** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma — Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater released four videos from the fatal shooting of Bennie Edwards. The shooting took place on Dec. 11, 2020, in the 2100 block of West Hefner Road, near Hefner and Penn. in Oklahoma City. Bennie Edwards, 60, was fatally shot during a confrontation with officers. This shooting led to a manslaughter charge against Oklahoma City police Sgt. Clifford Holman. If convicted, Holman, faces four years to life in prison. Officers were called to a business last December near Pennsylvania Avenue and Hefner Road on reports of Edwards bothering customers. Edwards was armed with a knife. Videos shows shots being fired as he ran at the officer, and also as his back was turned running away from officers. Police said they tried to use both pepper spay and a taser before opening fire. Edwards was pronounced dead at the scene.

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​0:00 – Bodycam: Officer Duroy
5:11 – Bodycam: Officer Holman
5:58 – Bodycam: Officer Smith
7:22 – Dashcam: Officer Duroy

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


42 thoughts on “Bodycam & Dashcam Footage of Bennie Edwards Shooting”
  1. The shots fired when he ran toward the officer: justified.

    The shots fired while he was running away and had his back toward them: definitely not justified.

    It’s fucked up they shot the man as he was running away. Everything else was handled accordingly.

  2. Crazy hobo's like these are a dime a dozen in my country. but unlike the police over at america, the police here don't give two shits. so the general public just have to get the fuck out of the vicinity before they get stabbed and robbed. in those orders.

  3. Lmao. Has to put a piece of fucking cloth on his face before the entire situation sheeeeeesh
    Don’t worry, it’s bullet and stabproof lol

  4. There is a lot of racial tension right now….nobody disputes that. This video has to do with mental illness in my opinion….a normal "citizen" would not charge the police with a knife. Non lethal force was tried and obviously didn't work.

  5. I can't even believe they charged this officer with manslaughter. The guy was homeless where were his "heartbroken" family before this happened?

  6. Was it really necessary to shoot him 3 more times in the back? If a civilian did that we would be in jail.

  7. So his family doesn't give a shit he's homeless, but when he dies from charging a cop with a knife, it's the cops fault and they try to make millions off their dead homeless father. Only in America

  8. 3:54 I applaud this officers gun discipline. Took some shots, saw his friendly in the cross fire and lowered his muzzle until his shot was clear again. 👌👏

  9. 🤛👴🏿🤜🪦😂😂😂😂⚰🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍👍👍🍺👍👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

  10. why do these cops always resort to guns? use that fucking asp you carry and bop him in the head one time. that old man with a knife aint going to hurt you. i dont get the whole shooting him in the back while hes running away…

  11. lol, you can hear the cop gasping for breath after trotting over to the dude. Fuck the police, MCAB, etc.

    How did this situation begin? Maybe it began with the officers talking down to the guy and disrespecting him. Maybe it didn't, and they treated him decently before he became combative. Given my own experience with police, I suspect the former.

    Police need to remember to treat everyone, including suspects, with respect, empathy, and compassion. Just because they have a badge and uniform doesn't give them the right to be discourteous. I bet Edwards would be alive today if the police hadn't treated him insensitively and confrontationally in the beginning.

    I also notice that the guy doesn't give the suspect any time to reconsider his actions between saying "you're getting tazed" and actually tazing the dude.

    It's really too bad they felt like they had to open fire on the guy. If you ask me, the police are the ones who escalated the situation, not the suspect. Law enforcement isn't my field, so don't ask me, but surely there must be a better way.

  12. Anyone for a race card??
    Identity politics at its finest……
    Had the vagrant been white, nobody would've given a toss about him, and that's the truth.

  13. where was the help for this guy before he ended up dead. people want to blame the cop ok whatever but where is the assistance he needed before he ended up dead. people cry foul after the fact but do nothing to get that guy off the street.

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