I hope Tom Cruise doesn’t come after me with his voodoo magic.
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INTRO MUSIC: “Wolfhunter” by Forensic.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


36 thoughts on “Random Street Conversation with Scientologist”
  1. I don't understand how a sworn police officer can get away with such bigoted behavior towards a entire religious community. Especially when there are quite a few Scientologists who are themselves police officers and they, like Mike the cop, put their lives on the line every day. Such behavior coming from a cop only serves to ferment hatred and prejudice towards Scientologists. This is especially disconcerting in light of the recent violent attack on a Church of Scientology in Inglewood, California where an armed individual shot up the place and injured people, and then ended up getting shot dead by police. A police officer should be more responsible with what he/she says on a public forum like this.

  2. Haha, what a silly religion. Unlike my own which is based on FACTS and REASON! lol

    I kid of course

  3. Saving every Man and Every Woman one special underwear at a time! A true patriot fighting for a more informed future! Ridiculous beliefs are by definition deserving of ridicule.  If you slack they come back….10x more ridiculous.

  4. As a Scientologist I don't appreciate you degrading my religion which you know nothing about. I bet you wouldn't talk about Muslims or Christians in this way even though many things in those religions are as crazy sounding as things in Scientology. Like eating the flesh of Jesus and drinking his blood. Doesn't that sound kind of crazy if you think about it? And what about believing in some all powerful being(Which most Scientologists do also believe in I will add)? I'm in no way against Christians but many things in Christianity are as "crazy" as things in Scientology. And I'm a normal person not one of those crazy libtards constantly trying to take our rights(as you probably envision us, even though almost all Scientologists are conservative, pro gun, and pro police). If you keep making videos blindly degrading Scientology I'm unsubbing. I understand the religion isn't for you and all but she was just trying to spread our religion, much like Christian churches go out in groups and try to recruit people.

  5. I'm curious, Mike the cop. Why do you consider Scientologists to be whack jobs? Don't all religious people believe in crazy notions? Also, you should know that quite a few of your fellow officers are in fact Scientologists, especially here in Los Angeles. It must be quite disconcerting to know that there could be that many whack jobs serving on the force and risking their lives every day just like you do. I wonder what they would think if they knew that they were serving with a fellow officer who views them as whack jobs. I love what you're doing on this channel, but I think you really dropped the ball this time. Then again, your stated goal is to humanize police officers and the uniform and you've done just that with this video by reminding us all that no human being, not even an awesome guy like you, is perfect.

  6. "Which planet am I going to end up on" ? That was rather rude and shows how ignorant you are when it comes to what Scientologists believe. I run into Christians all the time who offer me pamphlets and I simply say "no thank you" and move on, even though they believe that Jesus actually walked on water, which is no more and no less ridiculous or hard to believe in than the notion of Extraterrestrial life. (even though some scientists believe that the latter is possible) But to each their own I guess. Also, whatever else one may say about Scientologists, they are very pro law enforcement and are very supportive of police officers in their community.

  7. I used to live in Clearwater right down the street from their headquarters and worked for a media company ran by them years ago. Every other day I came to work there'd be some Scientology book on my desk. Weird bunch. Their eyes were always dilated. Creeped me out!

  8. Cool! It looks like your beliefs of what Scientology is are completely based off HBO documentaries, rumor, and zero experience with actual Scientology! Nice. They do nothing to deserve this kind of rudeness, and from a cop, of all people.

  9. If scientologists are whack jobs, what do you consider Islamic extremist? Or don't you dare say what they are because it's politically incorrect?

  10. yes…. they are not only whack jobs.  but if that church gets pissed at you they will protest in front of your home.   They are very aggressive when it comes to revenge.

  11. Mike you should have a little more “sensitivity” 😂 I’m joking. If you haven’t already, watch the series on A&E that is some crazy stuff. They are psycho

  12. Mike The Cop…better watch it Mikey, lil davey miscavige may send xenu (or maybe tom cruise) after you lol.

  13. I took a free personality test at a Scientology "church". The guys "working" there were salesmen selling me their religion.

  14. I live in Clearwater, FL – right beside Tampa. Clearwater is like their east coast capitol. They own most of it. AND they're little more than rich cultists.

  15. Ugh. You're confusing Scientologists with Mormons. We're the ones with the underwear, and no alcohol. And we don't wanna be associated with Scientologist weirdos!

  16. Go watch:VISITING BILL METZGER-DALLAS COUNTY COURTHOUSE PRECINCT by johnny five 0 to see 2 heros stand up to a ROIDED UP cop.awesome and commendable.1st Amendment Audits show how police typically conduct business.im sorry but people can debate all day about police roles and corruption but these 1st Amendment Audit videos that come out everyday,multible times a day really say it all.very sad,very scary.

  17. Come walk through the portal with me Mike. We can talk about Russians, feelings, diretics(?), and umm…portals? And clean underwear.

    Also, if they send you envelopes with paid postage…send them heavy rocks. 👍 You know..for energy and clarity.

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