Florida man takes 10 taser tasering with out a flinch

Florida man takes 10 taser tasering with out a flinch

WARNING: This video is graphic in nature.

On Wednesday (February 10, 2021), our officers were called to a beachside hotel after receiving word of an armed person who may be a threat to himself and others.

Our officers found a man inside a room who asked us several times to shoot him and threw objects at us, including knives.

This body camera video shows what happened.

We successfully deescalated the incident. No one was seriously injured.

This man is now facing numerous charges.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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49 thoughts on “Florida man takes 10 taser tasering with out a flinch

  1. Seems like they were jus training a bunch of newbies and wanted to give em their first chance to tase someone lol. I'm super surprised to hear a cop say "it's just a knife " and to use a taser. Never heard them opt out of lethal force. Usually they want the paid vacation.

  2. I'm not comfortable treating mentally ill people or addicts as violent criminals. They are in need of medical help, not "help" from army rejects who think they are on the front lines in Afghanistan.

  3. Wow. First they were all to far away for tasers to be effective but afterwards wow!!! BTW taser effective rate is about 80% on a good day if all the conditions are present (skin contact, proper barb spread, etc).

  4. X7 taser is the most powerful taser out there rn😭😂😳 Ik because I took all four prongs yesterday. Your not allow to tase somebody more than 3 time pass 15 second. The taser company shows a video on it

  5. Wow- when you want to live they kill you and if you wany to die they just make you suffer.
    But they are still a bunch of satanic prople- not one civil conversation.

  6. He is actually very lucky they didn’t shoot him because those cops were scared of him. They should be commended for not dumping their mags into to him with something like 50 to 60 rounds fired. It is not uncommon for each cop squeezing off 8 or 10 rounds each. The sad part is watching how afraid they are and that makes the situation very dangerous, more dangerous than the skinny dude in the chair. They would have used their phrase they are trained to use, I was in fear for my life. Yes we were 5 trained and armed officers but the naked skinny dude in the chair was so menacing!

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