Dayton: Parolee Crashes Stolen Police SUV, Kills 2 Girls Injured 10 Others

Dayton: Parolee Crashes Stolen Police SUV, Kills 2 Girls Injured 10 Others

#ManonParole #policedashcam #daytonfatalcrash

DAYTON, Ohio — Posted on: August 27, 2019
Chief Biehl and Riverside PD Chief Provide Update on Fatal Crash that killed two 6-year-old girls.
Dayton Police Chief Richard Biehl, along with Chief Frank Robinson from the Riverside Police Department, held a joint press conference to provide a timeline of events, pictures, dash cam, footage and details obtained so far that led up to the fatal crash that killed 2 and injured 10 other people on Monday, August 26 on East Third Street in Downtown Dayton.

Interview with witnesses of the crash:

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42 thoughts on “Dayton: Parolee Crashes Stolen Police SUV, Kills 2 Girls Injured 10 Others

  1. 💥Please Subscribe for Daily Police Video. 🚔

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  2. The President and Congress should make a law that no one in the United States can tattoo their necks or face this tattoo thing is getting out of control and those who have this go to a tattoo palor and get it taken off within 90 days or face a fine even jail because most people who do this are into gangs and devil worship

  3. I would have expected some commentary and questions regarding the 2 girls killed, rather than giving this thug more time and attention.
    I’m curious to know why police dispatch and police vehicles don’t have the ability to be remotely disabled in situations like this one.

  4. I hate hearing people complain about suspect being shot in vehicle when trying to flee saying they were unarmed well they may not have gun but vehicle is just as deadly if not more than gun

  5. Another product of a derelict justice system who’s incompetence has cost more innocent lives. This animal should have been permanently removed from society and in prison where he belonged. Start enforcing laws and prosecuting criminals instead of restricting law abiding citizens rights!

  6. I live right there off of Xenia ave, but I didn't witness this that day, but I half to say, this area has changed, and can be quiet dangerous.. So this does not come as a surprise. I hope all who were affected by this sad situation is ok.. I know there were 2 Lil girls were killed when the dirt bag stole the cop car.. it's so sad.. I hope the victims family gets the justice they deserve, if they haven't already.. God Bless from Miamisburg Ohio 💔💔💔😭😭😭💔💔💔

  7. If you kill children you should die immediately with a bullet, you kill adults on purpose because that's your life-stlye: you should also die; anger moments or circumstantial passionate moments, that deserves examination and a trial

  8. 1st cop should have used deadly force the second this criminal attempted to steal his SUV. And the 2nd cop should have opened fire when driving bumper to bumper. DO NOT EVER let a criminal get away with a cop car full with guns and all kinds of deadly weapons.

  9. See, here is the problem with not giving capital punishment for any criminal offense, you end up with some one with a LONG history of crimes, walking free, just to do more crimes and murder more people… when are you people going to learn, either give life in jail or capital punishment, don't let criminals ever go free.

  10. Deadly force should have been used right after the suspect crashed the cruiser, by not doing so two children died and the piece of sh……… still breaths.

  11. Officer used taser on the low life, and he still killed 2 innocent young girls and injured at least 8 others. Are those who want to defund and reimagine policing really that brain dead! People, we have to all wake the hell up and stop this madness!

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