15 minutes of Kanye saying Chick Fil A

15 minutes of Kanye saying Chick Fil A

Because why not?
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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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29 thoughts on “15 minutes of Kanye saying Chick Fil A

  1. Check the lay
    Chick full of hey
    Check for le hey
    Jig the lil HEY
    Chick full of hate.

    After the first ten minutes, I stopped hearing Chick-fil-a and started hearing all of those.

  2. My toddler thinks he says “tickle me” and she yells it randomly and wants me to play it on a loop so thanks for making this.

  3. Every other one of your videos is 30 seconds or less and you decided it would be reasonable to plague us with 15 minutes of pure bullshit… well played

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