Brian from High Impact Vlogs recently invited me to discuss our differing viewpoints on law enforcement and I accepted. Giddy up!

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


25 thoughts on “Cop Vs. Voluntarist”
  1. For those that may have missed it, this was NOT a formal debate. This was a genuine offer of Brian to have a conversation that I accepted and was willing to put out for all to see live on my channel. There may be a time and place for a more formalized and structured debate in the future and it's something I'm open to, but far too often the unwillingness to even LISTEN to someone that you disagree with and better understand them is lost and Brian's willingness to do just that is something I'm appreciative of, despite there being sharp disagreement. After all, I've been assigned the title "criminal" by Brian. He and I discussed continuing to stay in contact, exchanging some thoughts and ideas via email and we will see where it goes.

    Thanks for watching and thanks to those that gave a super chat as this video is already demonetized for me 🙂

    For my part, yes, I know I ramble at times, but it's me trying to learn who I'm talking to and how to ask better questions to clarify answers and patterns of thought, certainly not a means of control or direction. That said, I feel like a crux matter and question that I never really got an answer to and hope to pick up again: what is Brian's solution based on his concept of living in non violence? Is it a total rejection of the current system and the framing of a new one? If so, what would that look like practically and is there a way to justify what he claims as self-evident in terms of a better system than anyone else's claim to self-evidence. I look forward to more.

  2. Cop's should be respected. Cop's should not run around demanding respect. Servants of the people they were hired to be.

  3. What is missing is Natural Law …. Anything else is man playing God. Check Mark Passio's presentation: Natural Law the REAL Law of Attraction. seriously. You're missing.

  4. What about swearing to uphold the Constitution which includes not messing with our Inalienable Rights..? It is my Inalienable Right to refuse you to search my car just because you claim to smell a plant or because my eyes look funny. It is my inalienable right to refuse to open my window and even have discussion with an officer in uniform. I have the right to be safe in my person, papers, houses and effects. My best friend is a police officer and he openly admits that they shun you if you don't "go along". They want cops who will "follow orders" and have their buddy's back when he messes up. The Freemasons not only control society in many ways, but also our cops. The Fraternal Order of Police is good at picking and choosing good order followers. Many forget that our founding fathers were NOT AT ALL "pro-cop" (as we know it).. They would use tar and feather treatment to those who abuse authority and were even cop killers in a way.. They did not want anyone to have authority over anything other than basic moral codes like "don't kill, steal, etc".. At what point do you stop following orders? It's said a lot, but Nazi soldiers thought they were "just following orders" as well.

    Also, thin blue lines are a desecration to the flag under US Flag Codes (literally) and it also makes them a gang of sorts… The police state mentality. We are not tax cattle and unless I create a victim, I owe the public (including officers) nothing at all. No conversation, no ticket, no fines, no jail time, no prison time, etc.

  5. But I do actually agree with him saying getting rid of the federal laws. Idk if it would really work but I love the idea of just local laws just the state and no crazy ass New York and California politicians controlling how how we live here in normal land

  6. This guy needs to watch the family guy episode where they get sick of politicians and decide to go with anarchy and ( people ran community) then quickly realize that people are out of control without writing laws and rules and assigned people to enforce these laws. Of course turns into a joke of how we ( get rid of the politicians and police ) but later they find some people to ( write laws and others to enforce them) and that's basically what this guy is saying.. I cant believe full grown adults can agree with this guy.. other than Peter Griffin

  7. Cool stream, I like that you both held you morals and values. Looks like you both agreed to disagree and that's just fine. Awesome show Mike, i came here after watching Brian for the past few months and I've seen one of your videos before a while ago. Awesome to see more law enforcement officers trying to get eye to eye with the public and give an honest personal opinion. Great job to the both of you.

  8. cops dont spend their time chasing down violent offenders that attack and harm nonviolent people…in fact, if your violently assaulted, even by multiple offenders, even if your the bloody and beaten victim, and you have multiple witnesses on scene, and the guilty party is still on the property, they say sorry, nothing we can do because we didnt witness the attack, but you can go press charge's with the magistrate. in other words, cops are useless, except for enforcing color of law bullshit codes and statutes that turn good people into felons.

  9. Brian uses the term arbitrary without any regard for the meaning! Arbitrary is defined as: based on random choice or “personal whim rather than any reason or system”! There is certainly a system set up! I feel like he could’ve made a better argument but he bit off more than he could chew! Every time he cleared his throat you could just smell insecurity and/or intimidation! Get it together dude! There is certainly a system in place and you are arguing against that system! Therefore not arbitrary… Here we go: “but we are in agreement that laws are handed down from the legislative process”… yeah Brian, I think we all know that, it’s not really an argument! Get it together dude! It’s frustrating because I see what his argument is, yet he’s not articulating anything valuable to the conversation! I will say this and then I am done… I respect Brian as a well intentioned individual for a necessary movement, with no direction.That being said I have way more to respect for MTC as someone who will protect the people of this country when shit starts getting loose! The argument breaks down when the function that our founding fathers put in place does! Their intentions we’re in the right place, and completely dismantled by shady activities! I discovered Mike The Cop through Brian’s channel, but it Brian’s channel seems more like just complaining about laws with no replacement system/something than it does patriotism… if I didn’t know any better I’d say his profit on the channel is a great motivation to just clumsily hammer away at let’s plant corn & just get along! He has a few good points, but as you can see here, he is completely intimidated and lost when it comes to the solution! I don’t want bunch of assholes in gangs running around raping and robbing because Brian didn’t have a solution! Keep it real! There has to be a system!!! People are not going to get along order always descends to chaos! Brian is giving people way too much credit, while ironically trying to discredit people!

