unhealthy eat habits among cops is a serious issue, the amount of junk food they consume is obvious. They should also care about their love life, and stop hogging all of the dick donuts.

Check this out: “(92) Unhealthy Diet Unfit for Duty ”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKR80geZMJA –~–
Homeless people don’t receive the same treatment as those Frat Boys.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


  1. Hi Ricky lol awesome reaction. She know she looks stupid and no reaction. To the situation whatsoever . I think it's just cause there kid s

  2. It was drunk "deep" … in vino veritas. He won't be a cop like his dad because he knows it ruins lives and probably his homelife, too.

  3. You got more than SOME videos Rick! Sheeeit. That's fuckin wrong, straight up. They even high 5'd these lame 19 year old dorks after their cute dance and horahh. Dumb bitch didn't even think to ID them either. Most college frats I know of, are you know 18, 19, 20 & 21ish. But these goofy gitty mother fuckers were barley pushin 19 or 20. And she knew it. No Jr. or Sr. in college is gonna do that. That's all freshmen/sophomore shit for sure. They're def youngsters. SELECTIVE PATROLLING AT ITS BEST. Oh ya, and her voice was extremely annoying.

  4. this type of selective enforcement goes on in my neighborhood as well. I know many firefighters who were stopped for drunk driving who were just told to park their car and got a ride home from the cops. Same goes for another kid whos older brother was a cop. Cops showed up to one of his partys with underage drinking and when they found his brother was a fellow cop they left. Now if i walk down the street the cops will stop and search me for no reason and will even cite me for jaywalking or riding a bike at night with no reflectors.

  5. WOW … There it is for all to see. Selective Law Enforcement. The State Corporation needs to keep its jails full so it has devised a highly immoral plan to harass the down trodden street people. So, the police are obviously being told NOT to bother with the drunk and rowdy money spenders while they display open container right in plain view of for all to see. People, this is what a Police State looks like all right. I'll say it again … WOW ..

  6. Classic Ricky Munday Bitch serving up this authoritarian punk-ass Rodrigues a well deserved "BITCH" session. Haha, notice that bogus "to protect and to serve" on the Black & White vehicle door. To Protect and to Serve the State is what it is really all about.

  7. Dickieless Tracy Oath Breaker Bitch Cops that should be flushed down the toilet with her supervisors that allow this behavior to continue. Keep up the great videos.

  8. Ricky Munday, I have a question for you. You say you are a tattoo artist down there. So what do you think about your friends laid out all over the place tweaked out drunk as shit, panhandling, harassing and begging tourist for money. Those are your potential customers and they never want to come back to Venice beach because meth head dirty diseased drunk homeless people are laid out all over the place. They have no interest in getting jobs or helping themselves. You say they get warrants for not going to court and that just proves they get cited again for doing the same thing. Your business is being affected by these people and it is affecting the money that goes into your pocket. What do you think about that. If the police don't cite these people, then Venice beach will have thousands of crackheads laid out all over the place. That means everyone will be out of business including you. Maybe locking these people up will do good. Maybe they will learn and get their shit together.

  9. props to "necklace guy". spot on. can you imagine if there were no more "vultures" (that's what I call them) there? all the frat boys would go wild, and all the homeless would continue on peacefully, and Ricky would spend way less time eating vulture meat. vultures = parasites. what's that bad taste in your mouth, Rickey?

  10. They love to kick a person when they`re down and out .  It`s their way of wishing us a happy holiday .  FTP !

  11. My guess is that they issue homeless people citations or take them to jail is because tourists or any other people coming down there don't want to see some dirty crack head homeless person laid out on the boardwalk. It just so overpopulated with these homeless people who suffer from some type of addiction such as alcoholism. Maybe by taking them to jail, it would teach them to not do it again or maybe the courts will put them into some type of program to treat their alcoholism. When I see you talking to these homeless people, most don't appear to be sober. If I go down there, I wouldn't want to see some crack head laid out asking me for money to treat his drug or alcohol habit so why not take them to jail.

  12. wow you proved that point ! definitely selective ! everybody used to be able to drink in public in the past till they found out you can make money by doing legislation on drinking. everything has a law ! cops are just government henchmen. think a costume gives them super powers and they look for opportunities to put their hands on people and push them around. bully mentality and they love doing it. strange shit ! i hate bullies and i won't back down to one even if i get my ass kicked ! thats why i stay away from cops! nothing heroic !

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