Will Soleimani’s Assassination Set Back Iraq’s October Revolution? – Everything Law and Order Blog

Soleimani’s killing could open a path for peace if cooler heads prevail, argues professor of Middle East politics Sabah Alnasseri.

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Audio Engineer: Cameron Granadino
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By phillyfinest369


25 thoughts on “Will Soleimani’s Assassination Set Back Iraq’s October Revolution?”
  1. It seems the opposite has happened and Soleimani's killing has led to a resurgence of the protests in Iran. Rather than set back the revolution, Trump's action has spurred it on.

  2. Am I wrong,is this Alnasseri,(Mud-pet), just justified the US killing this general, and suggest the Iranian leaders, at the very top went along with it.Not only that, but suggest the Iranians, not the Americans, are keeping Iraq destabilized, until they can get a favorable Gov't………Complete foolishness!……..Remember,Saddam was America's puppet, and they could have gotten rid of him, in the same manner,but decided to destabilize the region instead,Why?… Real News"-this is Foolishness.

  3. Prof said; "The Shiite parties voted for the resolution (to evict the troops) & the Kurds & the Sunni boycotted the session."
    Interesting framing, however what he calls a 'boycott' is better understood as 'The the Kurds & the Sunni refused to cast a vote AGAINST evicting the troops"

  4. Have you heard that (MBS's Lil brother, the Saudi Finance Minister) Khalid bin Salman met on monday with Kushner & Trump in the oval office?

    Also that the WH did not inform the press of this meeting, nor was it included on the Official POTUS Calendar….?

    The only reason we DO know about this meeting at all is that Khalid bin Salman posted the OVAL OFFICE PICTURES on his TWITTER.

    And considering Iraqi PM has told parliament that Trump knew that Soleimani was arriving when he did, on a diplomatic mission, being mediated by himself (Iraqi PM,) to deliver a response to the call for peace by the Saudis…..

    Seriously, that this meeting took place at all
    is a BIG PUBLIC EFF- YOU aimed right @ Iraq & Iran

  5. The US has been allowing Israel to attack PMF/PMU locations in Iraq and Syria since August 2019, using US bases in Iraq as the points of departure. Those are the same forces the US bombed in December. To claim the US was provoked into attacking groups that they had already been attacking is ridiculous and idiotic. And secondly there is no evidence to support the claim that it was the PMF that attacked the Green zone. ISIS and other extremist groups are also in possession and have been documented to us Matthew rockets. Direct evidence should be required from the US government before we should accept that claim as being legitimate. The US has leaked repeatedly in order to go to war in the middle east. Why should we believe they are not lying now.

  6. By killing Soleimani's delegation while traveling to a peace meeting in Iraq, to arrange peace between Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran, the Trump administration has committed an act of State Terrorism.
    https://news.antiwar.com/2020/01/05/soleimani-was-in-baghdad-on-mission-for-saudi-peace/ https://thegrayzone.com/2020/01/06/soleimani-peace-mission-assassinated-trump-lie-imminent-attacks/ Soleimani Was in Baghdad on Mission for Saudi Peace
    If the leaders of the world are not safe to discuss peace, all conflicts of the future can only escalate to world war! This an act of terrorism that endangers all of Humanity!
    Write your legislative representatives both National and State to demand they sponsor legislation to deliver Trump, Pompeo, and others involved to the International Criminal Court http://www.ICC-CEP.int for the crime of State Terrorism, and provide all requested evidence.
    Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents, 1973

  7. Once again, S. Alnasseri is blaming Iran even more than the true culprits. I see the same pattern in the opinions of Iranians who, like S. Alnasseri, have lived too long in the West and completely accepted the underlying Western view of the world where the Western world has good intentions and the correct standing, and the fault lies on the side of those "rogue states" which refuse to deal with the "benevolent" empires. So sad and disgusting.

  8. Why do otherwise intelligent people keeping saying that the assassination of Soleimani "brought the world to the brink of war"? Unless they're saying that Iran or some nuclearly armed country can and will threaten nuclear war, there is no war! Who would engage in war with the U.S. that doesn't have nuclear weapons. We've all heard of MAD, "mutually assured destruction". Who would invite U.S. nuclear weapons to rain down on them?!

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