The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces agreement is one of the most important international treaties and its cancellation will mean a full return to the nuclear arms race and closer to nuclear disaster, says Peter Kuznick of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University

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By elboriyorker


34 thoughts on “Withdrawal From INF Nuclear Treaty Brings us “Closer to Doomsday” Than any Time Since 1950’s”
  1. More Yank Dribble, more fake news, What nuclear arms race, there are thousands of them ready for take-off from many nations. It doesn't matter how many or how big you got, it's who's going to turn those security keys first.

  2. Curse Trump for placing that maniac in a position that requires a reasonable human being. Bolton is a reckless warmonger who seems to have a death wish for humanity, Pompeo too.

  3. This is just to remind you of the possibility that ISAIAH 33:8 speaks of "TREATIES BROKEN"
    (think JCPOA and also also the INF with Russia). A few verses later: "GOD ARISES" (to hear the GROANS of the poor and needy in Venezuela?– or maybe Israel?, Psalm 12:5*-8). I just wanted you to be aware of these important "prophecies about GROANING": study carefully (you "judges", Psalm 58) the following related verses: 1) Psalm 74:20-21, 2) Psalm 79:4-11*, 3) Psalm 102:13-20* and the Lamentations 1:13*, 17*, 21*, 2:14*-18, 3:30-40*, 4:11-13*, 17-20*, 5:22* & Psalm 94: 15-21*, Mt. 24:28 "where the dead body lies (cold and still) there will those
    "vultures" be gathering (to pick on a dead body, Trump's "red caps" didn't realize the poor guy's heart stopped and he was already dead — get it? Jesus wasn't a member of the Sierra Club nor was he talking about real birds.But (believe me) there will be "NO VULTURES" in the Kingdom of HEAVEN — NOT ONE (Isaiah 44:8).

  4. This whole INF Treaty ordeal between Russia and USA that is going on right now is just a heads up to let us know shit might hit the fan soon. With all the advancements in weapon technology such as Laser technology, microwave technology, environmental manipulation technology, these nuclear weapons are almost outdated. This is all a show!

  5. The Russians and Chinese are psyched by this move because it frees them up for weapons development. It’s another Trump love letter to Putin just in time for Valentine’s Day. 🥰

  6. I can't get why 99.9% of the media, both the propaganda western machine and the alternative media, fail in pointing out the KEY significance of the American withdrawal from the Intermediate Range ballistic missiles. And this is it: In case the early launching Russian systems detect a launch they will only have 2-3 minutes to whether decide if they fully retaliate and destroy the U.S. and Europe and wait to be annihilated themselves, or do nothing and hope it's a malfunction of their systems (like it has happened a dozen times in the past)!!! Can you get that? A dozen times!!!
    Without intermediate missiles, Russians and Americans have more than an hour to figure out what really is going on. That is the high risk no-one is pointing out for stupidity or, stupidity.

  7. Bolton is still on standpoint that if US remain with 2 soldiers and Russia on 1 it means that US won the war. And he is urging to exploit that opportunity.

  8. americans wants russia to be there puppet like the EUs!! aint gonna work while pres.putin is around tho….putin knows that america has build something and blaming anything everthing to russia to leave the INF treaty

  9. Russia already open them own secrets by saying they have New weapons that can defeat any Defense System… They should have kept their mouth shut… But they have make America wise to make New brand weapons that no one will ever comes close… By the time America is done, Russia big Irons will be Damn useless like retired hoes

  10. "I'll punish the violator of the treaty by pulling out of the treaty, instead of using options to punish the other party via means of the treaty."

    I'd say that Bolton is an idiot, but something makes me think that he's doing this so that the US can begin bomb testing. After, the USSR fell, but the resources, labour and markets of Russia are still mostly inaccessible to American oligarchs.

  11. Two things:
    First, anyone that has not already seen Kuzick and Stone's Untold History of the United States, go watch that immediately. It is fascinating and very enlightening to anyone that has not already had a serious education in US and world history.
    Second, I disagree with Kuznik that we should only be focused on US and Russian nuclear arsenals. Every single nuclear power, which includes the US, Russia, China, Britain, France, Pakistan, India, and Israel (though somehow Israel still denies this), each and every one of those countries has more than a hundred nuclear weapons which is clearly enough for each of those countries individually to cause a bad enough nuclear winter to doom all higher orders of life on Earth. Every conversation involving nuclear weapons should involve discussing how each and every nation that has nuclear weapons has to get rid of them immediately for the sake of humanity.

  12. Its interesting how the democrats and mainstream media has hardly talked about this or pushed back.. hm wonder why.

  13. I hope one day Bolton is found guilty, is dragged out of the White House, and is made to pay with a swift sentence Saddam Hussein style.

  14. Russia and China look grown up compared to these fk'ing psychopaths. The empire is dying folks and this is the rot that is supposed to save it.. too bad we won't get to see these clowns hanged for their war on humanity.

  15. Guys guys guys, calm down. These "small yield" nukes will only be capable of destroying ~10 square city blocks at a time. Gotta "keep it civil".

    The pathocracy likes to use this phrase over and over. "Civility" to them is mass global genocide if you didn't know.

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