MASK ORDER – DENIED SERVICE FOR MEDICAL CONDITION – Caribou Coffee Colorado – Amagansett Press


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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


49 thoughts on “MASK ORDER – DENIED SERVICE FOR MEDICAL CONDITION – Caribou Coffee Colorado – Amagansett Press”
  1. All of the people who post their ignorant opinion(s) regarding this video obviously Don't Have Any Comprehension on what this channel actually stands for.

  2. In a private buisness they can do that. Is it right?? I dont think so. To me buisness is buisness. Make the company money and let them be on their way. They offer drive up so you dont need a mask for that. Thats an option. Sometimes people take things too far with their feelings and think they are rights and thats not true. Just food for thought. Good work Jason. Good luck with your next endeavors. 👍👍

  3. Dont pay these ppl any mind Jason. If the businesses don’t want to honor your medical exemption and if John Q. Public tries to ostracize you bc of it, boycott the business and ignore the foolishness. It amazes me how rude and disrespectful employees are while on the clock at their jobs and how they act towards the public. We as a ppl have to do better. Still a fan here AP, keep doing great work and stay safe!

  4. Guessing: your wife has an exemption too? I think she's not wearing a mask…
    From a boy who have lost both of his fathers here in Spain…

  5. @Amagansett Press
    The exclusive order has exemptions but it’s up to you to prove your exempt they won’t take your word of mouth cause they don’t know if you are telling the truth or lying to them.

    If you are exempt as the executive order says you need to get a doctors note saying you are exempt so you can prove you are & you would have no problems.

    Plus you do have a face sheld witch you do use in your videos to enter buildings you can’t with a mask that is covered as a mask as well.

    I’m in the high risk category cause I’m a kidney transplant patent & I’m also exempt cause I have severe asthma & my inhalers act as proof.

    Your doctor dosnt need to go into your medical history or explain your condition it just has to inform who ever you show it to your excempt.

    There have been one not wanting to wear masks & don’t believe in Covid who go to these places & only want to disrupt the stores & make a point so word of mouth means nothin

    Facts not every disability is exempt cause they can wear a mask that’s why you need proof.

    It only take 2-4 minutes to call your doctor get a doctors note you will have no problems.

    Wearing masks face shelds is to protect everyone cause anyone can have Covid & not know unless you have been vaccinated.

  6. From the beginning of this scamdemic, I chose to not patronize any business that requires that I cause injury to my own will bring by breathing through a warm most colony of waste and bacteria,, weakening my immune system. If they are stupid enough to not critically examine what is taking place and they are foolish enough to go with the flow, they can have the money of the brainwashed masses, however, I work hard for my money and I will gladly patronize establishments that care about their customers and are educated.

  7. All of you leftist that like face diapers just wear them and leave the rest of us alone. There are more reasons to NOT ear them then there are to wear them. The constant face touching is just one example.

  8. I had that shit a year ago, go lick a door knob and get it over with. Although then you'll be immune you can at least not live in fear like these crazies do. Downside is they'll still act like you're NOT immune, and demand you get the vaccine for something you're literally immune to. Because the 0.0000003% chance of recatching it is HIGHER in their eyes than the 10-40% chance of catching it post rna vaccine. To be clear, I am obviously not an 'anti-vaxxer' but I am absolutely anti-stupidity and people have become pathological with this stuff. This isn't the Spanish flu it was cracked up to be – in fact whilst it was an unpleasant flu it left me faster than ANY flu I have had (and I've had the works, avian, swine, all sorts of fun stuff almost always from China due to exposure at work) and yet this one was over in 4 days (I usually take 14+) yet they're all acting like it's the Spanish flu.

