According to information available from Baltimore Sun:
City officials condemned a viral video that captured a Baltimore Police sergeant being kicked by onlookers as he struggled to restrain a male on the ground Friday night.

“I am outraged, as any resident of Baltimore should be, by this incident,” Commissioner Michael Harrison said in a statement Saturday. “We cannot, and will not, allow any member of the public, or one of our officers, to be assaulted. We are now working to identify everybody involved and, when we do, they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

Harrison said that just before midnight, a sergeant was doing a business check in the 1500 block of Pennsylvania Avenue when a person in the business became argumentative with the sergeant and spat in his face.


** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


43 thoughts on “Should Baltimore Cops Riot and Loot Now?”
  1. UPDATE (Since nobody else seems to be doing so): Turns out the officer lied He actually started the fight and was making an wrongful arrest. He has been charged criminally.

  2. Now that George Floyd happens, I can understand why the bystanders intervened. The cop was on top of that man, apparently making it difficult for him to breathe, so the bystanders tried to get the cop off him.

  3. Maybe they were in fear for their lives? At least they didn't shoot him 17 times. You had it right, thin blue line IS us against them, it IS a wall of silence when police misconduct occurs. Just the title of your video shows your complete racism and ignorant views. Whenever a community has been brutalized by police officers excessive force and brutality, often there have been riots. You and your type (blue line gangsters) would of course marginalize a community's outrage, it is directed at your gang.

  4. The Sergeant in this video is an Ex-Marine and he kept calm. If the Sergeant wanted to hurt all of them he could've, them small kicks did not phase him.

  5. And this is why I couldn't be a policeman, I would have lost my temper and fired Into all of them, especially after being kicked repeatedly, I would have snapped.

  6. I suggest cops call in with the Wuflu. No need to riot. All the prisoners the lefty held areas are releasing will do that.

  7. Everyday I hear about how dangerous being a cops is. But they are not in the military. They can go work at a post office. Their safety should have no bearing on my constitutional rights. Maybe if cops didn't have special laws just for them, or if they didnt investigate themselves people would respect them more.

  8. So I just wonder, why don't massive amounts of police officers protest and just simply refuse to enforce victimless crimes. Jay-walking, tag lights, marijuana, bicycle lights, most drugs, seat belts, window tint, video recording, expired registration and inspection, all the dumb little things that aren't hurting anyone, except the poorest amongst us. They get fined or jailed, they lose their jobs, their cars, their freedoms and yet they hurt no-one. They can't afford the fines, or probation fees or the impound fees so eventually they get their drivers license revoked or get warrant, but they still are dependent on their cars to work and pay rent. So many people get trapped in this frankly ,evil system and the cards are stacked against them to get out. You're creating criminals out of peaceful people. Then when a cop comes around them, they're naturally defensive. You would be too. You, at that point are a direct threat to them. It's not personal, but no-one wants to be thrown in handcuffs and put in a cage knowing more fines and fees are coming their way. I'm friends with police officers and they've told me how they can't wait to retire so they can smoke weed again; and yet they arrest people for weed daily. You're ruining their lives and I don't believe that cops really believe that weed hurts anyone. So when I hear the auditors on youtube (almost all of them are ridiculous provocateurs and hurt the very cause they think they're helping), but when I hear them refer to cops as order followers and Nazi's, that's what they mean. Cops aren't Nazi's, but if you're willing to inforce and inflict pain and suffering on others who haven't inflicted pain and suffering on anyone else, then "Peace Officer" is not a proper description. It's really dark to me. So why don't the police stand up for the people and just refuse to enforce those laws. Lights on a car, just tell them their damn light is out and drive away. Why is that automatically, in so many cases, just an excuse to run their names and search them and their car hoping to find a drug so they can be arrested and enter that evil system. Hey sir, you're light's out. Then go find real crime. That's the disconnect. That's the stupid blue divisive line. If you're jobs were to actually solve crimes and protect people and not focus on the money generation part, everyone would see you in the same light they view firefighters. Of course, that would also mean that we wouldn't need half the cops we have because little things would no longer be crimes. That also means that money would start to dry up and the pensions and salaries of all the bureaucracy of law enforcement would be affected and that to me is why everything is illegal. It's a giant ponzi scheme and the only way to keep it going is to keep it growing. I know there's real crime and bad people and people that want to hurt others and rob others and such, but so much of the animosity between the cops and the citizens is self inflicted. People are starting to really stand up for their rights and demand change. Why don't the cops do the same? Where's the brave cops that will call a press conference and encourage fellow cops to stand up and refuse to harm innocent people anymore. And like it or admit it or not, that Stupid Blue Line Flag is as divisive as it gets. It's your side and my side. That combined with the fact that police look exactly like our military now, creates a huge problem. So in the description of the video above, it says the citizen became argumentative. What was the argument about? Did the cop harass an innocent person who stood up for himself which pissed the cop off so he escalated the situation and put his hands on the guy and try to detain him? When the guy resisted a BS detainment he was thrown to the ground in front of everyone because an ego was on the line? Why would the crowd not help the cop? Did they see the cop was to blame for the situation? It's kinda important to know that. If the cop had an ego and started a fight, then the crowd is justified. There's literally hundreds of videos from all across the US showing excessive force of cops beating the shit out of people who only threw words at them. If the citizen just for no reason spit in his face, then that's not justified and anyone who's kicking the cop should be punished, but a tiny little video segment doesn't tell much of a story and Baltimore of all places is known for corrupt police. How many videos have we seen where a bunch of cops jump on a person that's fully subdued as theyre all creaming stop resisting and the citizen is crying out for help. There has to be outrage for both. The value of the life of the person on both sides of that stupid thin blue line, are equal and thus that stupid thin blue line should go by way of the swastika.

