Let’s talk about facts vs. fake when it comes to what happened in a recent off duty shooting in Dallas where a man tragically lost his life.

Affadavit: http://www.keranews.org/post/affidavit-reveals-dallas-officers-account-fatal-shooting-victims-attorneys-question-it

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


42 thoughts on “Race Baiting and Responsibility in Recent Off Duty Dallas Shooting”
  1. If I'm not mistaken she had a prior sexual relationship with the victim and failed to disclose that until she was called out on it… So she lied about the details in a homicides that she committed and the judge hugs her…. The incredible power of a white woman's tears I swear…. Let me or u kill an ex gf and claim it was an accident and I didn't know her and let's see how many hugs we get Vs years in prison we get from the ACTUAL JUDGE… that's the kind of CRAP we are tired of JUDGES DON'T GIVE HUGS TO MURDERERS EVER…. but some how SHE gets a hug FROM THE JUDGE after getting less than 10 years for manslaughter…. It's just a freaking joke and a slap in the face to REAL EQUALITY IN OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM…. And it happens way too often… And if you don't see than u are wilfully ignorant… I'M PERSONALLY AND LEGALLY responsible for EVERY ROUND that leaves my firearm and I expect the SAME for everyone else NO IF, ANDS OR BUTS…

  2. I'm a plumber of 25 years now and have never made a mistake……. oh wait a second…. Yeah you're right, I've made plenty of mistakes. Expensive ones also. Thank God my freedom could not have been taken away from them. Much love and aloha everyone.

  3. There are far too many otherwise sensible people who do believe that some people are killed by police merely for being black.
    But, where is the evidence.
    There are no cases like that.
    All the high profile BLM cases have aspects of justification.
    And the dubious ones end up with the cop being charged.
    This distorting society.

  4. Race baiting is the worst thing going on in America at the moment.
    Everyone except those with agendas is suffering for it.

  5. In this particular case, the shooting may justifiably be attributed to race because scholarly studies have shown that White cops are more likely to shoot an unarmed Black man than an armed White man when having to make a very quick decision. This is not an opinion, this is a fact. Race baiting does exist and is a very real problem, but I don't think this is an example of that. Anyone with a background in Psychology, which is a science, knows this to be true and has seen these studies.

  6. How is that so many that believe cops and do no wrong. Are trying to use logic to cover for Amber Guyger. You say she is a civilian too.

    How many civilians in past and present crime scenarios like this. Get three days out from the crime. Move their residents scrub their internet presents. One more since she is a civilian. Where was the search warrant for her place.

    Your affidavit of facts, had a entire weekend to be written. Where any argument against it wouldn't stand. Since it was done by the Texas Rangers.

  7. Mike the Cop now that some months have passed do you still feel the same way about this story? And when you say that's nothing to do with her being a police officer that statement in itself being a cop yourself you know that is not true right? And that statement you said about cops living in your community that is true if you are a cop in the Suburban town but since you are a michigander just like me you know that cops in Detroit don't live in the neighborhoods the majority of them some do the majority of them don't. And you say this phobia of cops is not based in reality maybe not from a white man's point of view but for everyone else that is not a white man this is not a phobia this is truth. And I understand why you feel that way because you don't experience it so for you to say that is an ignorant statement. And using the statement that doctors kill more people through medical negligence and circumstances then the police kill people is not a good comparison, because people willingly go to hospital on a far greater rate than people willingly go to the police. And like you said doctors don't willingly kill people but cops are trained to shoot to kill people and that makes your statement invalid.

  8. At this point in time, more information has become available, and of course Amber Guyger was first fired, and has now been arrested and charged with murdering Botham Jean. Among the details released to the public are numerous noise complaints that Guyger had made against Jean, over a period of time. Apparently Jean lived in the apartment directly above Guyger's, and it seems that she had some kind of an ongoing issue with him. I can't read the mind of the district attorney, and the case hasn't gone to trial yet, but it's starting to appear as though Guyger had a temper tantrum over Jean's loud music, and went upstairs and shot him over it. So as you suggested in the video, it doesn't appear to have had anything to do with race, or romantic relationships, etc. It looks like just a good old-fashioned dispute between neighbors over loud music, that turned deadly.

