Hollywood gets their permission to film from the city of Los Angeles. I got my permission to film from the constitution and Bill of Rights.
** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
Philly Finest City Wide Law Enforcement News
Hollywood gets their permission to film from the city of Los Angeles. I got my permission to film from the constitution and Bill of Rights.
** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
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When these cops get paid by a third party they become private mercenaries.
I can smell the alcohol on the cops breath from here ..
I think he found the Queen of all Karen's…
Cops sell out the public for a hurt feeling. They’ll lock you up or shoot you if they are on the take. This guy standing in front of a legally used camera is violating your constitutional right to make your film and get your pay check for your work. That’s got to be worth a law suit.
These cops are just too stupid for words.
People that they don't want filmed. Who cares what they want? But they didn't pay me. This bimbo can sure babble nonsense.
I laugh if you had your camera mounted on stick. Raised it above his head.
What an obnoxious asshole. He really needs to have his shoes pissed on.
That lady is despicable. Cop is a liar.
Dumbest cop I’ve ever heard
Even if they don’t agree. This is what’s with America. I don’t like what your doing, then clearly sees he hits his camera, oh he didn’t hit your camera. Only saying he didn’t cause you don’t like what they guy is doing. Fuck these fuckers
Maybe not use a public place if you don’t want people to see it
That’s how America is now, you don’t agree with me so throw a fit
This is so stupid.
I grew up in Los Angeles, and I have seen many film companies shooting footage in public areas. The film company almost without exception, places a "Sandwich Board", that lists the Film studio doing the movie, the Director, and the Stars of the film. Posted, for all the world to see. They are usually not so shy about their activities. They usually have the area they need secured, so they can shoot without being disturbed. That doesn't always work out. When I was riding my bike, heading home, I went past a barricade, and ended up in the film "Princess Diaries." lol
So, these people were just being assholes.
We can film but you can't. F u and Beijing Biden
Time to defend yourself, right cross to the jaw.
Tell this dumb blonde that the only law being broken is by her and Dudley do right, i.e. Interfering with his first amendment rights.
What's the filming for, obviously I'm going to sell it to a rival network/studio.
Just give these cops the silent treatments
You should start open carrying.. they would f with you then
You don't pay taxes you don't even have a job
Damn, I'm just not impressed with you, watching your video is like watching the jackass movie, you just put yourself into trouble with these guys because you don't come at them with authority, you come at them with whining and superficial arguments. Start spouting penal codes and laws, and statutes. Call their bluff, make them actually violate your rights and win big money off them. They could literally use your videos as training videos on how to get one over on the auditors. Not joking.
The city gets paid for permits, police get paid for security, the only people who don’t get paid are the actual taxpayers who own those buildings and streets.
Assholes that film these sets don't realize they are costing the blue-collar workers on set to be given less opportunity for production job security etc. It's a shame you are careless and don't have compassion for other smaller employees on the set, who could lose their job because of you. They have families with kids to feed, you dipshit.
It is not a violation.
The municipal code he quotes is a parking code. Freaking liar idiot cop. And that lady calling him a stalker is defamation of character.
What is the officers name, and the name and number of the police department?
what a dick
Officer who doesn’t even know how to work a camera:
I’m sure your camera has the capability to.. you know… ✊🖠✊ðŸ–
Me: you mean… ZOOM 🤣
​Gardena Hoodlum Club……, Did I Have A Thought , Or Did The Thought Have Me ..?
Cops escalate then say you are causing a disturbance awful.
We are all citizen journalists.
Hey Onus News if you run in to this situation again charge them money to stop filming.
Think Grandpa needs to retire and spend time with the grandkids
That is exactly the point …
The smell of the bullshit from LAPD must just be overpowering .
Freedom of press ain’t in the con lol damn Lady
Say Ok I will stop filming with this camera, then proceed to pull out your drone lol.
Fuck Hollywood Fuck the LAPD !
To be clear, there can be no copyright, because the work of art (film, tv episode) doesn't exist yet. It is still being created.
You can stand with me haha
lmfao that's funny a film company staying that filing a set/public street is creepy and suspicious.
What was the movie?
This female publicist is full of sh*t and a piece of sh*t all together. She's using an excuse that they're stalkers and creeps that prey on celebrities. I would of broke contact with this lady hearing her bullsh*t.
What a dumb sjw. U have no rights to privacy in public stupid!
she's an idiot