Wilkerson’s Real “Vice” – Cheney Moved GOP to Far Right (4/4) – Everything Law and Order Blog

In 2005, the Iraq War debacle weakens Cheney’s influence in the White House, but in and out of office, he continued to help create conditions for far-right control of the Republican Party – says Larry Wilkerson, depicted in the film VICE and former Chief of Staff to Sec. State Colin Powell – a REPLAY of a 2010 interview by Paul Jay

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By phillyfinest369


30 thoughts on “Wilkerson’s Real “Vice” – Cheney Moved GOP to Far Right (4/4)”
  1. Col. Wilkerson more or less sums Dick Cheney up as more of an overt co-president with W, while HW was a covert co-president to Reagan. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Dick Nixon, tail Gunner Joe McCarthy were all Prescott Bush, Dulles brothers, Barney Baruch murdering neocon imperialists.

  2. "It's too complex." See there America's most fundamental problem.
    Big part of the electorate doesn't understand because they are not trained to connect the dots and grasp what they mean.
    They are only allowed to learn about hatred, violence and revenge.

  3. Nice and informative interview. I have enjoyed it very much, such a smart man. I have to add that they have forgotten that Chaney was a DRAFT DODGER during the Vietnam era. He did literally every trick in the book to avoid draft, and his wife helped him with that.

  4. But… why would a hungry mule allow itself to be led to a barbecue anyway? Maybe he meant hungry bear. But then why would a hungry bear follow you all the way to the barbecue when it could just eat you and save itself the walk?

  5. The Republic is built on limited government and the left are the elitist racists historically by creating extreme victim mentality and dependency and big bloated government, but believe the opposite if you're still a slave. I see Trump as crushing the CORPUSA and the head of the snake. At least the Christians Right isn't so insane to believe God is a Hermaphrodite instead of the Father. Poisoning generations with depravity, disease, and self-abuse is against nature.

  6. 6:45 "The far left will bankrupt you, you can recover; the far right will kill you", except, the far left doesn't really bankrupt you, the right will though.

  7. Republicans AND Democrats in their current form need to go away. Don't vote for either. It's a wasted vote.
    Powell, Wilkerson's boss is a traitor, end of story. Voting for Obama was cover. Military swear an oath to the US constitution. Powell swore an oath to the deep state.

  8. This guy has a keen eye and a fine brain but my god he is lacking a Marxist analysis like a pile of flesh & gristle lacks a spine….

  9. The level of criminality and /or incompetence of the Bush – Cheney cabal in addition to damage to the United States was huge. To have a set of "war exercises" in place which redirected defensive assets ON the day of 911 when numerous alarm bells were ringing furiously from various intelligence sources would at a minimum require a thorough investigation. In addition, it is amazing that they had the "Patriot Act" written and ready to be implemented after the attacks, while the public was in shock and not able to comprehend the gravity of the act. The falsification of intelligence was fairly evident from CIA: "Curveball", aluminum tubes, anthrax etc. If the current administration wanted to begin inquiries, there would be plenty of indictments handed out. I'm not sure I agree with Mr. Wilkerson's assertion that Bush is that dumb. He plays the part well of a doofus but I imagine he knows more than he lets on.

  10. So Republicans know the right is more dangerous than the left, but they stay on the right? I heard an interview with John McCain where he said that looking back he thought the Vietnam War was wrong. The interviewer asked if he knew then what he knows now, would he still go. He said he was from a military family, so yes. These people are psychopaths!

  11. Cheney moved them to the far right? 😂 Please, no one remembers Nixon? Or even Eisenhower, the hypocrite who Built the Military Industrial Complex.

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