Why the NFL/Kaepernick Saga Is Bigger than Football – Everything Law and Order Blog

Dave Zirin explains why Colin Kaepernick’s ongoing struggle with the NFL is really an example of how Black dissent is punished in the US.

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By phillyfinest369


28 thoughts on “Why the NFL/Kaepernick Saga Is Bigger than Football”
  1. I rather have a martier than a sell out anyday, Ali had his title stripped from him, but he was known all over the world. And when he came back, he kicked some A ss. They don't want a black leader. We now this. Sincerely! Mic'19 ADOS get involved PS Steven A Smith is A pawn. Jay Z made a deal with the devil, and that other dude is nothing.

  2. Kunta Kinte is a fictional character.
    People can't handle the truth.Kap is a damn fraud.
    Jay don't own Kap shit. Did he consult with him when he got his settlement? Did he consult with him when he signed with Nike.
    All y'all doing is talking about him not having a job and nothing about racial or social injustice

  3. Stop it fat punk……..Jay z actionable item …..I rather actionable item with on constant results we protest and we negotiate. Negotiation without progress isn't actionable its a PR move by NFL to sweep this under the rug and continue to profit …. F the NFL

  4. Forget professional sports, and forget twitter and FB. I sit with Kaepernick. It isn't just black lives that matter, though. All life matters or none does. Anything less is discriminatory. You can't pick and chose according to your personal bias and say it's more accurate or appropriate than another person's bias.

  5. Colin is such a looooooser!!!! And he sucks at quarterback on top of that! Stay ready Colin… stay ready. LOL!

  6. Colin was done wrong in the beginning and nothing has changed! The comments at the beginning of this video were very telling. Some black men (like obama-followers) don't have the balls to speak truth to power. Colin does. Colin is still doing the right thing.

  7. And the sad part is you have an opened minded White man telling it like it is and if he can see it that means other people refuse to see the truth as well as always!!!

  8. Thank You Real News Network. I have been saying this on Social Media for a minute now. Kapernick should not even worry about playing anymore. Lord knows he loves the game getting into the NFL is no joke, the competition is beyond fierce. He has worked and toiled and trained for most of his life to become one of the best in the world in his position in that sport and he risked it all to speak Truth to Power on an Issue LARGER than Football and LARGER than the NFL. Thats Testicular Fortitude. That is a Place where only Real Men can Stand!
    Kapernick is Bigger than the NFL.

  9. Do you really care if Kaepernick has a job ? Isn't helping your own situation most important and first ? Kaepernick will not pay your bills for you .

  10. Illuminating! Also this is a shame, seeing these men of color grasping at straws to justify a system that treads them underfoot, more or less. This is where you see economic class is, in cases, more influential than ethnicity.

    P.S. Jacqueline you are looking effervescent! Pastel pink and mother of pearl suits you and I'm usually against commenting on esthetics while real news is being reported.

  11. Muhammad Ali set the bar, are you living up to that bar?on his own terms whats the problem. He has been blackballed he has a right to protect his image.

  12. Colin Kaepernick is the sexiest man alive not John Legend. I don't mean just looks, he's nice there too, but his fight. Sign of a strong Alpha male.

  13. He was given the same amount of time, even more, that free agents are given to come perform a workout. Idiots.

  14. Thank you for giving us the true ACTUAL FACTS of this case and the Lies and Deceit of the NFL and of their Willie Lynch DIVIDE AND CONQUER TACTICS AND THEIR MASTERFUL USE OF BLACK PARROTS TO SPEW THEIR LIES AND DECEIT! They are making the same mistake being made by this country and world powers of the pass by treating people with injustices because of their power over them.This is the true reason of the decline of America and the people's quality of life, which will continue until it is totally destroyed. They have taken their low desires and their insatiable greed for money and power as God and feel they are better than all without it. As stated in Isaiah 28:18 "And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with Hell shall not stand, when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then shall ye be trodden down by it." They are ALL calling into effect the DIVINE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT! This is from the REAL TRUE AND LIVING GOD OF TRUTH AND OF JUSTICE, where we Must ALL REAP WHAT WE HAVE SOWN! What does it gain a man to gain the whole world, and lose his Soul in the process. How much can you pay to buy back your SOUL?

  15. They are all paid by the pyramid and are gate keeper big money. Will go along to get along to keep there life style and is always being used.

  16. Imagine if native aboriginal people had a clear contract to defend themselves…
    Imagine if Africans had a contract for freedom…
    This is about white supremacy and their control over every narrative…

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