of the existence and actions of those in the shadows. The blue-collar workers in the US and UK now recognise the lie of the left, as exampled by the large-scale understanding that Biden exports jobs to those in the CCP who channel billions to his son. The left shows its true anti-democratic colors in the MSM propaganda and the social media censorship currently plaguing the US.

    You do the common man a deep disservice by joining the attack on populism in the Soros-funded globalist newspaper, “The Guardian(-of-the-elites)”. We are all now quite aware that the Guardian covered up for the atrocities caused by funding terrorists in Syria, and promoted the war criminal Blair. It's just a rag to explain to the cappuccino class why we need to go bomb somewhere.

    After 100 years of collusion between so-called socialists and the rats that propel them to power as “the alternative”, it is time to junk the left entirely. It is time for you Bhaskar, to join the fight of the common man against the scourge of humanity that tramples on people and their freedom the world over, in whatever guise they choose to present to the public, left or right. Stop holding on to that socialist dream (“oh if only we did it this way, it would be TRUE socialism”). It was always a lie, and an instrument of the plutocracy, the party of Davos.

    It is time for you to join the Great Awakening.

  2. Do not let the hot steam accumulate in your temple. In reality, tit bit changes here and there can and do make everybody happy, the capitalist and the socialist included. Did Amazon raise the minimum wage per hour recently?

  3. Couple questions…. Not ones to spark any sort of stupid debate or back and forth of insults and name calling that will get us no where. But just to understand better.

    1. How would ushering in socialism go about transferring ownership from private business owners to the employees? Without seizing the businesses and assets there of through force.
    2. As humans for an overwhelming majority there is a deep down drive to always achieve more. Part of capitalism's benefits is that it allows for everyone to try and achieve and continue to build more and more wealth depending on how bad a person wants to obtain it. How would the socialist ideology handle that drive without placing limits on earning potential and prohibiting black market capitalism?
    3. What would an average tax structure look like for America if turned over to a socialist regime, and how would the socialist govt go about leveling the wage scales of every single job industry, and career field. Especially in fields that have several different classifications of workers?
    4. How would the ownership of property, and land be affected by this. And what would private land owners be subjected to?
    5. How would we address our current systems for generating power and for fuel to operate vehicles etc.?
    6. And what are the exact impacts good and bad that relate to our economy and our various industries? In terms of money, revenue, stocks, production, importing, exporting, cost, and the nation's deficit? Like give me a full layout of how our country would fare under a socialist regime monetarily.
    6. And lastly our military, what would be done with the military both in regards to membership, and funding?

    Be realistic please I want to understand but have yet to hear anyone really give an explanation of just how we would have to address such a gigantic restructuring.

  4. The explanation Bhaskar informs listeners well, for an intro. anyway, about the kind of socialism he's for and which is social democracy or democratic socialism is very good. Some hothead, unthinking users of YouTube have written enough times complaining that people shouldn't consider the US democratic or socialist, one of the two, if not both, anyway, so when it's about democracy vs republic I sometimes add a reply simply stating that a republic can certainly be officially democratic or not. Anyway, " A republic (Latin: res publica) is a form of government in which the country is considered a “public matter”, not the private concern or property of the rulers. The primary positions of power within a republic are not inherited, but are attained through democracy, oligarchy or autocracy. It is a form of government under which the head of state is not a hereditary monarch.[1][2][3] In the context of American constitutional law, the definition of republic refers specifically to a form of government in which elected individuals represent the citizen body[2][better source needed] and exercise power according to the rule of law under a constitution, including separation of powers with an elected head of state, referred to as a constitutional republic [4][5][6][7] or representative democracy.[8] … ", I don't see why this would be impossible to achieve in the USA; very difficult to achieve, surely, but also surely not literally impossible. It would surely be very helpful for all or by far most Americans.

  5. The problem with America is not capitalism but greed and politicians giving business superior power over labor. For one, business should being interest for the borrowed labor of its workers. Business would pay any lending institution interest if borrowed the value amount of labor. Employees deserve the respect as they are stakeholders in the business. IF interest is not paid then workers should be made part owners of the company .

  6. at 11:25 Bhaskar says the left "needs to figure out a way to socialize firms." We've already done this. It's called MARXISM-LENINISM. Learn about it and stop with this democratic socialism nonsense.

  7. Democratic Socialism would have never come about had it not been for the threat of the Bolshevik communist movement. The only reason western capitalists allowed the welfare state to be implemented was to stave off the threat of working-class revolution.

  8. Search Einstein's 8 page "Why Socialism". Not hard reading.

    To understand Stalinism, I recommend Trotsky's "The Revolution Betrayed".

    Also: Trotsky's "Transitional Program for Socialist Revolution".