    The Spanish flu here killed so many people we had to BUILD a train line and station just to handle the dead bodies (Mortuary Station, still visitable on the odd occasion here) it killed so bloody many people. Meanwhile there's been under a hundred deaths in my country. It is a total non event. Ignore the hysterical twats. If you're obese and have sixty co morbidities, an oxy addiction, an amputated diabeetus foot, then sure get worried. But you should be worried anyway – about everything. Get healthy instead of getting worried. But otherwise if you're a normal person you should be alright. Ignore the examples of big buff gym guys who 'almost died' they left out they were polydrug abusers and one of them had AIDS. The probability of dying from this is lower than being hit by lightning where I live. Where you live it's somewhat higher, but that's because people are too fat.

    THAT should be the conversation you're having right now. Why are so many yanks dying like flies? Why are they so unhealthy? Maybe segue into why do women here have long plastic fake fingernails yet demand I wear a mask when women's fingernails literally caused 50% of all infant mortality in the OKC Children's Hospital Study (circa 2000) and that was PRE pandemic, so why are we being forced to wear masks and yet they can still glue plastic to their fingers when women's fingernails have literally killed more people in a single year than COVID has globally (per the same study).

  9. The exemption story smells like bullshit because does ALL of his family have medical conditions that mean they also can not wear a mask?? Total bullshit

  10. Completely agree with you. Taking the stance that the orders are BS is one thing however if you’re going to tell people that you follow these orders, these businesses should have to follow the exemptions as well.

  11. she has three people in her house with the flu NOT the made up covid 1984, the inaccurate PCR test will give a positive for the common cold and say covid!! certificate of vaccination ID is covid planned out in october of 2019 event 201.

  12. And this is the very exact reason why the numbers of infected people keep rising because there are so many people who are just plain ignorant and ignore this whole pandemic situation like nothing is happened. I thought you're a smart person but unfortunately you fall into one of those type people categories. Then I'm gonna ask you why do doctors and medical personnel all wearing a mask then?? Are you assuming that all of them are just stupid people who didn't have any prior medical training or education? If so, then why not you and the rest of these "anti-mask movement" people replace all of them and become a doctor instead.

    The masks are used to help reduce the spread of the infection from one person to the other. With you not wearing a mask/face shield, you're actually risking other people's life (and your family as well) because you can transmit the virus into other people, so stop being a selfish person dude. And btw what's so hard for wearing a mask for only 5 mins just to order some coffee? You're so self-centered and too full of yourself thinking that you're some kind of invincible human who are immune to all kinds of virus. Man..if you indeed have no virus then good for you but if it's the opposite then keep the virus to yourself and wear the damn mask and stop spreading more infection to other people. People like you are the main issue here why this pandemic keeps increasing and still going till these days, thinking that these virus are some kind of a joke to you and not taking it seriously.

  13. Why couldn't you just wear a mask? Have mad respect for ya, but this crap makes me lose it for you. Stop being ignorant and wear the mask. No medical condition is worstened by a mask unless you try to reuse one for a long time or have a clothe mask. I resubscribed, but and now unsubscribing because I forgot you don't respect others

  14. Doesn’t matter what your views are regarding masks.
    It is NO ONES business why you have an exemption.
    My friend was physically abused for many years by her husband, which included him holding his hand over her face to shut her up and stop her from breathing. She had a panic attack trying to wear masks while shopping. Her physician unequivocally agreed and she is exempt.
    We were shopping in our local grocery store where she was aggressively approached by the manager, staff and other patrons demanding to know why she’s not wearing a mask. Should she have to stop and explain?
    HELL NO! Stop being a mask bully! Mind your own business.

  15. The braindead brainwashed girl freaking out is about as aware as a fruit fly. The superior species on planet earth goes to dolphins and dogs, the award for most ignorant, defiant, violent, disfunctional form of life goes to, hands down, no contest, human beings. If one wanted to gather proof of no loving intelligent God or higher power, it would be pointing to humans as the absolute best example of evidence.

  16. I have read EVERY SINGLE comment on this video— 99% of these people are ABSOLUTE FOOLS. YOU MISSED THE WHOLE POINT OF WHAT HE IS TRYING TO EXPLAIN. The mask policy is in accordance with the Executive order. Within that policy is a clear medical exemption. This business chose not to honor that aspect of their own policy anyways.

