Why we work so hard for working people – Everything Law and Order Blog

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By phillyfinest369


14 thoughts on “Why we work so hard for working people”
  1. So, where the hell will you be if and when hyper-automation, menial labor drones and bots, and digital outsourcing decimate countless jobs?
    Both low and high skill alike. You schmucks have NO IDEA what is on the horizon.

  2. Working class and the poor in every nation are an immense force that needs mobilising to pursue all out justice for all , end every inequality and make the world egalitarian

  3. It’s a positive of utmost importance in these dark days that the workers, we the people, unite in our struggles. Especially when the powerful capital class, as it always is super focused in their goals and ambitions to not only keep us down but to push us down further. The life long struggle of always just getting by, constantly struggling in and with economic uncertainty is if not directly indirectly the source of pretty much every threat posed to our planet and every living being. The greed of the few is inhibiting the rest of us all to reasonably prosper without it being at the expense of others. Exploitative economical policies causing unimaginable suffering as the already disadvantaged bares the brunt of extreme weather conditions due to climate change as our leaders are humming and hawing to placate their primary constituents, the rich. The rich and greedy who for some reason simply cannot control their greed even though they’re obviously not impervious to the global climate. It will severely hurt their bottom line way WAAAY more by them not allowing for desperately needed policies regarding climate change to mitigate the accelerating threat of climate change.
    Which, when I come to think of it makes me extremely worried as the only way for us to make our so called representatives act is to organize which we don’t have enough time to do to get to the threshold where policymakers around the world realize who they best listen to. Misinformation is more rampant than ever and the tools that control that misinformation is in the hands of the rich. And they’ll use it even if it means leaving coming generations, their own children without a livable planet. Fucking sick with greed, and truly seems to be a sickness in how the rich pursue satisfying their limitless greed unrelentingly no matter the cost and effect to the planet and the rest of us.

    Anyway, real glad to see American labor organizing is increasing and I hope we’ll see an exponential acceleration of the number of work places that unite and unionize to take control back from the greedy fucks dividing and fucking us all over. 👍🙌👌🖖🫶👏

  4. Can all in left YT please start educating people about both: (1) the difference between right-authoritarian vs. right-libertarian; & (2) the difference between left-authoritarian vs left-libertarian? It’s long overdue. People aren’t cattle or sheep: They will understand if we educate them.
    Though we need to educate (& learn) about all the nuance.

  5. And what of the workers who are not permitted to work, because they’re ceaselessly being targeted by criminal racist harassers?

  6. Drug infused spirituality for the atheist communists! America, the residence of "society of reason" that guilotines kings – 1789-2022 RIP

  7. The Government Party… Yee Haw… Where did all the money go? Where did my Standard of Living Go? Phoof… just like your "Rights" they are GONE!

    The Government, Cops, 3 Letter Agencies, MSM, Big Tech all hate Cameras, Truth, Transparency, Accountability, Dogs, the Bill of Rights, and Citizens!

    The Sheeple need to take a hard Look at the REAL Enemy… the Government! They steal your Privacy, Freedom, Liberty, money, property, dignity, and your future!

    You are NOTHING but TAX CHATTEL!

    Wake Up Sheeple… you are not Free! It is all an Illusion to keep you under control! That should make you so proud… stand up tall and march down Main Street Waving Old Glory and singing the Star Spangled Banner! Baaa Baaa Baaa

    According to Our Government: Spying, Violence, Lying, Extortion, Theft, Murder, & Corruption of Any Kind is Unacceptable in our Society… Unless the Spying, Violence, Lying, Extortion, Theft, Murder, & Corruption is Perpetrated by the Government!

    The Beatings Will Continue… Until Your Compliance Improves… the Government wants good Obedient Slaves! Privacy, Freedom, & Liberty is VERBOTEN!

    The Government hates Free Thinking & Critical Thinking! Back the Blue and get your Beating Too!

    The Cops/Government has a POLICY and NO Accountability… You pesky citizens have the LAWS and Just-Us!

    Has anyone else noticed… every time the Government passes a Law… the People Lose their Quality of Life, Money, Privacy, Liberty, and Rights while the Ruling Masters become wealthier?

    Ronald Reagan – We Don’t have inflation because We are living too well. We have it because the Government is living too well.

    When does the US Constitution and Bill of Rights Kick in? Where is the Accountability? When do I get the FREEDOM?

    Randal Worcester Beat By Three Arkansas Cops – Earning The Hate – Back The Blue (Good Luck America) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MakJgTPdw0

    Donta McMillan Victim Of Police Brutality by New Jersey State Prison Cops – Earning The Hate (Good Luck America) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJQEmDZ6HCc

    Muscogee Sheriff Fights Police Chief – Cops Threaten to Arrest Each Other – Gov Earning The Hate (Good Luck America) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoYE2Q4HL80

    Body Cam Footage | Pastor Unlawfully Arrested for Watering Plants and Using his Fourth Amendment! (Recognizing Our Rights) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn_X9Cbtl6Q

    Camden County Sheriff Beats Handcuffed Woman – Deputy Christi Newman Should Be Charged A Felony (Good Luck America) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMq5y7oDTCE

    New Dash Cam Featuring Super Nice Female Officer (The Civil Rights Lawyer) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMqcuglywgM

    $100 Million Verdict After “Panhandler” Arrest (The Civil Rights Lawyer) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTz1SwRdldw

    NO WARRANT – No crime and cops entered anyhow! (James Madison Audits) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxOFetD9ml0

    Police Caught Writing Too Many Tickets: Ordered to Stop (Steve Lehto) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wwagJc1Z4w

    They Keep Making The Same Mistake Because They Refuse To Admit They Are Wrong (James Freeman) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k48Z0p6TeBs

    Trooper’s Verbal Abuse of Woman Secretly Recorded – Now Under Investigation (The Civil Rights Lawyer) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kJ5Ov-rCTs

    Florida Deputies Execute Unarmed Man – No Threat Just Killed – Earning The Hate (Good Luck America) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BqCYjQzcJw

    Chief Complains On Facebook That Man Asserting His Rights Makes Cop's Job Hard And Hurts Feelings (James Freeman) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtuBNQwoNPA&t=103s

    Border Patrol Use False K9 Alert To Harass People (Junkyard News) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3famnz8X_7w

    San Rafael Police Excessive Force – Beat Man For Getting His ID – Outrageous Police Conduct (Good Luck America) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_orvH4WioDs

    Columbus Police Shoot Donovan Lewis For Vape Pen In His Hand – Is It Justified? (Good Luck America) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAMGAVdDwr4

  8. Smalls is probably one of the most influential in the labor movement this decade. what he has accomplished is quite extraordinary. a true hero of workers.

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