In my experience, cops make the same excuses regularly for why they won’t start or they quit Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I brought in one of my professors, Angelo Popofski, to discuss responses to the top three I’ve heard over the years.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


33 thoughts on “3 Excuses Cops Make to NOT Train BJJ”
  1. Usually my guys always complain about time! and…we’re on 4- 10s!

    The reality is they don’t want their ego crushed. They don’t want to get exposed for having no gas tank or being non athletic. They think they’re all tough guys….instead of getting humbled and learning this…they’ll stay in fear and always wonder. I wish my platoon rolled. Morale would boost and we’d have some goooood stops!

  2. I'm a cop in California. I've done a striking based system for over half my life, and unfortunately I have the injuries to show for it. I've had moderate hip arthritis for a while now..nothing that keeps me from working and I'm still active with boxing and martial arts. However, my range of motion is limited on one side. I've always been interested in jujitsu, but can you really train consistently with a bad hip? I don't think I can contort myself into some of the positions in your art. So my excuse falls into the injury category, but it's a preexisting injury which I think would limit my progress. I'm also old (51). LOL. So what do you think…is it worth starting jujitsu with a bad hip, or should I just wait until I eventually get a hip replacement? Will a typical jujitsu school work around injuries like that?

  3. Most BJJ Schools/ Gyms are very LEO friendly. Many are like mine and offer LEO discounts also. Actually mine is a LEO family discount since my kids train also. We also have LEO only classes.

  4. It will humble you very much to get tap!!! Most people cannot handle that…👍👍👍👍

  5. Mike, as a formed jiu jitsu student and someone who is interested in law enforcement and knows many police officers, one excuse I hear the most is that they simply don't have enough time. On their tour days, if they work 12 hours, the entire day they are on the road and then come home for a couple hours and then sleep, so literally no time to train. Most police officers work overtime too and on their couple of days off they only want to spend time with family and friends and only do the things they really love to do.

  6. Departments need to get on board too. The leadership is massively out of date and uneducated on what modern LEO's should be training like. Most departments are operational 99% of the time and training MAYBE 1% of their on-duty time. Many supervisors completely disallow any type of working out on duty due to "liability." This is completely unacceptable. But these days the "leadership" is more concerned about making sure cops don't appear to be militarized and tweeting out pictures and videos of officers holding kittens and dancing to stupid songs.

  7. I wish the government would fund BJJ for any officers who wanted to train. Mistakes happen when people are scared, and you’re more scared when you feel unprepared for a situation.

  8. Wait. What the fuck. Not only does Mike live in my hometown, not only does he train at my old gym, but Angelo is making a cameo? How do you wave at someone over YouTube? Tell Angelo that Aaron Boyd says hi!

  9. Hi mike, I did not realize we are from the same area. I agree cops should train in something and BJJ would give them a lot of benifits. When you have time you should come train with us to give it a try and maybe add something to your bjj training. We teach kali in the ann arbor and livonia area, we deal with weapons, empty hands, grappling. Stay safe, and thank you for your service.

  10. There is no excuse. The harsh reality is that they are so use to playing the alpha some that they are scared to step into a situation that they will no longer have that role…

  11. I've trained with guys who have animosity towards cops. For good reason a couple of them. Cops are safer to train with cop's in my opinion. If I was a cop, I would keep it in house for sure.

  12. What is the difference between Brasilia Jujitsu and traditional Japanese Jujutsu, ninjitsu and nimpo martial arts apart from one being Japanese as practiced by the samurai in Japan and the other is brasilian.

  13. I train with several police officers, I'm actually training bjj, MMA and nippon kempo(mix of jiu jitsu, karate, kickboxing-invented by an officer from the tokyo police) to get fit enough to join the police force.

  14. I remember officers in my dept laughing and saying I’m not rolling around with dudes, besides I’ve got my gun… was the WORST excuses I heard. The ego is a big factor not discussed enough in LE.

  15. Same excuses I hear at my PD, that and guys are just honestly too lazy. I got into Jiu-jitsu 4 years ago when I became a cop, best decision I made.

  16. I’ve assisted in making LEO’s quit our gym several times over the last 20 years. Lol. They always come in with their bully attitudes until they get strangled. Only difference between them and real fighters is that they are to egotistical and prideful to humble themselves and admit there is always someone that is better than you. That always leads to them not returning. In my experience.

  17. It should be Mandatory training for all officer's no exceptions. They shouldn't be aloud to pass the academy without it. Also striking should be taught as well.

  18. Mike is the real deal, giving awsome advice.
    Could you start giving security officers advice bout how to be prepared for any situation, and self defense. Cause there's a lot of bad security all around the world. It will definitely create more subs.
    Respect from Denmark 🇩🇰

  19. It's pretty ridiculous that police departments wouldn't cover injuries incurred doing self defense / martial arts training, I mean that's job related.

  20. I'm a LEO from Australia. I first looked into BJJ after a vid of yours about a year ago. Started training and I'm now a 2-stripe white belt and I'm hooked. I have you to thank, Mike. Thanks for all you do🤙

  21. Train hard for that lawsuit that will consume your life, everything you’ve worked hard for, to defend the innocent against turd bags only to get treated like the suspect, the bad guy and then be sued civilly , only if you managed to avoid prison. Good luck! You’ll need it!

  22. Mike is the real deal, giving awsome advice.
    Could you start giving security officers advice bout how to be prepared for any situation, and self defense. Cause there's a lot of bad security all around the world. It will definitely create more subs.
    Respect from Denmark 🇩🇰

  23. Train hard for that lawsuit that will consume your life, everything you’ve worked hard for, to defend the innocent against turd bags only to get treated like the suspect, the bad guy and then be sued civilly , only if you managed to avoid prison. Good luck! You’ll need it!

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