  9. I'm a software engineer who gets a lot of interest from recruiters asking if I want to work in state xyz. I love replying "It's against my moral standards to work in New York or California!"

  10. I’ve been retired 21 yrs and have been in that officer’s position a time or two. Baltimore, b/c of their corrupt politicians, is a broken & VERY corrupt city. I wouldn’t blame every Baltimore city cop for walking off the job but they have families & mortgages like everyone else.

  11. The people riot in the streets when the cops don't do their job and/or kill UNARMED CITIZENS. Keyword…UNARMED. We hold police to a higher standard than we do civilians, RIGHT?

  12. He should have started shooting . That’s why I’m not a cop I would not have the restraint to not use my weapon in this case

  13. To all you dick licks that like this video, this makes just as much senseas taking all the body camera footage from officers that had to fire their weapon and kill a civilian while on the job and edit all those to where they're just shooting people in giving no disclosures on anything else. how do you think the public would react to police officers when all they see is police officers shooting people and not why. this is a snowflake video to get people to react to something they don't know what's going on, snowflake move

  14. I’m surprised that he didn’t draw his service pistol to make them all back up cause I know if I were him I would have done that and then called for backup

  15. All that cop had to do was stand up and shoot one round into the ground and everyone would have back tf up really fast and it would have been acceptable because there were like 12 people there all beating the crap out of the officer. New tactic to get a group of people to back off just shoot once and then start handcuffing.

  16. Voluntarily suit up?! Are cops working for free, now? It's a job they applied for. If you don't like your job or the associated risks, find another one.

  17. This is disgraceful! Ignorance at its finest! I hope backup arrived and arrested the dirt bags standing around that assaulted this officer. I've heard Baltimore is under a lot of scrutiny regarding lack of law enforcement.

  18. I apologize for these f¥£clef up kids or adults.
    We screwed up big time in raising these
    Kids . Lost souls.
    But most young people
    We’re raised better and respect police.

  19. Notice since Obama is gone you don’t see a fraction of “police race brutality” like they blasted when he was in office. I think he was trying to turn America into a war zone

  20. Deplorable conduct by so called citizens. Great way to earn respect you morons. And, then there is travis eastlick, seriously? For the money and ego trip? Dude, you are an idiot.

  21. That's disgusting ! Laughter while they kick the officer. Then when an officer is filmed throwing body strikes there's a huge outcry of brutality.

  22. Do what they did here in Seattle – everyone eligible for retirement leaves, the rest look for new jobs, civilians don't apply to work on a police force that isn't appreciated or supported. Recruitment standards are lowered. Socialist politicians wonder WTF is going on.

  23. Black people are 1000x more racist against white people than 95% of white people are to them. Yet they think they're fighting against racism? My brain can't quite comprehend that logic

  24. "Mag dumping" is only going to reinforce the issue between cops and the community. Should they be charged for their acts absolutely. At some point though the relationship between the police and the community has to change

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