If you have or are considering getting your concealed carry permit/license please don’t make these mistakes and always seek to improve in your skill!

Reacting to the Police When Carrying Concealed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rW5y0Vl-PY

Like the shirt I wore? You can get one: https://sheepdogthreads.com/collections/apparel/products/keep-calm-and-carry-1?ref=MTC

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SNAP: mike_thecop1

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


28 thoughts on “3 Mistakes Concealed Carriers Make”
  1. I like guns but I'm a big believer that not everyone should have one!If at any time they are over herd or post it or make a gun threat in anyway without their life or some else life being in danger they should lose the right to own any guns'. Gun is last resort not a threat because u are losing and argument or not getting your way.

  2. @Mike. JMO! If cost & access to a range is an issue. Check Out some of the Replica Air guns. By using these you can get the full action of a revolver or semi automatic handgun such as the Umarex M&P 40 with full blowback & takedown of the M&P 9mm,380 acp etc.. Also made in other models.

  3. The 13th Amendment to the Constitution
    Makes it Unconstitutional for Someone to be held as a slave
    In other words it grants freedom to all Americans
    There are exceptions, including criminals
    That is a clause, a loophole.
    'Neither Slavery nor Involuntary Servitude
    Except as A Punishment For Crime'
    Used by Cops, courts, judges, others as A Tool
    for whatever purposes they want to use it
    Against those they take issue with as reasons may vary
    Toward race, gender, lifestyle, means, ect..

    The reason I say that cops are Corrupt and Sadistic Is because that is the kind of people who gravitate to that kind of job. Granted some may not be as corrupt and sadistic as others. However the more corrupt and sadistic one is, the more they will be accepted as a cop, the better they will progress in their profession.

  4. It's a gun license, not a cop badge. IF you get the urge to save someone, remember, it's 50/50 they voted for hillary. Next, is there anyone else in the area? You're responsible for every bullet, shoot an innocent-go to prison. Cons will love your "shoot at criminals motto".

  5. Mike, getting a pistol permit in upstate isnt the easiest thing and it can take upto 1 year to get your permit. also getting a permit without restrictions is almost impossible for the first year, My question is how many people who have gotten their pistol permits even with restrictions, still decide to conceal carry, and how much of a risk is that considered? Is it worth the risk?

  6. I undergo continual training. Right now, my circumstances have changed and I am working with my trainer to simulate conditions and the environments I'm in. This includes the clothing I have to wear and experimenting with different pistols.

  7. Im not a cop but im from the great state of maine where you do not need a permit to conceal carry and very often do i find the best way to train with your Adrenalin going is to go out hunting your adrenalin really gets going when theres a deer in your sights or when the sky is black with ducks

  8. 3 Mistakes Concealed Carriers Make While Interacting With Police:
    1. Forgetting that they can and will cover up any wrongdoing on their part, if you sneeze wrong and they shoot you 57 times.

    2. Thinking your life or right matter, compared to their lives, authority, and the billions in tax dollars and unlimited time for trials.

    3. Assuming a complaint you make will go anywhere. Have you watched youtube?

  9. Hey mike, Should I obey unconstitutional laws and not conceal carry without a permit because my state is not a "constitutional carry" state and if so Should I obey Anti free speech laws if they are passed because my state is not a "constitutional speech" state?

  10. Another thing to remember is you're not going to have time to put hearing protection on when the high stress situation occurs. You need it for practice but the first time you're close to a fire arm when it goes off can disorient you. Just know to expect it so you don't flinch in the heat of the moment when you shoot in that high stress situation. You're likely to go partially deaf for a few mins too.

  11. How’s this for training under stress? I took my wifey to my favorite shooting range. I gave her a Glock 43 9mm and showed her how to shoot it. I set up the target and moved it to the proper distance. She took the Glock, and raised it up to the target. Instead of sqeezing the trigger, she hit the mag release and the mag fell on the floor. How’s that for training under stress? 😆😆🇺🇸🇺🇸

  12. Yeah, folks don’t really know what it’s like until it happens. I’ve learned that working years as a corrections officer where attacks pop out of nowhere.

  13. Enjoyed the training video regarding onlinegunpermits com. where by you can achieve a concealed carry permit online. It was Pleasant of you to point that out. I utilized it and eventually got my permit successfully thanks for your time.

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