6 MISSING: Kansas City’s Cold Case Mysteries – Everything Law and Order Blog

Today, we focus on a critical operation in Kansas City, Missouri—a city that, for too long, has been a silent witness to the unanswered pleas of those left behind. Armed with cutting-edge technology, we set our sights on the murky waters at the confluence of the Kansas and Missouri Rivers, a location marked by the convergence of hope and despair.

Day 1 – This Video
6 MISSING: Kansas City’s Cold Case Mysteries

Day 2
6 MISSING IN KANSAS: Underwater Sonar Search Day 2

Day 3
6 Vanished in KC: Rivers Searched by Sonar Dive Team

🎯 Link to Dan’s Youtube Channel ➦ https://www.youtube.com/@downunderdandiving3357

Our investigation zeroes in on six individuals, each with a story abruptly paused, leaving a void that begs to be filled.

Jonathan Williams, last seen in 1994, vanished without a trace, his black 1994 Ford Tempo now a ghost on the roads he once traveled.

Deus J. Hudson’s green 1999 Chevrolet Cavalier has been missing since the haunting night of Halloween 2007, a night that remains frozen in time.

Donald Shaw, whose absence since 1978 in his 1973 Chevrolet Caprice speaks volumes of the decades of pain endured by his loved ones.

Robert Linman, lost to us since 1998, his tan and brown 1984 Ford F-150 a silent testament to the questions left unanswered.

Johnny Lee Thompson, whose black 2017 Ford F-150 vanished in 2019, represents the modern tragedies that continue to unfold. Lastly,

Jennifer Donais, who disappeared in 2004, her 1997 Pontiac Bonneville a lingering echo of her absence.

Our efforts today are a beacon of hope, illuminating the depths in search of these missing souls. The waters we navigate are not just physical barriers but gateways to understanding, to uncovering the truth that lies submerged and forgotten. With each sonar sweep and every dive, we peel back the layers of mystery that have enveloped these cases, driven by a commitment to bring peace to those who have waited in agony.

Thank you from all of us here at Adventures With Purpose for watching, liking, commenting, sharing, and subscribing.
Jared Leisek-Adventures With Purpose Founder

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🎬.. Watch Other Cases We’ve Solved
SOLVED: Missing 23-years Underwater
(Samantha Hopper, 22-month-old Daughter Courtney, Unborn Baby)

SOLVED: 💔 Missing 24-year-old Jacob VanZant Found


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25 thoughts on “6 MISSING: Kansas City’s Cold Case Mysteries”
  1. This is crazy! I go magnet fishing here! Last time I went I was at the kaw boat ramp! I love watching you guys.. you help give a lot of families closure that they may never have gotten it it weren't for you guys.. You do a great job..

  2. I am from India i follow all the cases AWP solved and just great job guys and keep going god bless, you people are doing great job solving mystery cases of those families who are waiting for the answers from a very long timei do watch all the episodes whenever i am free in break time or lunch or dinner time and weekends too i just search for AWP to watch you guys dive in to water to check the vehicles and the bodies inside from a very long time need much guts to do this job god bless you guys you people are awesome

  3. Hello @AWP and @Downunder Dan. I was trying to find how to reach you guys via email. And maybe because I am driving I am looking over it. But I am here for help here in Tyler, TX…. We are in desperate need of help. We have 3 men missing the youngest went missing Dec. 23rd of 2021. He was 21 yrs of age a very good friend's with my daughter. He has twin daughters who he adored. The other 2 gentle men one missing 3 months, and the other in the last week.. Pray that you guys can help us out in this small city 😢

  4. I think they need to make several improvememts to the sonar systems to atleast detect metal objects which would make finding cars more easier, also i think u guys u should get more diving equipment especially the equipment that will help see better in extremely low visibility water, and have u ever thought about putting license plates on the RV that say "AWP" ??????

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