Please watch the entire video if you’re going to critique my viewpoint. I do not think that the end of this was handled “ideally” but I also don’t think most people understand the situation, but instead choose to believe the first thing they see, which is sad.

Police reports:

Shoplifting Video #1:

Shoplifting Video #2:

Sheepdog Nation Network:
INTRO MUSIC: “Wolfhunter” by Forensic.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


33 thoughts on “Phoenix PD Babydoll Breakdown”
  1. cops are such drama queens and they are so macho and tough when they outnumber you . get them one on one and they hide in their care and dont move or make a sound until back up shows up . then its off to the macho races again

  2. I would love for the president to put out an executive order to protect police officers. That when something is recorded and its a lie and people use it to make police officers lives more in danger. That you get minimum 2 years in prison. If its a lie.

  3. And from where the councilman gets that? From the cops? Is more accurate show the videos from the shop or from the police patrol. Nobody believes in words from police blindly.

  4. Yeah because cops never lie in their reports. Police reports aren't factual evidence. Stealing is wrong but what these pigs did is worse. Where are the body cams?

  5. Fuck King….
    Those cops escalated. That cop still lost his cool. He was crazed and out of his mind.
    Everything you said still doesn't excuse that officer from freaking out.
    If that cop can't keep his cool under pressure than he shouldn't be a cop.

  6. I can understand folk having a beef with law enforcement, but when people have to lie about them, then why the fluck are they even trying to be part of the conversation?

  7. Ok so I guess I'll be the only one playing the devils advocate, or the people advocate at this juncture. While I do respect your insight as an office Mike, I'm sorry, I don't agree with you here. I know you play the blue card because you're an ex cop, and you know what it's like to be in those situations, but you weren't there. And for you to sympathize with them simply based on a report is a little concerning. I agree, people should not respond with threats of violence against police as a whole, this is the biggest problem between law enforcement and the public, and there are way more good cops than bad, and those good cops are an integral part of our community, and we appreciate their hard work and sacrifice. But this situation is not one of the "good cop" situations. My point? We are just supposed to believe that because "In the report" written by the arresting officers, with little corroboration from any other witnesses, stating that they had several attempts to confront the couple before it elevated to this point, in my opinion, is complete bullshit. I have no doubt that you were an awesome and upright officer. But to write off this situation as an incomplete story that shows the cops did their jobs, just shows that you don't see it from the side of people that have been on the other side of that coin; more often than we'd like to be. The cops knew they were being recorded, you think they aren't going to try to cover their asses, knowing that this incident is going to be spread? Phoenix police have a history of being racists, particularly towards Blacks and Mexicans. I know, because I have had family members pulled over for no reason and hassled just because they were driving in a higher demographic. I grew up in LA during the Rampart scandal. So no, I don't buy that these two were in an elevated situation. According to the couple, they had left the store and realized their daughter took the doll after they left. So who's lying? Police have a lot of power, and they abuse that power, sometimes more often than you think. So I'm sorry, but even though I don't necessarily agree with the level of dialect that happened directly afterwards, I understand the frustration and anger with the public with some police departments. You mentioned that the report wasn't published to the public, well every incident of police brutality, crooked cops, evidence planting, unfair harassment, isn't in the public eye either.

  8. Disgusting that what you and your sheapal are if your gunna act as though all this derangement is completely justified. These cops act as though it was a personal attack on them. This civilization we hold so dear is soon to be dismantled with the would be protectors of peace acting like junkies with guns.

  9. Dude are you out of your fuking mind? Regardless of what had transpired, they obviously decided to surrender. What happened to professionalism? You have three cops with guns drawn screaming separate commands. What would of happened if he even looked like he was reaching for a weapon? You know for a fact that these adrenaline drunk enforcers would of lit that car up. Dude that cop was screaming at that guy from the top of his lungs. And where is the rationale thinking? Your gunna justify pointing guns at a pregnant passenger holding a baby? Then restrain her cause she is upset that her husband made a bad choice and the supposed protecters of the people made her feel like she and babies where about to die?

  10. Dude nothing you could say that justifies this mayhem. A clear cut case of improper training. The heavy jolt of adrenaline cops get in these situations is causing them to lose their shit and they need adrenaline training.

  11. cops lie on bk/br !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [body cams don't lie]. stealing is a minor crime in a "$" store!!!!

  12. They shoplifted? That’s a reason to act the way they did? Nah man, You say the “criminals” put the child in danger?? What about the cops pointing their weapons towards the direction of the child. Hear how scared the “criminals” are? Hear how ignorant the cops are? You can’t even say this isn’t about race. The cops would not have acted the way they did if the “criminals” were white. I’m not saying the perpetrators didn’t do anything, but the situation could have simply been handled like this: Stop them by waking up to their window and if they drive off, get the license plate number and issue a warrant for the persons arrest. Easy as that

  13. We all know that there are times when police overstep…this is not one of them. And for people knowingly perpetuate false narratives should be held accountable. If anything is to be learned from this situation is for all people "to wait till all the facts are known before opening the mouth, letting the fingers walk". As high school chemistry teacher taught us, put brain in gear before engaging your mouth. Thanks Mike for setting the story correct….and swearing at that point…who gives a rats ass!

  14. Thank you mike for reporting the whole story and not cherry picking parts of the story to further a political agenda the way news stations do

  15. I can’t believe how many times police officers have to give directions. I feel like every police Officer video that I’ve seen, the officer has to give every direction 10 times at a minimum.

  16. Bro they were both wrong he deserves to go to jail and the cops deserve to sit at a desk for six months and in that six months attend descalation class and I'm black.

  17. For $5 you can get the police report as a citizen
    which will open someone’s eyes, I can guarantee cops go colorblind when things escalate this high, they don’t care who you are or what color you are, they want you in control and in custody until everyone figures out what just happened

  18. I find this unlikely to be “just a shoplifting” call…if things escalate like this, the only thing you should do is listen and comply completely, then hash out what happened when the dust settles, don’t resist! Worst mistake so many people make, this IS happening, the best way to end the crazy is comply and DONT RESIST, things de-escalate so much quicker when you cooperate…then go get a lawyer

  19. Why are these videos ALWAYS in portrait, if you’re that aware to take a video, put the damn camera in landscape so we can see wtf is happening

  20. Literally less than 2 blocks from my house. I am surprised not. Apartment complex is called Coral Garden. And Yes, the "c " from coral has been taken a time or two…

  21. And from where the councilman gets that? From the cops? Is more accurate show the videos from the shop or from the police patrol. Nobody believes in words from police blindly.

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