My experience with bad cops explained along with how to view the entire concept of bad in any profession and getting rid of the notion that just because you’ve seen or not seen something on YouTube (or the internet) that it magically makes something objectively true for all people, all times, all places because of one persons perspective or experience.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


46 thoughts on “My Experience with Bad Cops”
  1. I have heard the same thing about access to use the LEIN system. But what about the automatic license plate reader that some cop cars are equipped with? It scans/reads every license plate without cause. Shouldn't that be illeagal?

  2. the "add"about sudam husan,,,,On your channel was horrific!!!!! Terrible…. Totally Left Wing Stupidity!!! I love Our Country And I love The Blue Lives… but that add was Terrible to US citizens… sorry. Nothing against you. Just thought you should know

  3. During all of this I kept thinking about the history of policing. Civilian police are a relatively new concept, started in Queen Victoria's reign by Sir Robert can't-remember-his-last-name. Before that the army maintained order, and order was all they were interested in. Justice? No. Not unless it was something obvious. Just everyone stay quiet. Wealthy districts hired their own security guards and were more interested in an orderly system of right and wrong. Then Sir Robert had this bright idea of a civilian police covering all of London. A great many people were opposed, tyrannical power, but Sir Robert had an amazing reputation for honest and morality and his "Bobbies" were accepted. A few years later people couldn't imagine life without them. From there, the idea of a civilian police force spread world wide. Yes, there are problems, but always, put the problems into perspective. Do we want to go back to the days of the army just keeping the streets quiet?

  4. Me personally, if I were a cop. I don't call out bad cops, but that doesn't mean I don't or won't do anything.

    If I were a cop and seen ine breaking the law, they get the same treatment everyone else does. That doesn't mean I like to do it. It probably won't get you any friends in the department.

    Most cops probably don't ticket or arrest other cops probably becuase they don't think they can, or they're afraid to. It can be awkward and embarrassing from both sides.

    One woman arrested a cop speeding, she was harassed by people in her department for it.

  5. Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. An observation that a person's sense of morality lessens as his or her power increases.

  6. too many cops are way too quick to spin just about anything into some kind of 'evidence' in order to secure arrests/convictions. this is what makes most cops bad and nearly all cops do it to varying degrees. yet they never get pulled up on it. this is so fucking wrong and you pigs are all very deserving of the bad rep you've made for yourselves. you can't expect to keep doing this shit and expect everyone to carry on like they're blind to it. undeserved convictions ruin lives just as much as any criminal behavior does to their victims, period.

  7. I think there’s definitely a big element of truth to the fact that if you don’t see it, you don’t believe it happens, or happens as often as it actually does. This occurs to me because I felt similar about things like stolen cars. I am trying to become a cop after college so I did a ride along with a family friend and over the course of the 10 hour shift I got good insight into how they operate. He particularly works on stolen cars and I got to see one arrest for a stolen car and an impound of a stolen motorcycle. IN JUST ONE DAY. It was eye opening to see how he operates to find stolen cars (which I can’t openly disclose his method) how often cars are stolen and how they are recovered. I didn’t think that even something simple as an arrest could be a daily occurrence for many officers, simply because I rarely if ever see it happen. So a big element of truth there. I love the channel, love cops, and appreciate everything they do, even though I might not like getting an occasional speeding ticket, if I broke the law, I broke the law, and it’s their job to enforce it as much as it is mine to abide by it. Anyway, like I said keep doin what you’re doin, and I love the channel and videos and hope to be able to do the job some day soon. stay safe out there.

  8. You really didn’t answer that guy’s question who was spamming . And you should never be so rude to your viewers. You probably made the guy feel like shit. People spam and he was probably doing it because you weren’t really interacting with the live stream audience.

  9. My grandpa was a sheriff he use to bring me fireworks that he would confiscate. In the sixties him and the fire chief and the police chief and some officers all got together one night because they wanted to try weed so they all smoked a joint on got all goofy.

  10. I have a question. In my home town police break a ton of traffic laws that they enforce. They speed like bats out of hell. They will flip their lights on just to run a red light. Hell, 1 JUST put his lights on to zip around all of the traffic at a red light. Then He flipped it off. I can never catch it on video. How can I still have faith in my local police force when they break the rules that they enforce?

  11. Plea deals are far more common than trials. I don't know exactly statistics for my state (Illinois) or nationwide, but I do know that the majority of criminal cases are resolved through plea deals. And we, as taxpayers, should be happy about this as trials cost quite a bit of money.

  12. 10 minutes into this video he is making a disclaimer statement. see in the comments that he wants people to watch the whole video before making a comment. most people watching this video most likely are already in one of two camps, cop haters and cop apologists. again, ten minutes in and still on the preface is just going to reinforce both camps on their views. maybe it gets better in the last twenty. for time spent speaking, that only leaves one situation or idea to talk about and ten minutes on the conclusion. that's if we say time on the subject is related to view on the subject.