  9. i remember when I was a teen (14-15) I was visiting my aunt. I was on my way back from watching the gator in the pond took a turn too son and walked in to the wrong apartment.

  10. This whole video is wrong and bias it’s hilarious. When you become law enforcement, you become more then just a civilian 😂😂😂…. Civilians don’t have a duty to respond in extreme circumstances but as law enforcement you are required because you have the training to handle those situations and are held to a higher standard. You say you won’t justify her reasons for killing this innocent man but you still try and justify it. To also say race isn’t a factor or race baiting is evil is also wrong, you just sound ignorant to this countries history of treatment of blacks and minorities.

  11. Mike the issue is that police are trained to feel like society is against them and that their life is always in immediate danger. This is alienating police from society and causing deaths like this. More Americans have died to police in 2018 alone than to middle eastern terrorists in the past 10 years!

  12. If a citizen went through the same "bird's eye view," what would the consequences be? Would it be called negligence and manslaughter, or murder?

  13. translation: I can’t pronounce his name, nor do I care what the victim’s name is…he’s not human to me.

    You enforce Immoral laws. You and yours get away with murder.

  14. The same laws that apply to me should also apply to LEOs.

    If I were to mistakenly enter the wrong house in the dark (I would not have as I always have a flashlight) and came across someone and immediately shot him / her to death. I would not be allowed to get my stuff from my house, I would have been immediately cuffed, and hauled off to jail. I would be quickly tried and convicted of murder or manslaughter. And no one would defend my actions.

    I find it hypocritical of you to start off saying that you would not defend her actions, then spend most of the video excusing her actions and justifying her behavior.

    You actions here are just reinforcing the stereo type of cops covering for cops. You should be better than this Mike. You know if anyone other than a Cop and being female will just get her more protection, would have done what she did this would be an open and shut case. You would not defend my actions had I done what she did and you know it.

  15. Look at this IDIOT actually trying to DEFEND the idiot cop who ILLEGALLY went INTO ANOTHER PERSON'S HOME, and KILLED THE HOME OWNER!!! GODDAM, you just can't make this shit up:

    "It makes sense in MY head"… "I have pulled out a surprising number of people in the wrong apartment. Surprising." "Soo…" "Ju, duh, I even have a cop that I went to the academy with, he was at his parents' house, and somebody came into his house drunk—his parents' house—thinking it was his—it happens—it absolutely one hundred percent happens" — Comments courtesy of Mike the Idiot Cop.

    What Mike the Idiot Cop is trying to say here, is that even when a cop enters the wrong home and shoots and kills the home owner, Hey, that's A-Okay, because shit like this happens—SHIT, even Mikey knows someone who did something to someone like that to someone before, some cop he has in his basement, I guess (I even have a cop that I went to the academy with), so shit, since Mikey says it, IT MUST BE just the fucking norm.

    HELL, idiot cops walk into the wrong house ALL the time, kill the owner, and it ain't no big deal. The point is, don't WORRY about it, man! This is just normal cop shit ("I have pulled out a surprising number of people in the wrong apartment."). I mean, SERIOUSLY, why you care that a cop went into the wrong house, which happens ALL the time, and shot the owner of the home?

    "I even have a cop that I went to the academy with, he was at his parents' house, and somebody came into his house drunk—his parents' house—thinking it was his—it happens—it absolutely one hundred percent happens." – Mike the Idiot Cop – (BTW how the FUCK does this comment have FUCK-ALL to do with the actual occurrence, you know, the subject of this idiot video?)

    Mikey, I mean, seriously… Do you REALLY want me to keep owning you over and over…? Do you REALLY… ?

    BTW, Mikey, do you know that your YT name should really be Mike the Cop NOT Mike The Cop?