  9. **All, "ism's" are faulty, due to always a few, who become corrupted. Pride, selfishness, lies, deceit, murder John 8:44; Luke 4:5,6 satan looks for those like himself. Jesus resisted by love for the God of heaven, and for humanity, even unto death. The point again, a few are ambitious, and the majority allow it. It is human nature to be led by another or others. Whether it is *capitalism where a few are enriched; *filthy-rich James 5:1-4…or *communism where a few are enriched; *filthy-rich James 5:1-4…or *socialism where a few are enriched; *filthy-rich. Why must there be a few who want to be sole domination over the majority??? Isaiah 14:12-14 it is Lucifer's mind-set/1Peter 5:8 even to violent aggression; lion-like or 2Cor. 11:13-15 as an phoney messenger of light along with his false apostles. 1John 2:17 this World is, passing away. Zephaniah 3:8 God is using the scheme of global commun-ity to eventually destroy their plans and purposes and existing system. Afterwards to have his Son Jesus come and Supervise this earth and its inhabitants to heal and restore after the grt.Tribulation. Christ died for everyone* 2Corinthians 5:15; to give all the dead that he will bring back to life; another opportunity to be free from sin and death and satan and bad leaders. If the Son make you free, ye shall be free indeed – John 14:6. Matthew 25:31-40 what a beautiful day that will be, no more "check to check" survival, drudgery, disgusting way *Not to live !! I know what that is. It has been planned this way, by leaders who lie to our faces – donot forget John 7:7,16 Jesus was peaceful, as all Christians should be!! But, he opened his mouth and declared the works of this World as evil, where they were. And he was hated by Rome power, and corrupt religious leaders. And they conspired to murder him; and God allowed them to do the crime. But, Jesus died for is there. For our freedom, from personal sin, and removal from satans and his power of darkness Acts 2:38,39/ and Col.1:12,13*. And eventually from this body 1Peter 5:6; 2Cor.5:1. Followed by the rest of humanity Mt.6:10/ Isaiah 35:4-7 God bless everyone 😊

  10. This is the problem with people like this guy! He writes a book on Democratic Socialism but apparently, "He must've not read the constitution!!!"
    Article 4 section 4 of the constitution clearly states – The United States shall "GUARANTEE" to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
    This Nut obviously did not read this, or! "He is an employee of those who are trying to destroy the constitution and the Republic!"
    I'm a democracy, the community of people are considered to hold power over how they are governed. Kings and tyrants are seen as threats to the innate rights of the people. As such, all" eligible" citizens get equal say in decisions.
    A Republic – Are in opposition to rulership by a single person. All "eligible citizens" get equal say in decisions through elected representatives. Unalienable rights of individuals are protected by law to safeguard against a "majority" abusing the "minority."
    A Democracy – Free elections. Suffrage. Majority Rule.
    A Republic – Free elections. "Constitution" Suffrage. Individual rights.
    A Democracy – Generally, private property is permitted, although a majority faction may place "limits" on property rights.
    A Republic – Generally, private property is permitted, "especially insofar as there is a CONSTITUTIONAL prohibition on interfering with property rights.
    This country is a Republic and by "CONTRACT" with the United States by way of the birth certificate and "social security number" they have made us "corporations" under a Democracy that has no constitution to back it!
    So programs like "social security" is a problem under the "reserve clause" of the Constitution (the 10th Amendment) powers not specifically granted to the "federal government are reserved for the State or the people!"
    These people who are presenting all of these different factions of "governments" actually hurt this country and the constitution itself as America is a Republic and "Not a Democracy!"
    Wake up!!!

  11. Capitalism either evolves into socialism or it devolves into fascism — it's the People's choice not the corporations' (who are not people, regardless of what any corrupt Supreme Court Justice says).

  12. Well come visit Europe and see social democratic countries. The former eastern block countries are newcomers, but other countries have had social democratic system about a century. On the surface you can't see much differences to the USA, except less homeless people. Under surface people are more equal and less fearful about their life. It's not so hugely different. Completely doable, every European country can do it. But we still suffer from the same bankers who create debt money.

  13. We need to focus on socialist principles and democracy, and apply them to the prevailing power structure. Principle: 1.wealth can only be created by human work; 2. Individualism and collectivism are indivisible, they are the 2 faces of the same coin and cannot be separated. Based on these 2 principles, wealth belongs to society, not to the individual, because the idea of the self made man is a myth. However, society needs to respect individual rights which also include compensation for his contribution to society. This does not mean that any particular individual should be compensated disproportionately so that he can unduly influence societies goals.

  14. We need to focus on socialist principles and democracy, and apply them to the prevailing power structure. Principle: 1.wealth can only be created by human work; 2. Individualism and collectivism are indivisible, they are the 2 faces of the same coin and cannot be separated. Based on these 2 principles, wealth belongs to society, not to the individual, because the idea of the self made man is a myth. However, society needs to respect individual rights which also include compensation for his contribution to society. This does not mean that any particular individual should be compensated disproportionately so that he can unduly influence societies goals.

  15. No most people don't know Capitalism is "unjust". When you have a hybrid Central government Corporate Oligarchy that dominates world politics you do not have "Democracy", "Socialism" or "Captialism". There is no such thing as a free market under these Centralized structures. You have Crony fascists corporatism model where the elites win and everyone else loses.

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