Are preppers crazy? Does just wanting to be prepared make you a prepper? In this interview with author G Michael Hopf, author of some best selling post apocalyptic fiction, we explore these topics and more. This is the FULL video episode of the podcast.

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By elboriyorker


38 thoughts on “Being a Prepper vs. Being Prepared | OFF THE CUFF: EPISODE 11”
  1. The day of re.con.i.n.g
    I do not support the destruction of western society….i support the promotion of the US.
    The US is the crowning glory of the world#
    As it has always in the grand design is at it shall be.
    It is imperical#

    Utopian societies are an interesting and valuable resource. Didn't Hitler dream of ah utopian society….what of the tale of 2 cities.
    Still it all belongs under our national domain and flagg# our constitution reads 1 nation unde4 God indivisible with liberty and justice 4 all.

    So basically that's it. Every country can remain a state like we have now with one over arching federation…ours. so we would have the state of thailand…the state of England, the state of Egypt, the state of Germany, the state of Australia, the state of Africa. Each state can have their statutes laws customers but US federal law ah bides over all. 3 Manifesting one nation under God.

    If we have like Tahiti has a different sort of gov structure more democratic republic so that our house is not divided. And each state sends their best choices for eco green, eco people, resource management plattforms….but there shall be no more war between culture, gender (This male female war has got to stop) not gender neutral that is crap and boring….but based on mutual respect …4 thought, word, action, and experience, and yes accomplishments and gains.
    Men killing women is not good….4 anyone…nor is it good visa.versa

    Let death play no part in gender roles….may be we should let the term gender go….g.e.n.d.rrrrrr translation G.e.n.d.e.rrrr
    G= governmental (army)
    E= energy
    N= n4rcezment (military and or law both equal here)
    D= Delta (covert forces; delta dawn, also type of monarch programming delta wave)
    Rrrr= fight sound in the jungle. Roar, challenge,battle, fight. We have enough resource wars…theres plenty to fight ah bout…i just think we are stronger with each other than without…so men v women…sot so good, racism….not so good…
    What ah bout….peep.ell.ism.

    And storing foods a for natural disaster is good…living waste free as we can, as eco green as we can that's good for This day and future day…

    I think we should reinstate the daily pledges. The pledge of allegiance first. you pray b4 your prey this is a priveledge. And ah sacred one. Keep it sacred.

    Now…what it does NOT say is what God….people have choice….i like that options….variety….ultimately there is,ah Most High God☝️🤙🤛👆👍☺😎🦋….not 2,sure ah bout the heaven /hell thing post humously…creating heaven on earth could be ah type of utopia I guess…its the snow white kingdom. Maybe things are a little more on the dark side black right…but the tao says,we need both…and so does the gospel.and many other teachings even humanistic..its ah balance thing….that being said I prefer the term celestial celestial as it applies to humans =perfected) Kingdom….all though we have no proof of that…so what we need, what we do we do 4 now. Acting right is not simply a moral issue it's ah morale issue. Heavenly concepts create issues present, past and future issues.

    Best address
    What is best
    4 the best
    4 all US
    And with no con.tempt
    Or dis re guard for the fiture
    4 the future

    In other words
    Live this day
    4 this day
    Buy (bye) this day
    4 tomorrow

    And watch out 4 those
    Who do not watch out
    4 ewe

  2. I was a fan, not anymore. Last live stream, i was blown off. I am a law enforcement family. Deserve more respect. Used to think Mike was funny, not anymore…WHATEVER.

  3. I'm only 19 and planning on going into law enforcement, and I run through scenarios all the time in great detail, people think I'm crazy, but I don't think I'm the crazy one haha. People perceive it as being jaded or paranoid, but it's not, it's being aware and prepared. Especially being on a major college campus, lecture halls with 400+ kids and dinning halls with more, huge soft targets, and not being able to carry (thanks to stupid laws) makes it more complicated and severely limits my options and abilities to respond and defend, so for me it seems even more important to think about what I would need to do before, God forbid, I ever needed to.

  4. great interview and another great off the cuff video, thanks guys! and I just bought the book Day of Reckoning on Amazon, small shout out to people, choose NRA for your smile donations. Make the liberals give money to the NRA!

  5. You don't have to worry about Antifa. Putin will handle them just as soon as Trump is finished destroying the US federal government.

  6. I catch myself playing out scenarios in my little think nugget when I’m out with my wife. Don’t want anything bad happening to her on my watch.

