** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
Video footage captured by body cameras worn by two St. George Police officers shows an aggressive German shepherd lunging at the officers, and the use of a stun gun by one of the officers to subdue the animal in a May 3 incident. According to St. George PD, dispatch received a 9-1-1 call in which the caller could be heard arguing with someone, but hung up without talking to the dispatcher. Dispatch was able to confirm the address from which the 9-1-1 call was placed, and two St. George officers responded to the home. The first officer to arrive at the home saw an unidentified woman trying to leave the residence, and a man named Willie Mosher grabbing the woman by the neck and waist in an attempt to pull her back inside, the Facebook post said. “The officer called out to Mr. Mosher to stop and to come outside. Mr. Mosher let the female go at that time. Mr. Mosher then opened the door to speak with the officer. A large German Shepherd ran out past him and tried to bite the officer on the right arm. The officer was able to spin out of reach of the dog, as it ran into the unfenced yard,” the Facebook post said. According to police, a second officer then arrived at the home and the dog tried to bite him multiple times without provocation. “The first officer ran over to assist his partner. Mr. Mosher tried to take the dog inside but the dog went after both officers. The dog was tased at that time,” the Facebook post said.

Other officers then monitored the German shepherd as it ran away, and an Animal Control officer eventually captured the dog safely, St. George Police stated. According to police, the Animal Control officer saw the dog becoming aggressive with a local student walking to school before it was captured. “During the incident, officers told Mr. Mosher to control and/or secure his dog, multiple times, but he did not. Mr. Mosher also did not intervene when he witnessed his dog attack officers,” the Facebook post said. St. George City’s legal department reviewed the case and concluded, in accordance a local ordinance, that the incident should be referred for an administrative hearing. “After reviewing the evidence provided by the parties involved, a hearing examiner made a determination that the dog was vicious and should be euthanized,” St. George Police stated on Facebook. “Upon reviewing the hearing examiner’s determination, City management has requested that a third-party animal behavioral expert perform an assessment on the dog to determine the next course of action. The City of St. George takes these incidents very seriously and will continue to do everything possible to ensure the safety of the public, our police officers and lives of the animals involved.”

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


35 thoughts on “Bodycam Shows Utah Cop Use Taser on Attacking Dog”
  1. I'm sure ALLLLL the animal lovers are gonna come after me for this opinion… But I could care less. Animals like this need to go. People keeping pets like this in neighborhoods like these… Kids playing, people mowing their lawns… Just careless and downright stupid. Believe me if a dog came into my yard at me like that… It's getting shot. I will never risk letting a dog like this hurt my babies. Never.

    They shoulda shot the stupid dam..n dog. Da..mn thing is dangerous and clearly hasn't been trained worth a da..mn. That dog could kill a child. And obviously those two are out of their minds anyhow… , And severely irresponsible owners.

  2. I totally disagree with them wanting to euthanize the dog because that dog was not vicious you even see the dog going to sit down in the grass after going out and barking and the dog could’ve went out and attacked if it wanted to.
    A dog‘s not gonna know the difference between a police officer beyond a normal bystander.
    Usually any dog doesn’t like a person in uniform. But that dog was protecting its home and it’s doing what it was supposed to be doing that dog was not vicious at all!!!

  3. Ya feel bad for the dog cause it had terrible owners. All that coulda been avoided if the owners knew how to train a dog properly

  4. ich könnte dieses pärchen stundenlang mit einem taser bearbeiten, damit sie den schmerz spüren, den das tier erleiden musste. das ist schon tierquälerei, solange den taser auf das tier zu richten. ein kurzer stromschlag hätte genügt. meist ergreifen die tiere sofort die flucht. die einzige schuld tragen nur die hundehalter. sie hätten das tier schützen müssen indem sie den hund anleinen oder ins haus bringen. diese schreie verfolgen mich schon den ganzen tag. mistkerle diese drecks hundehalter. ich könnte stundenlang in die fresse treten, ihr besoffenen schweine ! ihr habt keinen hund verdient. ihr seid schelcht für das tier. menschen wie euch,m braucht die welt nicht.

  5. As an owner of three Shepherds, i can tell you right now that its not an attack. Its a lack of training. The Cops don't know that though.

  6. Poor puppy. Think this is the only time a body cams footage has passed me off.
    Cops should have saved the taser for the women.

  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOO😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

  8. 🧐That dogs front left leg was like winged, that electricity went through his little fat Azz you see how fast he changed😳

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