47Pct NYPD, City, State, & Law Enforcement are exempt from Accountability & are above the Law

47Pct NYPD, City, State, & Law Enforcement are exempt from Accountability & are above the Law

(TODAY MARKS MY 300th video on my youtube channel) ….First I want to say is that City/State or #NYPD Officers should be held accountable for their actions while living under the same Laws we do here in the United States…Furthermore, they should be arrested or cited a violation for the same Laws we do whether it’s minor or not. Here this guy gets pulled over for God knows what, then gets arrested, probably for some dumb Shit, meanwhile another gets pulled over and flashes some sort of identification and then gets a pass…so this person is exempt from prosecution because he works for the #Government ….#NYC #Copwatch #BlackLivesMatter #CopwatchNYC #FilmThePolice #acab #Bronx #MyNYPD #PoliceBrutality #BillBratton #BillDeBlasio #CityHall #GunHillRoad

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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