  16. Goddam dude, as I listen to more and more of this BS video, it's just like REALLY????? It was a MISTAKE ("when no intent was there and it was a mistake" – Mike the Idiot Cop) ???? So she just pulled a gun out and shot it, but according to you there was no intent???? And you say this shit just happens???? The cop above-the-law-bitch walked into a home that wasn't hers, shot and killed the guy, wasn't charged for days, and STILL isn't in any serious trouble—THE END. Mike the Idiot Cop, you know damn well that if a CITIZEN (NOT a COP) did this same thing, and you were called to the scene, YOU WOULD BE TAKING HIM/HER TO JAIL to await sentencing for PRISON. That is a FACT Mikey, that you can't argue with. Remember what I said about owning you. And then I want you to remember this:

    "Mike The Cop havent you heard its the new repardehteannz
    Kinda lik wen du git dah fee chuda fum de wite dehveals butt defeant weza gjtta oownd somm dem dehvils firt

    That's one of your supporters. Did I mention it's going to be fun owning your ass? And I don't even have to make videos, all I have to do is type. Or, I'll even do you one better, all I have to do is copy and paste the comments of your idiot supporters.

    I expect you'll just ignore me now though, because you ignore it when your supporters make "jokes" about gays, autistics, and cop murderers, so it's to be expected.

    Good luck!

  17. Mike the Cop, I want you to imagine something… I know it’s probably difficult and makes your brain hurt, but I want you to try… Mikey, I want you to imagine your home right now. I want you to imagine your wife, your kids… Whatever the case may be, Mikey, I want you to IMAGINE that you have a home and a family, and I want you to imagine ME walking into your home, and shooting one of your kids and killing them. I want you to really think about that, let the scene spiral in your head for a few minutes, the brains of your child splattered all over your living room.

    Then I want you to imagine that I’M a cop, and I walked in and shot your kid, shot the little idiot because the little idiot didn’t obey my verbal commands, and I thought it was MY home, but it wasn’t. And I want to know what YOU would do, Mikey, if I walked out and wasn’t charged for DAYS? Just because I’m a cop? And after all THAT, I’m only charged with manslaughter. AND, I didn’t even lose my cop job until days later.

    Mikey, Mikey, MIKEY, if you don’t realize that this whole incident is full-of-shit-BS BECAUSE the shooter was a cop, then you are… EXACTLY what the police are looking for!!! Come on in, Mikey, get that cop position, be a cop, don’t listen to those facts there, MIKEY. Whatever you do, DO NOT let the FACTS get in your way!!! Take up for those corrupt cops, Mikey, ALL cops are innocent, no cops do anything wrong, the whole police system isn’t built on a crooked foundation, you are the light, Mikey, you are the way!!! COPS are the pinnacle of goodness, cops NEVER do anything WRONG!!!

    Isn’t that right, Mike the Idiot Cop? You don’t trust any of those witness statements, I don’t either, I ONLY TRUST YOUR WORD Mike the Idiot Cop!!!

    Don’t forget to give your supporters a big kiss!

  18. MURDER!
    You are reading the "facts" given by a biased police department.
    #1 What "off duty" cop is wearing a uniform?
    #2 Being a "trained" officer of the law should not affect the light charge she was given.
    #3 Why did it take 3 days to bring her in to question her?……and why was it the next county over that initiated the warrant?
    #4 What would have happened if he shot and killed her when she barged into his apartment?
    Double Standard!
    One sided speech.
    So…… They issue a search warrant for his apartment for "narcotics"…. Before they even question her?
    It does seem like the news and the police are making it about "race".
    The protest that occurred was a very diverse crowd yet on the news they showed only black people (which makes one think it's a race thing)..
    The problem is DPD can not find any good officer's with proper training and high IQs.
    This is not the first shooting incident involving the police this year in Dallas.

  19. Waste of time putting this out before half the facts came out. This was no accident and you became part of the propaganda. You really should've waited before speaking on this.

  20. Being a born and raised Texan I heard the words "Texas Rangers" and went "Oh shit!" but it goes to show how seriously it's being taken, which it should be. It's a shame that it happened and its a sad loss.

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