Hawthorne Police – Learning Not to Violate Constitutional Rights

Hawthorne Police – Learning Not to Violate Constitutional Rights

The first time I ever filmed Hawthorne Police was at a DUI checkpoint. Sgt. Gabe Lira decided on his own to violate my First Amendment right to free press.
It took a few illegal arrests of Daniel Saulmon and a few lawsuits for Hawthorne PD to finally learn that Americans have a constitutional right to film police in public.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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5 thoughts on “Hawthorne Police – Learning Not to Violate Constitutional Rights

  1. "Hawthorne Police – Learning Not to Violate Constitutional Rights" or should it more realistically read "Hawthorne Police – Learning Not to Violate ONLY the Constitutional Rights of Katman, Tom Zebra, Ricky Munday, and any other photographers that they happen to already know and don't want to have to deal with in court"  ??

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