BEFORE HE WAS FOUND: Searching for Don Hightower (pt 1) – Everything Law and Order Blog

Beloved grandfather Don Hightower was found after a deerhunter discovered his car on Friday, Oct. 28, 2022 after he was last seen Oct. 30, 2021 around 8 p.m. when he left his sister’s home.

While AWP did not find Don, this video documents the dedicated efforts of not just Adventures With Purpose, but also his family and an entire community who are committed to bringing Don home.

🎬.. Searching for Don Hightower
Day 1 This Video
BEFORE HE WAS FOUND: The Search for Don Hightower


Experience the emotional weight of our search through interviews with Don’s family, who share intimate details about his life as a father, grandfather, and friend. Their stories highlight the void his absence has left in their lives and the community.

Witness our team in action as we employ advanced sonar technology to scan multiple bodies of water around the area where Don was last seen.

The search is meticulously planned, targeting specific locations based on insights gathered from family testimonies and previous whereabouts.

Feel the intensity of the search with real-time challenges that the team encounters, from technical hurdles with the sonar equipment to navigating difficult terrains under emotional and physical stress.

See how the local community comes together, providing support and information that could lead to finding Don. This video is more than a search; it’s a journey of hope and resolve, driven by the community’s desire to find one of their own.

Thank you from all of us here at Adventures With Purpose for watching, liking, commenting, sharing, and subscribing.
Jared Leisek-Adventures With Purpose Founder

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29 thoughts on “BEFORE HE WAS FOUND: Searching for Don Hightower (pt 1)”
  1. Having listed to the conversations, it sounds like he wasn’t feeling good. I think he was a private guy and didn’t want to bother anyone with his arm and chest pain and was driving himself to the hospital. A heart attack definitely decreases appetite, no wonder he didn’t stay to eat. It explains why he didn’t turn into his usual way home.

  2. You have done so much for people who have lost loved ones ! Your compassion is truly inspiring! My prayers are with you always! Your past doesn’t matter to me! I don’t know if it’s true. But God is with you at this time. He has forgiven you if you’ve ask! Yes, I was raped by a classmate and no I’ll never forget,even at 76. But I was taught not to judge others!

  3. Your videos and service you provide are absolutely amazing. Well done to all involved. Just one question out of interest, when you looking for a particular vehicle and dive down to find it not the verhicle you looking for, do you still take down plate numbers (if available) and provide that to police in case it's a vehicle they might be interested in – or do you only work with them on the vehicle you looking for?

  4. Hey just watched your video where you were speaking from your house on a Sunday. I am a 67 yr. old woman who has gotten hooked on your videos and the new industry that you have created and how perhaps law enforcement can see that yeah, people really can be found cause you and your team have proven it. This means towns will have to start budgeting for dive equipment and training as a supplement to their police depts. It's a wonderful thing. Don't concern yourself with the "haters" someday their cold hearts will melt or…they won't. I love your team, you all are very affable and friendly people. And you have an ease about you when you speak to the families that you can't bottle. Oh and I am Charlie's wife Lise as my phone has no wifi so I use his phone. So, onward & upward.

  5. if only every single person was aware at how much they are loved by family and friends, and how much they would be missed if they simply disappeared, and how much trouble all those friends and family, and the authorities would go to to try as hard as they can within their capabilities to locate them and bring them home – perhaps they might not do it (accidents and criminal activity aside that is) but we must look out for those with mental health issues

  6. Just started watching your videos. I’m at a binge watching. lol. Definitely bitter sweet. Love what you and the team do.. I can’t go across bridges now without wondering how many cars that are in them..

  7. Its cases like this where dementia may be present that should give us the courage to have the tough conversation about possibly taking away that driving privileges for the safety of the person worst case out an air tag in their vehicles

  8. My husband and I both agree that we have great admiration for the dedication all of you guys, and those affiliated with you have shown. It's good, honest heroism right where we all can see it, doing good for people and the communities. I stand in awe of the careful thinking and experience you guys employ on every case, and the sensitivity that you give those still grieving. It's wrenching to lose a loved one in an open-ended disappearance, but you give those who are suffering a chance to feel like they are really doing something constructive, right now, instead of months or even years later. That is a gift of immeasurable value to the families and the towns they live in. After your crew has searched all the waterways, it tightens their focus and those places can be eliminated. Even on the days when you don't find cars or bodies, you have found measures of relief for those suffering. They know were not to search. We appreciate all of your dedicated efforts and all your hard work to help those bereft, and we wanted to pass along our wishes for many more mysteries solved in the future, and great success in all of your Adventures With Purpose! Thanks to each and every person involved!!

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