U.S. Constitution NOT void where prohibited by law !!


We believe that many of our rights and civil liberties as American citizens on American soil are at great risk and that a simple act of civil disobedience has the power to effect great change. While we have no interest or intention in breaking any law, we are willing to stand up for freedom and the constitution at any time and at any place and do so in a responsible and productive manner. It is our goal to create free and open discussion whenever possible in an effort to educate both ourselves and anyone with a desire to learn. A well known rule of government is that ignorance is no excuse for the law. It is our stand that we as Americans have been either uninformed or misinformed regarding our laws and rights for far too long. We are not attorneys or scholars, however we have been involved in professional photography for over 30 years and have had our rights and freedoms challenged more times than we can remember. No one group or person has the ability to effect change across the board, however we are committed to doing our part by continuing to stand up for our constitutional right to free press and the right to take photographs and video in public. All donations will be used exclusively to further this cause. Specifically, we  need to upgrade our computer, video editing software and purchase additional video gear. We want to thank you in advance for your support of what we do and want you to know that we are committed to working harder than ever to defend our rights, your rights and the Freedom to Film in Public!!
Link to GoFundMe:

This video if for educational purposes only.
Unless otherwise specifically stated, all content, images and video are copyright 2009-2020 Amagansett Press (TM)

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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  1. Since I am apathetic I cannot imagine the desperation of people who really need to get together to practice their religious faith. And your mental and psychological health is affected by simply not practicing your religious rites in the presence of your spiritual masters! Its sad.

  2. It is really sad in a way when we have to fight for things as basic as freedom. But at the same time it is so good to see that we, we are in favor of freedom, growing and growing and showing more and more. I thank everyone who is willing to fight for freedom.

    Greetings from Brazil!

  3. Hey guys! Great stuff that you and @watchingthewatchmen are doing! Because of you have decided to become an auditor. I would love to chat with you if you wouldn't mind so that I know how to handle a couple of things that have come up recently (legal actions etc.) you can reach me at Stay safe and keep it up! Your community is behind you and YOU are growing the movement.

  4. Maybe a point of clarification Jason…according to Krisanne Hall she states it’s better to say “peaceful noncompliance” instead of “civil disobedience”. She’s a constitutional attorney and says when you use the word “disobedience” you admit that your disobeying and has a negative connotation. Thought you might find this helpful…

  5. Jason man I can’t wait until your back to making videos again Life is left than perfect until your posting again haha I prefer to see the ones with cops though not that I want you to be violated of course but the police nowadays are out of control need some accountability No one could do that better than you your awesome long live America 🇺🇸 freedom isn’t free 📸

  6. OK. really? Why in the name of Zeus's butthole will some folks not do proper research? I guess some people like to be purposeful obtuse! The anti vaccination lady with her child at about 12-13 minutes in is holding a sign that is almost fully incorrect! It is as if she has no idea about science or the nuances of it. How utterly disgusting and sad.
    Aborted fetal cells? This show that this woman doesn't give a good goddamn about the truth and is content just parroting back what other like-minded peers say, and doing so without a modicum of research. It also shows that she is inerudite in the topic. This is where nuances come in and hypocrites come out!
    So, if she would have researched, she would have found out where this ignorant fabrication and distortion of reality comes from. In the mid to late 1960's, 2 cell lines were propagated, frozen and used and still are today. Now, the 2 elective abortions, cell lines WI-38 and MRC-5, were NEVER used IN the vaccinations, but were used to culture viruses. These 2 human cell lines were used to make some vaccines.
    To make said vaccines, a virus must be cultured in cells as they don't reproduce on their own. They CAN use animal cells, but many factors make that so difficult. So, from 2 abortions over 50 years ago, 11 million people have been prevented from dying and 4.5 billion avoided a horrible disease.
    No fetus are aborted to make vaccines. The cells used to grow these viruses are descendant cells. They are NOT the original aborted fetal cells.They grow them in these human descendant cell like other viruses can be grown in canine or yeast cell. After that,. they are remove the viruses from the cell and purify them. So, NO fetal tissue in in any vaccines! More for interested readers->
    She has aluminum on her list. Hell, I have a feeling she might as well be speaking and writing Urdu as she has little clue what most of these words means. Aluminum is often use in vaccines as an adjuvant , which is a pharmacological or immunological agent that improves the immune response of a vaccine. It allows for a lower amount of viral or bacterial proteins to be used in the vaccines, which, if this is used, is used in an inactive or "killed" vaccine. " Aluminum is everywhere—literally. The most abundant, naturally occurring metal in the earth’s crust, aluminum is an essential element of modern life." -> A baby gets much more aluminum from breast milk or formula than any series of vaccinations.
    Please please stop repeating things you are incorrect about. Learn to research!

  7. Since I am apathetic I cannot imagine the desperation of people who really need to get together to practice their religious faith. And your mental and psychological health is affected by simply not practicing your religious rites in the presence of your spiritual masters! Its sad.

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