I caught the quick clip as I was heading out.The slow lane is closed, police are in road and this lieutenants twerps come over in a surge with their presence suddenly to tell a lady directing the traffic to parking in.

You can see them get told to go back across the street. All for peaceful protesters wishing the city open for business.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


30 thoughts on “5 police vs 1 female to order from cross walk! So ready to intimidate with their tactics.”
  1. Governor of Michigan said breast cancer surgery was elective so not allowed by that abortions were ……ready…..life sustaining so it was allowed…..

  2. I see a hell of a lot of people on the clock standing around and doing nothing in these videos. Amazing that they get away with it.

  3. That mist be an automatic 'assault camera" you're carrying as they saw you & fled like vampires from bright sunlight do. 🤪👍 Well done James Madison oppression vampires slayer! I swear I could hear the LT muttering something…https://youtu.be/LKI9-ZaVi2I

  4. Police are NOT authorized to issue so-called “lawful” commands. There is only one organization authorized to issue lawful commands, and that is the US Military, as prescribed in the UCMJ, Uniform Code of Military Justice. There is a reason for that authority. Police may give requests, but they are not authorized to issue orders. Furthermore, police as an institution have NO rights. They do NOT have the right to demand ID, they do NOT have the right to search your vehicle or person. Hence, the 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendment rights. Rights, inalienable, are ONLY conferred upon the citizenry, people. This structure is in place to keep policing in check, and to ensure the citizenry has protection from governmental overreach. When police state to you they have the “right” to demand ID, immediately rebuff them, and emphatically state to them, they MAY have the authority to demand ID, but they have NO rights. We, the citizenry, give police authority. This is an extremely important concept! If, and when, police violate that conferred authority, the citizenry is obligated to remove that authority, immediately and without prejudice!

  5. i bet if those people where anti fa they could block the streets hit people and those pigs would just stand by and watch.

  6. We need 100+ citizens to show up in force and armed each and every time one of these "officers" starts operating as a domestic terrorist. Give them instant feedback on the fact that they are violating both federal law and their oaths. They have gotten far too comfortable breaking laws, violating citizens rights, and terrorizing law abiding citizens based on overwhelming force. There are far more of us than them, and it's long past time to take advantage of that fact.

  7. The black cop was ready to attack the lady from behind until he came to his senses and realized that he was being recorded, was severely outnumbered and probably would have got his whole gang shot up and killed.
    People need to keep assembling in public like this and pressing police to personal accountability. A case in Idaho, a mob showed up to the cops house who issue a lady a $1000 ticket for playing in the park with her daughter. The cop is lucky the mob did not burn him out of his house and hang him from a tree.

  8. But Antifa and other left organizations can block bridges and highways for hours without any action by police?

  9. Still waiting for social distance to land on the desks of these police officers who think it doesn’t apply to them

  10. The right of the people peaceably to assemble…

    Part of the first amendment that we as citizens should exercise much more often.

    There is nothing more patriotic than protest.

  11. If those cops really want to do some good for the community, GIVE THAT ASSHOLE ON THE NOISY ASS HARLEY A TICKET!!!😀😀😀🏍🍺

  12. Yeah, they can't wait to try to stick a "resisting arrest" and then a felon "assaulting an officer" so that these good people here would lose their right to protect themselves via 2nd Amendment.
    Glad you were there Brother, to keep them shielded in a way, with your camera on.

  13. Be careful. Cops are on edge. You never know who has been working graveyard shift dealing with violent idiots all night and then ordered to continue during next day. Get some veterans as a buffer between public and cops. They DO have firearms and can call for full backup. Just be careful.

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