  10. where do laws come from???? they come from elite people who see an oppertunity to make money and use enforcers to extort money from people. having more "laws" in place to ensure if they dont comply you can now call more gang members to kidnap you and put you in a rape cage and charge you for.

  11. Anarchism is actually quite rosey and it's closest to recognition of inalienable rights but it gets a bad wrap because they know we should do what they fear, takedown, overthrow. Mike you lost this nondebate.

  12. Mike saying we can never depend on not being harmed in life is FALLACIOUS. The Constitution for the united States of America GUARANTEES US the ability to be free from harm, but ONLY from those who would terrorize us through TYRANNY, i. e. GOVERNMENT. Civil statutory law is, IN AND OF ITSELF, tyrannical and a cause of harm (deprivation of rights under COLOR OF LAW) and therefore UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

  13. Mike the cop is just like Donut Operator, or ANYONE who wears the uniform and sports a badge- a bureaucrat (which translates to "welfare recipient" ) and statist order follower whose DEPENDENCE ON THE PUBLIC TIT absolves them of having to possess an ounce of MORALITY, ETHICS, OR INTEGRITY. Mike's reliance on situational ethics (copsplaining) is proof of that. That's the difference between natural or common law (the ACTUAL law of the land) and civil statutory law – natural law is immutable, inalienable, and applies to EVERYONE EQUALLY, whereas civil statutory law is created by BAR members to be interpreted by agents of the state using situational ethics to benefit ONLY the state and its AGENTS. Mike's assertion that police are EQUALLY accountable under the law as everyone else was A LIE when he said it, AND HE KNOWS IT.

  14. I found your channel by…
    I was subscribed to HighImpactVlogs and noticed I haven't received any notifications from his channel for a while. I searched his channel and found YouTube cut his channel and this video showed up about 10 down in the HighImpactVlogs search results.
    When I first subscribed to Brian, his channel was good and he was knowledgeable, respectable and entertaining. He started out as a 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th amendment supporter – primarily the 2nd and 4th amendments. He would show clips of police interactions (either filmed by the civilian or the police's body cam). He would give commentary and state where constitutional rights were violated. He was always anti-cop. Unfortunately, as Brian's channel grew, his head (ego) grew too. His thoughts, beliefs and attitude changed as well. He became a one-man militia and it wouldn't surprise me if he put himself on the FBI's terrorist watch list. In the later years, he began to aggravate me with the, "Trump is deploying troops into our local neighborhoods and they're coming to take our guns!!! We need to stop them! We need to put an end to this!, etc". It was like he was trying to lead a militia group without officially giving orders and without taking any action. In fact, I commented once, "Brian, you said we need to do something. What about you? Are you going to do something? When you take action, I'll consider doing something." I get easily aggravated with people who want to give their opinions and want to tell me what to do, but won't do it themselves…
    Anyway, he did turn from amendment supporter and commentator to a terrorist and one-man militia. He became totally anti-government. The definition of 'Anti' is 1) Without and 2) Against.
    If you believe in living 'Without' the government or believe in living 'against' the government, then that makes you an enemy of the government. Either way, without or against the government makes one a terrorist. I'm glad his channel got cut. It turned into him trying to sell beans, flashlights, solar power banks, solar water boilers, t-shirts and many other "survival" products, and then voicing his opinion about something that went against his beliefs. He read on a box of masks that they don't protect against the coronavirus. I doubt those masks were N-95 because those do filter micro-particles. Anyway, he kept on and kept on with "The box says it doesn't…"
    I'd be willing to bet you that if I had one mask on my face and one in my hand and he and I walked into a building and there was a bunch of sick people in there, and they were coughing and sneezing – I'll bet you that he would yank the other mask out of my hand and put it on his face faster than I could say, "I thought these masks don't protect you from the.. ". LOL
    Anyway, I'm not totally anti-cop, but from personal experience I am leaning that way. I'm just thankful that the government stepped in and cleaned up most of the corruption in the New Orleans Police Department, and I'm also thankful that time has and technology advanced so much that we can video record our interactions with the police now. We had camcorders years ago, but once the handcuffs are on, and the police take the tape out and destroy it, what can you do?? At least now I can live stream while simultaneously uploading to a cloud. My device can be locked and the most the cops can do is either break my phone or turn it off. Either way, the video is stored in the cloud and they can't delete it. They can try to delete it out of my phone or take my SD card, but either way, it's in the cloud!!! I came to the comments to say something, but forgot what I was going to say, so I've been rambling about other things trying to remember what I was going to say. I still couldn't remember, so I kept rambling.
    At this point I still can't remember, and instead of continuing rambling, I'm just going to end it here.. Good Luck Mr Mike the Cop! I'm Eldon the Ex Con… only because of the effing corrupt NOPD!!! If I could tell you that story one day… I should write a brief summary of what happened and keep it for a cut and paste…
    If you're interested in how the effing corrupt A-hole New Orleans Police messed up my WHOLE life, just let me know!!!
    It's quite a story! And it's 100% truth!!!
    Again, Good luck Mr the Cop!!!

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