This video is for news and education purposes.
Link to original video without JF voice over on The Battousi channel
** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
Philly Finest City Wide Law Enforcement News
This video is for news and education purposes.
Link to original video without JF voice over on The Battousi channel
** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
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Speech therapy required
Who the fuck pays them then??????
The cop that pulled the gun needs to be fired. He's the bad cop that get good cops and good people killed.
We have to get rid of qualified immunity and we have to make these cops pay for their piss poor Behavior out of their own Pockets not the taxpayers.
Hes a hero and I send my regards for his struggle. I applaud his resolve
Now is the time for cops to turn around and just walk away. Don’t keep talking, he should know better.
This is beyond stupid
I do not give a damn about officer safety. I want ALLcops dead
look at this cop , you think that he is a man no he's not a man he's a coward like all cops they are nothing but dirty cowards
Time that these blue tyrants find another job
They are to terrified to do the job they have now maybe he should go working on chicken farms or someplace else because evidently they cannot do their jobs
i think guy should of killed the cops
The wild pigs are out of control
Police are evil parasites. Enemies of the Constitution of the United States. They're not your friends. They don't care about you. They just want to get you into their system somehow. Everyone in America is a criminal to them.
When I hear cops get seriously hurt or killed on the job I wonder it was probably their own fault
Tyrants pigs!!!! Thanks for the video James, you are the Man✨✨✨
Wow just walking over and handcuffing someone like a real fucking hero
Open carry is stupid. Creates problems and makes bubble wrapped heads call cops and people die. Conceal and carry is worth the effort of licensing. unless you wear a cowboy hat costume guy
Both of these dirty cops should be tied to an ant hill while there families are forced to watch.
I think these videos are entertaining sometimes , but is that really all you are after? Or is the goal truly activism for reform? What are you doing with my comment? If I say I think the police were completely in the wrong and that's why they really didn't do anything, so the cameras were an effectibe deterrence to them..what else do you have in mind of doing? The same audit over and over? Just in a different city or state?I would like to know what are the most efficient and productive way there is to produce the desired outcomes ,I think, to set the police were they should be as public safety officers not officer safety officers necessarily.
LEO: "For Officer Safety, I need to be aggressive and aggravate the free citizens I came here to protect while they are armed."
Dirty cops.
Where are these useless pigs ? It's said 15% of cops are bad ? The odds look so much higher once everyone starts filming, and they can't edit all the crap they do.
Officers safety is just an excuse to violate WE THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS!! Simply put!!! If any officer is so concerned about officer safety they should have never became a cop in the first place. They're the ones who are armed to the teeth with 3-4 extra magazines, body armor, Mace, tasers and the old school cops love to have the beating stick/billy club!! It's a true shame that our country has gotten this way and that the wrong people to be LEO'S are getting hired! In order to get a job that's highly paid (officers) doctors etc you should have to go through a lot of schooling and rigorous training!! Not this 6 months of academy and here you go guys, here's a bunch of weapons to kill anyone who asserts their rights and doesn't yield to "officers safety"!! I believe that every single person trying to become a cop should have a minimum of 2 years of law school if not 4 or more, have extensive psychological evaluations to see if they would be a danger to the people instead of upholding the laws that govern this country. They should also be re-taught the 1st law of the land, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and to have an in-depth understanding of the oath they're swearing when becoming an LEO!! Then of course regular ongoing training each month or quarter year!! It's very sad where our country is now and it's unfortunately heading in an even worse direction!!
Why and theeee puck would they handcuff before they investigate ?
Garbage in costumes
America the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT is under globalist occupation.
This man hasn't committed a crime the officer immediately drew his firearm and in so doing he committed aggravated assault. What the hell is so hard about waiting till somebody actually commits a crime. And the man doing this video doesn't even understand that this has nothing to do with the Castillo incident. Don't reach behind you after the officers yelling at you just sit still after you told him you have a gun. Precisely why that officer was found not guilty of doing anything and this officer committed a crime. The man is open carrying he is to be free of being harassed at all. What's that officer already had knowledge that this man should not be carrying a firearm, he should leave him the hell alone!
At no time is he required to even give him his information if he hasn't committed a crime. When did these guys forget all this shit. Somebody has to tell them this somewhere along the line. If they don't know it, they are remiss in their duties.
I'd hate to hear these pigs took a bullet
Is dude a lawyer or not
I hope he sues the city in those officers.
Two under educated LEO's. Blame the chain (of command)
What tyrants there was no need for all this were was the deesclation NONE to dumb cops all that and the guy was right he his there boss he pays there wages total disregard and disrespectful to these people and one women sat handcuffed in the back of the car take this 2 off the force they are not fit for purpose
These mfers can't wait to shoot innocent people
Tampa cops see a gun they shoot first ask questions later . They will tell you streight up they are the cops and no law in any law book supercedes what they say and they say no one else other than police are alowed to own poses or carry a fire are except the cops .
These guys are so scared.
What ashame , they should be hanged by their uniforms
Everybody in this video is nuts.
this is one case where the cop is right, the guy needs to keep his hands away from his gun.
More Stupid Thug Cops making an excellent case for this man too bring these thugs too court! Easy money indeed! Man could have died, at the hands of an incompetent, chicken shit, Thug Cop, while on his own property! exercising his Constitutional! Right
I'd say James doesn't have a firearm or a permit to carry a firearm because he can't pass a background check.
So stupid like a gun all of a sudden isn’t dangerous if it’s on the other side of a glass door. Real smart now u can get shot from where u can’t even see him. Lol
What happened to officers that had honor respect integrity and an ounce of fearlessness my goodness cowards
The only ones out of control and putting people in danger where the police.
Tyrants pigs!!!! Thanks for the video James, you are the Man✨✨✨