The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces agreement is one of the most important international treaties and its cancellation will mean a full return to the nuclear arms race and closer to nuclear disaster, says Peter Kuznick of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University

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By elboriyorker


42 thoughts on “Withdrawal From INF Nuclear Treaty Brings us “Closer to Doomsday” Than any Time Since 1950’s”
  1. My theory as an Independent peace advocate is that there is a false opposition/ false dichotomy strategy behind the DNC vs RNC Russia gate blame game. The only certainty is that the people in the two corrupt colluding parties are the party members and their legal counsels who are now embedded in the judicial positions. I see all of this as being part of the Fascist shadow government plan for a new world order that is being pushed by the Likudnik Israeli-American neocons in the PNAC and Council for National Policy (Michael Ledeen) and the zio-cons in top positions of power in Israel (Netanyahu in Israel, Rahm Emanuel in the US as North American Head of the Mossad and outgoing mayor of Chicago and shadow government powerbroker who put Monica Lewinski on Bill Clinton to obstruct the peace process and has been like a mole in the Democratic Party since early 90's in Bill Clinton Campaign We the people are being played from both sides which is why many see Socialists/ Communist Marxist revolution as the only honest basis for strategic planning. We are all like the communist underground now. Our enemies or opposition are those behind the plan since Rothschild pushed the takeover of the Federal Reserve with JP Morgan and Warburg in 1913. As Anthony Sutton wrote, Rothschild and other tyrants of the shadow government [ closely aligned with the Sovereign Knights of Malta or Saint John of Jerusalem – have profiting from both sides of all the wars and dirty elections We also have to recognized that the ability of the UN to be arbitrator of peace is hampered by the way the Republican CIA , which Doug Valentine proved is an organized crime syndicate pushed through the Contract with America which pushed through the National Security Restoration Act which secretly required that all US spending on UN peacekeeping be matched 40/60 with 60% spending on NATO "security / bombing spending WHICH MUST BE CHANGED. The Congress should expose in a televised hearing that the CIA operatives Newt Gingrich (see James Petras and Russ Bellant's book showing the common roots of the GOP and the Nazi's and Webster Tarpley on the Bush family's connections to Nazis)

  2. The US is losing friends left and right. If this continues it will be the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia against the rest of the world. How do you think this will end?

  3. The threat for Europe and the whole world is the USA. I live in europe and I'm not afraid of the Russians at all. The US has more than 800 military bases around the world, that scares me. AMI GO HOME!!!

  4. If America insists on electing stupid presidents, the rest of the world should have the right to approve him before he takes office as they are also affected by his stupidity,

  5. The Russian missiles are in Russia,.. The US missiles are in Poland, Romania and in Lithuania since 2014.. What would the US have to say if Russia had missiles in Mexico and Canada?

  6. I have heard from people still believing that Trump is Putin's puppet wanna claim that Trump pulled out of the treaty to help Putin to advance more nukes.. smh.

  7. One of the most important treaties ever made has been shit-canned by an ignorant, warmonger president. WHY?!? Trump is spoiling for war against any and everyone!

  8. Excellent segment on a key topic but since I'm a distractible human being, I am wondering what kind of lizard (snake?) is in that terrarium behind Kuznick. 🙂

  9. Wake up idiots ! Why adhere to a treaty in which the other side knowingly violates ? All or none. Doubt the motives of Trump at the peril of violating the rules of logic and common sense. You know, like the current left. BAMN is their motto not Trumps.

  10. I am sorry Peter Kuznick, but although most of what you say is absolutely relevant, it does not address the present day crisis from the US standpoint. Why does the US not want to continue the intermediate range treaty ? Why does the US president want to completely overhaul its nuclear stockpile at insane costs as quickly as possible ? It has absolutely nothing to do with a cruise missile which "may have" the capability to have a range of slightly more than 500 km. It does however have everything to do with this – soon to be deployed, which negates the entire US nuclear arsenal. Remember "Listen to us now !" ?

  11. They should make 1 huge bomb to blow up the planet. Then give 25 countries the button to detonate it. Wait… there's no money in that! What we need is a missle defense shield! Right president Regan!

  12. John Bolton is an idiot. And Trump is an even bigger idiot for listening to him. A smart president would have challenged China to JOIN the treaty, not opened the arms race up to the fastest growing economy in the world.

  13. The INF withdrawal is part of a pattern. It is not the first nuclear treaty the US has terminated; at the end of 2001 the United States walked out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty it had signed with the Soviet Union in 1972. For President George Bush, pulling out of the treaty reflected a judgment that 30 years after the treaty had been signed we were living “at a much different time, in a vastly different world.”

  14. He is wrong about one thing about saying "no one benefits" from a new arms race. The weapon contractors are salivating over the monetary prospects of a new arms race, increasing risk of nuclear holocaust be damned.

  15. wait if Trump is a Putin puppet why would he do this ?… Oh wait he is not and the DNC is full of crap

  16. ©™ TMALX Transnational 🌏 Militant 💥 Armed🔫Liberation⛓ Xecutive🕶 Observation ✍ ✍

    Arms race to feed the Military Industrial Complex moronic meglomaniacal goofball President.
    Bolton is the poster boy for loose cannons and another clown in the Trump circus 🎪 filled only with clowns racist clowns warmongering clowns dangerous clowns.

  17. Thank you Prof. Kuznick. Only one disagreement. The greatest threat to humanity and the world at large is not the atomic bomb or any particular individual, nation or tribe, but the "Human Mind". Interesting how silent are the religious leaders and scientists of the mind.

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