This episode follows four inmates as they navigate the temptations of prison life and prepare to face their biggest challenge yet: making it on the street.


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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


49 thoughts on “Hard Time S2 E7: Back on the Streets”
  1. Social inserting is hard. In prison, there's discipline, schedules, expectations, tight control. Outside, you have to learn to do this on your own, in an environment that is not making you feel welcome. Trying to find a decent job, starting alone until you find new people to make it your new family, new friends…this takes time. It's sometimes easier to go back to where we came from with the bad crowd and influence. It takes maturity and the will to change to refuse to fall back in old patterns. Some can't face this. Even with the support of family.

  2. 48:00 If i was that dude's big brother of good friend, i beated the living sh1t out of him, going back to your old "friends" that got you locked up is asking to lock him up again, this dude looks like a smart kid, but he is to influenceable! He is that kind of guy who can't say "no", grow some balls and tell your old "friends" go f* yourselves, you are the reason i got locked up, bye, get out of my life (is exactly what i did)! This dude has an awesome family, they were heartbroken when he left them sitting on the porche, have some respect dude, your parents and siblings miss you, and you expose yourself to gangs and bad friends? You need a good 4ss woopin my guy so you wake up! You are over 18, the time to play is over, you aren't a child anymore, its time to get a job, find yourself a nice girlfriend and make your parents proud dude!

  3. Well. Richmond police confirmed Maurice Addison is wanted in the death December 2018 death of Antonio Chalkley. He was arrested May 6 2019 and back in prison… Sad… I feel sorry for the family… Such a nice father. Nice family he had 25:20

  4. they should teach courses on how to properly assimilate yourself into society once you're released from prison.

    i can't imagine how overwhelming it would be for someone who was imprisoned for x amount of years and then get thrust into a world where it moved on without them.

  5. this is one of the most sobering episodes. To me this looks like an example as good as any that penal system is a failure. It isnt about rehab but more about making money thru operating these facilities.

  6. I can't believe Maurice is out with old "friends" on the second night of being realised from prison after 8 years!. I'd need a few months in the house after serving 8 years

  7. They trade cookies? What? Are these grown men or little boys? …and at 30.39, they never even said goodbye to Addison! Addison's dad is a taonga, a treasure…

  8. These idiots are pretty ignorant!! It's good there where they belong. All of what I they are doing is illegal!! I'll bet the COS had a field day with all the shakedowns after this episode was made public.

  9. Criminals are psychopaths and born to be.
    80% released convicts go back to jail because theirs destiny is crime.
    Conclusion, once they are in jail they should stay in bars permanently.

  10. Criminals are psychopaths and born to be.
    80% released convicts go back to jail because theirs destiny is crime.
    Conclusion, once they are in jail they should stay in bars permanently.

  11. Respect for Mr. David Mahoney. Continuing his life with maturity and grace after 20 yrs of prison sentence. And yeah.. nothing is wrong in crying. It actually proves that the human inside you is still alive

  12. Stacy should be kept locked up having " Stacy" as a first name. I'm surprised the mfkr didn't cap his parent's for naming him that.

  13. One of the guys,the one who was 17. Had no tattoos going in but now has heeps on his body… l think they have better opportunities in side than what l do out here..🇦🇺💙

  14. You don't want to think about real life on the outside and you're scared to death of leaving prison,I believe that it's called being institutionalized and it's extremely sad to know that there are many men and probably a good amount of women who are stuck in the system. They have basically given up on the hopes of ever getting back to society and living a "normal" life,this is how you know that these people have completely lost all hope. I have even heard of convicts who immediately commit a crime to get put back in jail or prison,a lot of these people have been in so long that they don't know how to function in society and they are more comfortable with being imprisoned with hard core criminals than having to try and survive in the real world with the "normies".

  15. Thank you…really enjoy these docs, gives you a different perspective….David Mahooney has grown into a nice man it seems, I wish him all the best.

  16. he bro, i am curious, it's now 16 april 2020 and i want to know if you are still okay in the free world after 20 years in yale? still living in the house of your sister?

  17. The guy who tells the story is sooo incredibly articulated and natural.. He was a kid when he entered.. Now he came out as an adult supposed to somehow "fit" into the society.. So sad, but I wish him the best, hope he can find where he belongs

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