Will Trump’s Trade Wars Raise Wages? – Everything Law and Order Blog

Are the trade negotiations with china and the rewriting of NAFTA aimed at raising wages or profits? Gerald Epstein joins Paul Jay

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By phillyfinest369


25 thoughts on “Will Trump’s Trade Wars Raise Wages?”
  1. 99% of "whatever gains".. will go to the rich 1%.
    America's "ruling class" has imposed a Scarcity Economy on the masses of citizens.. Dog eat dog, kill each other for peanuts, back stab each other for $10hr.. Scarcity by design

  2. Chinese works might be factor but Right here in the USA we have 20 to 30 million Illegal immigrants working and thet has to driveing down wadges….. supply and demand . Thats Wjy Trump is trying to build a wall if we deported all the illegals wadges would double over night

  3. It's not the Chinese or any cheap labor countries..it is your cooperate company that take the company to them. So you guys are barking on the wrong tree. Everybody is barking on the wrong tree. Bla Bla Bla..I hear crying fouled by want cheap products. Property rights my foot…the company sold the rights to the Chinese for Profits, now you cry stealing ?!

  4. The question was asked "what is a good trade policy?". IMHO, this is it:

    1) A 15% minimum tariff on ALL manufactured goods….on ALL to avoid the problem of, for example, the U.S. nail and screw manufacturer losing business to nail and screw imports due to higher tariffs on just steel and aluminum (classified as manufactured goods) and not on nails and screws also.

    2) No matter country of origin….to avoid the problem of trans-shipping where, for example, goods manufactured in China will be first shipped to Canada and then imported into the U.S.

    3) With companies and industry groups allowed to lobby for higher tariffs (higher than the 15% minimum) to combat dumping….for example, Chinese manufacturers of heavily govt. subsidized solar panels flooding the U.S. with below-cost solar panels.

    4) And with the annual tariff revenue divided up and paid out equally, tax-free, to all adult citizens every year….to lessen or more than compensate for the higher prices on manufactured goods (especially for those whose incomes are below the median and currently do not spend a lot on manufactured goods anyway).

    For example, if as a result of the 15% minimum tariff, our last year's $2.4 trillion in imports of manufactured goods fell by, say, 30% (replaced by domestic production for domestic sales) then about $250 billion would be collected in tariff revenue. That would be enough to pay all 210 million adult citizens $1,190 tax-free. If the price of continued manufactured imports was 15% higher because of the 15% tariff (could very well be less) and the price of the U.S. produced goods replacing the import drop was 15% higher, then a two-adult household receiving $2,380 would have to have been spending more than $15,867 per year ($15,867 divided by 15% = $2,380) on manufactured imports and/or U.S. produced goods using imported content to not actually make money on the "deal".

    A very reasonable assumption, it seems to me, would be that retaliatory tariffs would cause our exports to fall by roughly the same percentage amount as the imports (probably even less). When guessing a 30% drop in imports above (a $720 billion drop) that would mean a $480 billion drop in last year's $1.6 trillion of exported manufactured goods for us…..the net being a $240 billion lower trade deficit and higher than otherwise GDP with more employed here in manufacturing (as well as higher tax revenue from the higher GDP).

    If imports and exports fell less than the guess of about 30%, then more would be collected in tariff revenue (and more paid out to citizens) but the increase in manufacturing employment, fall in the trade deficit and increase in GDP would be less. If imports and exports fell more than the 30% guess then the tariff revenue would be less but the decrease in the trade deficit would be more, manufacturing employment would be higher, and both GDP and tax revenue would be higher.

  5. @real news please label the two parts of interviews the same so they're easier to find. It would also be helpful if they were labeled part 1 and part 2. Thanks and keep up the great work!

  6. They don't mention how many jobs were lost and don't tell the truth about the other book for unemployment which are the actual numbers i bet it wouldn't look as good then .

  7. Chinese workers have free healthcare and free education. So how come the Chinese government can afford that and the US can't? Easy, they don't go to war.

  8. There should have been international labour laws that outlawed slave Labour and sweat shops , and it needs to be policed. The whole Neoliberal world wide slave labour pool was generated because corporations were allowed to exploit human slave labour.
    If Sanders takes the Presidency, he has the knowledge about this, and has said he would renegotiate these deals that were written by corporatists, and have tribunals that over rule sovereignty……..
    The Green New Deal, could generate a huge economy….but they have to pay good wages with encouragement of world wide unions….. Nothing wrong with countries competing, however the playing field has to be fair…..NO MORE SLAVE LABOUR.

  9. That brought to light what Trump is really doing with tariffs. It’s not to help American workers, but the wealthy stockholders.

    Bernie 2020

  10. The average annual income worldwide is only 10k… America's average is 33k. America has priced it's labor out of the worldwide marketplace.

  11. Answers no, don't even have to watch it, no. No body rich cares about us. I see them spending trillions killing people just like me all over the world and I think they'll kill me when I become too much of a nuisance.

  12. Tariffs are taxes on the American consumer and it is the taxation and regulation of the economy used to manipulate markets and people's choices are what caused the "wage problem," etc. in the first place.

    Government interference in the market is what causes problems not solve them.

    Every law and tax's purpose is to generate conflicts where otherwise no conflicts would occur.

  13. Alot of China made products have copyright American brand names on them… Now the outsourcers are calling themselves nationalist .. Manipulating chickens coming home to roost..!?

  14. Hooking CHINA into trade deals for HIGH TECH and Big Pharma and other Super Rich Corps is a stable foot forward to abate China's plan to allie with other Communist Countries that are working against the U.S. on all levels including military. No other American except Pelosi has been doing such of recent. Obama messed up Chinese relations and made them compete with the U.S. sO.. Democratic Propaganda will say financial relations are bad for U.S. WORKERS. However… Democrats are the one's that have stagnated wages for 30 years by stiffiling UNIONS for the same big Corp. donors. When will citizens wake up to reality that the "PARTY SYSTEM" of government only represents Big Corp interests? Short of Unions coming back.. NEVER…… ! Get real.. ok ?

  15. Corporate racism is paying workers of other countries less than Europeans. This is never called out by NBC CBS ABC FOX CNN MSNBC news because they are corporate news with no moral integrity…

  16. meanwhile ivanka and donald have their products made in china… anyone who thinks or believes donald trump has the interests of regular people in mind, needs that mind examined for defects.

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