NYPD 10 Officer Fired 62 Shots at Suspect June 2, 2020

NYPD 10 Officer Fired 62 Shots at Suspect June 2, 2020

#officerinvolvedshooting #nypd #NewYorkPoliceDepartment
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The New York Police Department 77th Precinct Released Body Camera (8) Footage from a Police-Involved Firearm Discharge that Occurred on June 2, 2020.

Tyquarn Graves, 33, was killed Tuesday night in Crown Heights shortly after cops said he shot and wounded another man — then refused to drop his weapon and moved as if he was going to fire at the 10 officers facing off with him, according to police.

“He had a gun in his hand. They saw it,” Chief of Department Terrance Monahan said shortly after the incident. “The officers gave orders for the male to drop the weapon. We hear the officers for over a minute — ‘He’s moving his hands, he’s getting up. He’s gonna go. He’s gonna go. Please drop the gun! Please drop the gun!’”

The NYPD on Wednesday did not provide further details, including how many times each officer fired and how many times Graves was struck, though up to 20 shots are heard on a blurry video of the scene posted on social media.

But Graves’ relatives demanded to know why so many cops had to open fire just to bring down one man.

“I mean, come on — one person?”

When officers got to the scene at Rochester Ave. and Dean St. outside the Kingsborough Houses, Graves had already shot and wounded another man, 49-year-old Terrance Colclough, police said.

Witnessed pointed out Graves, hiding up the block behind a tree on Dean St., at which point a group of 77th Precinct officers and Housing Bureau cops confronted him.

One Facebook video posted from the side of a nearby building shows flashing police lights while a woman can be heard exclaiming: “They gonna kill him.”

Several seconds later, several women can be heard screaming, “Drop the f–ing gun!” and “Drop the gun!” right before a barrage of gunfire drowns them out.

It was not clear what the original shooting was about. Colclough, who lives at the houses, was struck in the abdomen and is listed in stable condition. He has an arrest for assault and three for drugs on his record.

Colclough’s daughter-in-law says he works in a warehouse at the Navy Yard and that “he doesn’t get involved in stuff like this.”

Graves served six years in state prison for robbery as a juvenile offender and had other arrests for grand larceny, robbery and assault.

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38 thoughts on “NYPD 10 Officer Fired 62 Shots at Suspect June 2, 2020

  1. Whatever you do don't yell, "drop the gun!" Or a hail of bullets will follow! Wow! All those shots fired & only one struck him in the abdomen?! 🤔 Back to the practice range they go.

  2. I see three areas the NYPD could improve:
    1) Better marksmanship, they got 8% of the shots taken on target..
    2) No reason to have 10 officers all shouting commands and hyping up the situation.
    3) Pistol mounted lights!

  3. Heartbreaking 😢💔🤬 You can hear the anguish in each officers voice as they each pleaded with him to “drop the gun”, they all wanted more than anything for that guy to drop the damn weapon and give up without having to shoot him. They’re clearly not trigger happy. This is heartbreaking. Really. Now these officers have to live with the knowledge they took a life. A bad dude who just shot another person, but that doesn’t make the act of taking a life any easier to live with. I wish people understood that. 😩

  4. 911 operators can be combative and that needs to be trained out, I get that they have to draw out information as quickly as possible – but I hear a lot of attitude from operators and that’s not professional.

  5. Hey I have a very wild idea maybe homie should have dropped the gun would have lived to see another day and prolly run outta jail court house as our lovely tax payer system fails to keep them locked but what does it matter they wanted him dead bc he was a minority not bc he was an active threat with a possibly loaded gun and it’s hard to have X-ray vision to see that it wasn’t loaded this isn’t the comics this is the real world and it’s not fun

  6. Some dude with exactly the same blue hoodie and black sweatpants is sitting on a bench outside this adress in the projects court a year earlier on google streetview. Bet that's him.

  7. Sergeant Galvez's you have a hilarious sound that coming from your mouth… And when gun fight start you just get scare out of shitt until you relief you just shot nothing at all 🤣🤣🤣

  8. 62 shots may seem like a lot, but when you have more than a dozen police officers trained to react the same way in a situation it's not surprise to have dozens of shots fired… especially with no communication between the officers or anyone taking command to establish rules of engagement.

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