    The business could also say that anyone with a green shirt isn’t allowed inside. Obviously, as a private business they exercised their rights. The point is that they DID NOT HONOR THEIR OWN POLICY.

    He tried to reason with them and ask them about the stated medical exemption and they chose to not care. He stayed only for a few minutes to allow the lady to contact her manager as to why they wouldn’t honor their own policy for the sake of common ground and understanding.

    So you know what he did? Did he demand service by refusing to leave? Nope. After he asked and tried to reason, he left IMMEDIATELY, causing no trouble. HE OBVIOUSLY (I have to reiterate for the dull-minded individuals that left pathetic nonsensical comments) UNDERSTANDS THAT THIS IS A PRIVATE BUSINESS WHICH IS WHY HE LEFT AFTER THE MANAGER CONFIRMED INSTEAD OF STAYING AND GETTING ANYTHING ELSE INVOLVED.

    I see people commenting why his family doesn’t have a face mask as well. If you’ve watched his other videos, he mentioned that his son has a medical exemption. As for his wife, he didn’t yet share her personal medical information with us (not that he even has to).

  17. I, too, am exempt from wearing a mask: I do not work for the executive branch of my state gov’t, nor is my existence a creation of the executive branch of said gov’t.

  18. People, I've got a question. If a fart can escape through your underwear and blue jeans which is a double layer of fabric, do you really believe that thin face diaper will stop Covid 19 droplets. It's not transferred by large droplets of spit. It's transferred by microscopic droplets in the air. The air conditioner stirs it up all over the place in the room. A face shield won't stop it, a cloth mask is not going to stop it and a plexiglass divider is not going to stop it. The air conditioning/heating system will blow the virus around, through and over them all. Your over the top fear is not going to save you either. People need to concentrate on what will help them prevent getting the virus. Eating properly, exercising and taking good care of themselves, so that they don't have these unhealthy, underlying conditions would help you the most. There's a greater risk of dying in a car accident than there is of catching covid-19 and dying from it. We need to stop letting the government and the media instill uncontrollable fear in us all. Just live your life, be free and stop believing the lies.

  19. "Executive order" Was it passed through the legislative body or is it just the governors word? If it's just the governor's word it's not law and doesn't have to be followed.

  20. Jerks with cameras all say they have a medical exemption. 🥴 Of course they never want to show their proof of exemption so we just have to believe them. I think it is very obnoxious of you to not comply to a very simple rule that everybody has to do knowing that medical exemption yeah right. And then give bad publicity to a struggling restaurant coffee shop that’s trying to stay in business just because you didn’t get your way. You should be told to leave. Tyrant

  21. If she is so scared to bring back "Govid-19 " to her family why is she working? The mask doesn't protect as well as folks think. Smh

  22. I have a friend who is on oxygen and is also medically exempt and can not wear a mask BUT because of this he trys to do everything possible to limit his exposure to the public. he gets home delivery for most of his shopping or has a friend go into the store for him. he wouldn't risk infecting someone to get a cup of coffee especially when there's a drive thru. he is medically exempt and technically should be allowed to go wherever other people are allowed, but he choses to do the moral thing and only go into stores when absouletly necessary. yes it's a pain and a sacrifice but the whole world is sacrificing right now. Jason should of done the moral thing, can't tolerate a mask, send Ben or his wife in to order the coffee. although I did notice his wife wasn't wearing one either so is she medically exempt to?
    I'm a huge fan but this video and the school bus video bother me….

  23. Its one thing for you to not wear a mask due to medical reasons, but you were in there with a woman who also didn't wear a mask and a taller man whose face was out of the video, could be your son and wife. Well if neither of you had a mask on, why are you surprised you didn't get served? I love your police interaction videos but this was little over the top, even for you.

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