  7. NOT worried about the police during a disaster…..they are civil servants, they DONT get a check in the mail automatically like the military, they didn't sign their Souls to uncle Sam like the military. Police are on a State spending budget and operating on a skeleton crew at the Most! I've lived threw many disasters…there Won't be police patrolling the streets, it will be the MILITARY!!….cops are Fucked Just as bad as everyone else(no offense)… becomes Every man for themselves.

  8. I think specifically prepping for a zombie apocalypse is crazy, but having extra food/supplies for natural disasters is just smart.  It amazes me how every time there's a hurricane or other disaster, the store shelves are bare within a day, gas stations are empty and people wait until the last minute to buy essential supplies and end up stranded on their roof when they had a week's warning.  There's a big difference between having a fallout shelter up in the mountains with 100k rounds of ammo, and just having a 3 day bug out bag or a couple week's worth of food and water in a closet.  For long-term survival, you should get into shape (now), learn how to grow food, hunt, build a shelter, know how to purify water/build a fire, basic first aid, be familiar with weapons for defense and be mentally prepared to take a life if you have to.  you don't have to be real-life batman and spend your life savings on preps, but you shouldn't be completely unprepared either.  Our society is dying; the signs of social decay and collapse are everywhere, the economy is teetering on the edge of oblivion…SHTF could happen tomorrow or 10 years from now, but it is inevitable.  Don't wait until it's too late.

  9. When you invite your buddy over to podcast with you and you both drink, does he sleep over? or if not, how does he get home?

  10. When it comes to the terms "prepper" vs "prepared" I usually draw the line at how far you take it and if you network or not. Anyone can be prepared for local disasters and should if they live in areas with common severe weather. They set up with certain skills and equipment that they need and call it good. Preppers are morel likely to network with other preppers and turn prepping into a hobby or lifestyle. Preppers will continue to expand what they are ready for and will link up with others in their area or across the country just like any other social group. Then you have the subgroups in the prepper lifestyle. You may find the lonewolf prepper that just plans on taking care of himself in case of an emergency. You may find the militia/group preppers that have a set circle of friends that they train with and plan on depending on. Then you have the Sheepdog style preppers that plan on going out and working with the public to save lives. They are more likely to have spare equipment to dole out in case of an emergency. Then there are the antipreppers and marauders that hang out in prepper groups but they plan on just taking what preppers have instead of preparing anything of their own. They are the ones you see on the news looting and burning. Last group you may find, and one group I cant stand is the Military Elitist preppers. They can be part of any other group, but are most common with the militia style groups for obvious reasons. These are the ex-military guys that scream about how if you arent military and special forces you should just quit prepping because you will obviously just get yourself and other killed. Because they have military training they claim superiority over other groups and are generally just obnoxious in forums.

  11. My mom used to always give me crap for carrying in church. Now the doors are locked when services start , there is a guy thats on standby to let people in, and we have a guy watching cameras who's armed with an AR. Trust me, you aren't the only one.

  12. This is a fun podcast! I am a big mad max, post apocalyptic stuff, fan. So this was right up my ally.

  13. Ok I am addicted to your videos. Lol
    I agree with the reality of an attack on America, law enforcement and our culture. I will be purchasing that book. 👌
    BLM, Antifa are in fact connected to ISIS.
    Way back during the fake hands up don't shoot time during all the protests and looting there were muslims there on scene videoing the Police and Oath Keepers constantly I believe they were doing so to learn actions and reactions.Then there were muslims at a BLM protest at an airport. There are photos of both. BLM at one point (not sure if he is still there) had a white muslim male imam brainwashing Americans into hating each other. They are seeping into government positions as well.

    I live in Texas. At my church myself and a few others do conceal carry. We know who each other are and we consciously sit in a way that if someone comes into the sanctuary there will be no crossfire.
    The Constable here in Houston actually just did a class encouraging members to carry and be trained. Love it.

  14. Mike for the most I enjoy your channel. I wanted to say something about prepping I think everyone who prepps has some event in there life that gets them started. With me we had a large summer storm knock the power out. 5 days with out electricity I cant McDonalds for that long. I have found most preppers start out with a goal 30 days worth of food and then 90 days and year an so on . And then finally you move into Homesteading. But prepping is a life style for the most part. You said early in your podcast that you run through scenarios when you are out I can relate to that as former owner of a armed security service. I always look at every from a tactical stand point. But the funny thing is it makes my brain tired to much thinking not enough of drinking. Thank you for taking the time to share your channel.

  15. I'd just like to say I enjoy your content, and it's the reason I'm going to school to, hopefully, eventually become a police detective. You paint a great example of what police should strive to be like.

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