James Freeman does first amendment audits, cop watching, cop blocking, and more. Since Live PD and Cops was cancelled, James Freeman does LIVE STREAMING COP WATCHES. It’s like Live PD, except actually live, and without the “cops can do no wrong” bias.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


24 thoughts on “Making Policy Change At Desoto Police Department”
  1. You need to listen to what he’s saying. He was using an analogy, to compare the blanket statements that James was proposing. Now, before people go on a tangent about what I’m saying, stop and think logically, not emotionally. Police shooting innocent people are stinking pigs in clown suits. HOWEVER, all this 🐷 was saying, is that signing a policy with a blanket statement, that no police will pull a gun out on all journalists. Would be the same blanket statement, if I proposed that we signed a policy that nobody with blue eyes can ever be handcuffed. What if someone with blue eyes were a threat to a citizens life? They are not allowed to be subject to the ability to immobilize the threat, simply because they have blue eyes?
    The policy that suggests that “police shall not pull guns on journalists”, should have words added. Such as, “police shall not pull guns on journalists, which pose any immediate threat to life. In order to eliminate a blanket statement. Sadly I believe the point that James is trying to make here, is extremely important. However, it lost its steam and completely went over the head of the assistant chief, just as the point the ass. Chief was trying to make to James. I believe that neither parties got anywhere here, due to expressing emotions, rather than clearly and decisively protesting a tyrant of carelessly aiming his gun at a journalists. To make an even better point, turn the word “journalist”, to “ALL HUMAN BEINGS”. Keep up the amazing work James and friends. I love what you do! Cheers!

  2. This cop schooled James. Sorry to the cop haters but James was wrong with this one. The blanket policy thing is silly as he stated. He should have asked him about the incident with the whole story. The cop who pulled the gun on the journalist should have been fired but this didn't do shit to help get him off the street.

  3. What’s sad is he is probably the most intelligent “ law enforcement officer” you have ever encountered and he’s still pretty stupid.

  4. Assistant Chief Perkins (?) had some really sound reasoning and explanation about James policy change. You have to give him credit for that. His logic was solid, and I can’t argue with what he said really. I know he got sarcastic and played along with James near the end, but he didn’t appear to be a bad cop to me based on this video. He handled himself well in this situation honestly. Not many cops can handle James without getting angry and their ego getting the best of them.

  5. What if that journalist has a legitimate reason to shoot that police officer? Police show up when the crimes already over and done.

  6. That insert of the guy running away from the cop being shot multiple time was for what reason? Because he could run faster than the cop or the cop was just to damn lazy to run after him.

  7. Cops do not work for the public they work for Satans asshole "Government n Big Corporations".all for revenue and to fill up the jails n prisons again for revenue. Big money". In doing so they are allowed to rape take and murder anyone they choose. There's no such thing as a good cop.

  8. We sick nazi cops pull our guns on people who we dont like. Then we lie and criminalize any thing they say or do. That way we the nazi cops who kill innocent people look like heros to the blind of the blind

  9. as funny as this is i will say when the whole chop thing or 0 policed zone was going on it was kinda funny to see someone call the cops once the murders started to happen. cant live with them or without them tbh. sometimes the ppl who are anti cop are the 1st to call the cops when they need them. i do agree that theres way to much politics and corruption and ive herd that from many ex cops about how its going down the crapper. i do work for a guy who was a cop who decided to quit after they tried to frame him for stuff just because he wouldn't follow something stupid they wanted. if u are an actual good cop you will never see a promotion or anything and bad cops are rewarded

  10. Seems like the highest ups are hiding from people.. cause they know I'd they get questioned they could break and possibly lose their job. The one guy was pretty nervous.

  11. like ever cop they say they "proud to wear this uniform" but then are too embarrassed and or ashamed to say their last name while wearing it.

  12. Cop watching is the greatest act of public service they can be done at the present time (March 2021). More than serving in the military, and more than any other governmental position (the majority of which agencies are presently very corrupt). There's all sorts of bulls##t done by the FBI, CIA, and DHS – violating people's rights "monitoring" people —- when in fact the police ("cops") are the biggest transgressors of the law and the ones that need to be Monitored….

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