Joe Biden announced his campaign for the Democratic nomination with waves of patriotic “Stop Trump to save America” propaganda. However, representing the headquarters of most credit card companies, Biden defended their interests more than those of ordinary citizens. Norman Solomon and Jacqueline Luqman examine his campaign strategy

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By elboriyorker


21 thoughts on “Will Progressives Stop Biden, the Credit Card Candidate?”
  1. Research why so many banks and credit card companies moved to Joe Biden's state, Delaware.
    Hunter Biden was also a lobbyist for the credit card companies.
    This was of course before he partnered with Joe and Uncle Jim on Burisma.

  2. I was anti Trump. Never a fan of Hillary either. But recently the Dems are showing up as being just as corrupt and full of scumbags.

  3. I can bet that Trump will get reelected with ease. I fail to understand why has Democratic Party failed to come up with a single stable hopeful for 2020? We have Biden, Sanders, Mayor Pete, two Indian origin women, etc. None of them can stand up to Republican voters for more than a few hours on the election day. It is clear that bringing a new face works better than the tried and tested people. This makes Hillary Clinton, Sanders, and Biden useless. Of course Hillary Clinton met her fate in 2016. Then people from fringe groups (Senator Kamala Harris, Tulsi Gabbard, Mayor Pete, etc.) have so much of baggage carried from the group they belong to that winning against Trump is next to impossible for these. Then there are some potential candidates whose campaign never really took off. To me, Democratic Party needed a white male who was not gay or open socialist and free of baggage from the past. A clean female would have worked too. But as things are looking on May 25, 2019 Trump will win with relative ease because every single Dem potential candidate has one or two obvious flaws that are too big to ignore. All of this is my sincere and humble opinion.

  4. Bernie is such a threat to Trumpism, they dragged biden in after his missed opportunity last election, to draw votes away from Sanders. Same with Ms. Harris. Diversionary.

  5. Really a bad actor. So fake. Taking so billions of dollar of corruption from foreign government via his son’s company.

  6. As evidenced by the slavery of poverty being imposed upon the 50% working poor, Empire USA was created by slave owners to be a paradise for the 25% rich and the 25% slave-driver class, better know as the 25% educated middle-class. For we the laboring-class are the 50% of society that never votes, as it shall never be our job to rule, but only to follow.

  7. Since the beginning of society, the more intelligent upper-half of society has always hoarded all of the land, wealth and political power. Root cause being, a fake morality that we have an unalienable right to enrich ourselves upon the misery of those with less education, less wealt5h or less whiteness of skin.

  8. He’s hillary2020, the fact that the dems keeping pushing horrible candidates is disgusting! If they keep playing games I’ll play a game too. I’ll vote for trump, the dems have shown they don’t want my vote. We survived bush jr so we will survive trump. It’s Bernie or Tulsi for me. AND it so good to see Jackie 🔥

  9. I will never vote for "I offer you nothing new liberal self described corporate prostitute" for president! Nor I will for any new liberal corporate puppet. If Trump is re-elected, so be it, probably things get so bad that we get a real revolution that do away with the horrible political system we have endured for so long.

  10. No chance. He is what elites want and they will get him. Then they will have fun betting on who'll win between Trump and Biden… End of the day it doesn't matter to them who wins as both will do their bidding and nothing for the American people… But they get to splash tons of money on the campaigns to divide and delude the 99% to fight each other than getting riled up on being ruled by the 1%. Average person is too stupid to see past this or don't care as they're comfortable so elites will continue to rule over them forever!!

  11. Joe: status quo, corrupt, pandering, condescending, war monger, big business over people – yep sounds like the perfect candidate for the Dems

  12. My biggest fear is my brothers and sisters (who still watch CNN/MSNBC) will not do their research and fall for the banana in the tailpipe again.

  13. ˥∀-┴I-Ԁ∀Ɔ ǝɥʇ 'פOp‾ԀO┴ (⅄∀M-⅄W) 
    First how are the elected selected?? It appears the nominee must be very wealthy or a willing  puppet for the corporations!!
    A qualified  candidate  selected for and by the people? Please teach us how anyone could compete without billions or even trillions??  Elections-are-Bought
    Could a candidate campaign on (reining) in these multinational corporations?  Complete restructuring our backwards system? Insuring the people's rights of remedy over Corporations!
    Add a comment../or/ Just don't care?

  14. Wasn't Biden the original author of the Patriot Act–the original one written years b4 the 9/11 attack? It hadn't gotten passed as law at the time. I guess the American people weren't ready for it yet…

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