  13. I didn't realize bad teachers and such had the power to gun you down and infringe on your rights and then get away with it. Any excuse for bad police behavior makes you a piece of shit too.

  14. I'm not the guy that shows up at the party without a solution just making trouble so, I have two ideas that would help all of us. 1 certain jobs are regulated for instance, Trucking, truckers are limited to hours of Duty because too many hours on the job could be dangerous. Airline pilots same situation. So you get the idea right. Maybe it's simply too many stressful hours at the most stressful job on the planet. 2 another way we regulate, doctors have malpractice insurance. I believe a form of malpractice insurance that includes the individual officer paying at least part of the premium. What do you guys think?

  15. You know I used to be in a biker gang there's about 50 of us. When one or two of them didn't measure up, it was a real quick process to get rid of them. Mike says good cops don't like bad cops so if it's maybe a hundred to one ratio why are there bad cops?

  16. Bodycams have helped a bit, but not a lot. Look at the hotel shooting of the unarmed man. Cop got away, free.

  17. I like what your saying. I just don't see it the way you do. Certain laws need to change that five cops more leeway than a citizen. If those laws make your job less safe then sorry be it. Don't like it go work at the post office

  18. Mike sometimes I agree with you sometimes I don't. With the Advent of the cell phone and video cameras it is becoming more and more prevalent that the percentage of bad cops is on the ridiculous side. Those so few bad cops affect millions of lives on a daily basis. With the media now watching everybody we see that they get off they do not get punished on the same scale as the average citizen. I guess somebody should start doing some statistics and really studying this because it does hurt society when you protect these so-called few that you say bad cops

  19. I grew up in an abusive household, the father always getting out of control beating the crap out of everybody, my mother telling me it's not that bad and smoothing it over. Hey Mike maybe you should listen a little more to Brian, you seem like a bright guy prove it

  20. Wait a minute let's go back to your example Mike of how few bad cops there are. So among the Thousand nearest cops around you you guys know of six bad ones, well and some of them might know one or two other bad cops. So
    900000 divided bye your example leaves us with only 20 or 30 thousand bad cops. You do the same math with Muslims, 1% of Muslims
    Are radical nutjobs, there are 200 million Muslims, you do the math then tell me we don't have a problem with thousands of policemen running around out of control f**** everybody over

  21. Taylor michigan? So you are saying if I get messed up at road rangers and try to drive home I could get busted by you?!? Would ALMOST be worth it. Lol.

  22. Also, Law Enforcement transparency has come a long way. One of the first Municipal police departments, the NYPD had to reform right from the beginning because of bad cops, which also shows departments, even from the beginning, had those those who misused their power and misfit their uniform, but they also were not tolerated. For the longest time, departments didn’t have the technology they have today that allows them to track and keep tabs on officers.

  23. There are multiple levels of crooked cops.
    Cops get the " blue express" ride home rather than a dui.
    Cops get to pick who they arrest in a situation. If one party who is the aggressor, knows some ranking cop, the cop can just arrest the other party who was not the cause because the cop suffers no harm by arresting the wrong party.
    Cops can turn a blind eye to wrongs by other cops and claim "I no see anything ".
    Power corrupts and when judges automatically believe cops, cops will get a authority complex of being god of the city.
    Cops get to write the report and can leave out anything they want that does not help them . With that kind of slanting, I could impugn anyone I want.

  24. But yet you can run plates all day long and that's fine. I do understand why that is it's because we contract with the state when we get plates and sign our name. So when a "sovereign citizen" argues that they didn't contract with the state. I understand their argument and believe it is a legit explaination. Because is it really necessary to have plates or a drivers license to operate a motor vehicle. Or is it a form of control in order to keep the masses in line. Peace 😁

  25. who ever you have behind the scenes needs to learn to keep his trap shut while you are filming its real annoying to hear someone talking in the backround

  26. The biggest problem with public perception of police officers is that we see the majority of them are out writing tickets and disrupting the public from going about their day rather than dealing with the bigger public concerns like getting drugs and gangs off the street and other crimes more important than writing a ticket

  27. I find that people that want to consider themselves victims are always going to be victims, whether it is their treatment by a cop, or in anything else in life. They don't want to take consequences for their own actions.

  28. Anyone that says the Daniel Shaver murder was a justified shooting, (like Mike the Cop did previously), isn't really able to tell a good cop from a bad one it would seem.

  29. a bad cop has the ability to do much more damage to a person's life than most of the other fields you talk about. Your argument is really weak…….Every cop should be held with suspicion.

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